BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterNOPUSH: Add a tool to measure thumb extraction statsPřemysl Eric Janouch3 months
origin/masterBump version, update README.adocPřemysl Eric Janouch3 months
thread-safe-cmm-wipWIP: Thread-safe colour managementPřemysl Eric Janouch14 months
v1.0.0fiv-1.0.0.tar.gz  fiv-1.0.0.tar.xz  fiv-1.0.0.zip  Přemysl Eric Janouch3 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2025-01-01NOPUSH: Add a tool to measure thumb extraction statsHEADmasterPřemysl Eric Janouch2-0/+431
2025-01-01NOPUSH: Avoid JPEG enhancement within the TIFF/EP loaderPřemysl Eric Janouch1-2/+3
2025-01-01Bump WuffsPřemysl Eric Janouch1-0/+0
2024-12-23Bump version, update README.adocv1.0.0origin/masterPřemysl Eric Janouch3-2/+5
2024-12-23Improve packaging directory structurePřemysl Eric Janouch1-1/+2
2024-12-23Improve MSI package namesPřemysl Eric Janouch1-2/+4
2024-07-27Update a commentPřemysl Eric Janouch1-0/+2
2024-07-10Fix argument order in g_malloc0_n() usagesPřemysl Eric Janouch1-1/+1
2024-07-10Do not rely on a particular CWD on WindowsPřemysl Eric Janouch2-3/+21
2024-04-22Fix reverse image searchPřemysl Eric Janouch1-2/+2