diff options
3 files changed, 97 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/README.adoc b/README.adoc
index 595ac4b..56eecb8 100644
--- a/README.adoc
+++ b/README.adoc
@@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
'pdf-simple-sign' is a simple PDF signer intended for documents produced by
-the Cairo library. As such, it currently comes with some restrictions:
- * the document may not have any forms or signatures already, as they would be
- overwritten
- * the document may not employ cross-reference streams, or must constitute
- a hybrid-reference file at least
-The signature is attached to the first page and has no appearance.
+the Cairo library, GNU troff, ImageMagick, or similar.
I don't aim to extend the functionality any further. The project is fairly
self-contained and it should be easy to grasp and change to suit to your needs.
+See the link:pdf-simple-sign.adoc[man page] for information about usage.
+The rest of this README will concern itself with externalities.
-Build dependencies: Meson, a C++11 compiler, pkg-config +
+Build dependencies: Meson, Asciidoctor, a C++11 compiler, pkg-config +
Runtime dependencies: libcrypto (OpenSSL 1.1 API)
$ git clone https://git.janouch.name/p/pdf-simple-sign.git
@@ -30,15 +27,6 @@ In addition to the C++ version, also included is a native Go port:
$ go get janouch.name/pdf-simple-sign/cmd/pdf-simple-sign
- $ ./pdf-simple-sign document.pdf document.signed.pdf KeyAndCerts.p12 password
-If the signature doesn't fit within the default reservation of 4 kibibytes,
-you might need to adjust it using the `-r` option, or throw out any unnecessary
-intermediate certificates.
Contributing and Support
Use https://git.janouch.name/p/pdf-simple-sign to report bugs, request features,
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index ec6c73b..57be9e1 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -10,3 +10,14 @@ cryptodep = dependency('libcrypto')
executable('pdf-simple-sign', 'pdf-simple-sign.cpp',
install : true,
dependencies : cryptodep)
+asciidoctor = find_program('asciidoctor')
+foreach page : ['pdf-simple-sign']
+ custom_target('manpage for ' + page,
+ input: page + '.adoc', output: page + '.1',
+ command: [asciidoctor, '-b', 'manpage',
+ '-a', 'release-version=' + meson.project_version(),
+ '@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@'],
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: join_paths(get_option('mandir'), 'man1'))
diff --git a/pdf-simple-sign.adoc b/pdf-simple-sign.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bc3227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pdf-simple-sign.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+:doctype: manpage
+:manmanual: pdf-simple-sign Manual
+:mansource: pdf-simple-sign {release-version}
+pdf-simple-sign - a simple PDF signer
+*pdf-simple-sign* [_OPTION_]... _INPUT.pdf_ _OUTPUT.pdf_ _KEY-PAIR.p12_ _PASSWORD_
+'pdf-simple-sign' is a simple PDF signer intended for documents produced by
+the Cairo library, GNU troff, ImageMagick, or similar. As such, it currently
+comes with some restrictions:
+ * the document may not have any forms or signatures already, as they would be
+ overwritten,
+ * the document may not employ cross-reference streams, or must constitute
+ a hybrid-reference file at least.
+The key and certificate pair is accepted in the PKCS#12 format. The _PASSWORD_
+must be supplied on the command line, and may be empty if it is not needed.
+The signature is attached to the first page and has no appearance.
+If signature data don't fit within the default reservation of 4 kibibytes,
+you might need to adjust it using the *-r* option, or throw out any unnecessary
+intermediate certificates.
+*-r* _RESERVATION_, *--reservation*=_RESERVATION_::
+ Set aside _RESERVATION_ amount of bytes for the resulting signature.
+ Feel free to try a few values in a loop. The program itself has no
+ conceptions about the data, so it can't make accurate predictions.
+*-h*, *--help*::
+ Display a help message and exit.
+*-V*, *--version*::
+ Output version information and exit.
+Create a self-signed certificate, make a document containing the current date,
+sign it and verify the attached signature:
+ $ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Test" -nodes
+ -keyout key.pem -x509 -out cert.pem 2>/dev/null
+ $ openssl pkcs12 -inkey key.pem -in cert.pem \
+ -export -passout pass:test -out key-cert.p12
+ $ date | groff -T pdf > test.pdf
+ $ pdf-simple-sign test.pdf test.signed.pdf key-pair.p12 ""
+ $ pdfsig test.signed.pdf
+ Digital Signature Info of: test.signed.pdf
+ Signature #1:
+ - Signer Certificate Common Name: Test
+ - Signer full Distinguished Name: CN=Test
+ - Signing Time: Sep 05 2020 19:41:22
+ - Signing Hash Algorithm: SHA-256
+ - Signature Type: adbe.pkcs7.detached
+ - Signed Ranges: [0 - 6522], [14716 - 15243]
+ - Total document signed
+ - Signature Validation: Signature is Valid.
+ - Certificate Validation: Certificate issuer isn't Trusted.
+Reporting bugs
+Use https://git.janouch.name/p/pdf-simple-sign to report bugs, request features,
+or submit pull requests.
+See also
+*openssl*(1), *pdfsig*(1)