diff options
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gdb-experiment.go b/gdb-experiment.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..893d5b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-experiment.go
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// Non-optimizing Brainfuck compiler generating binaries for Linux on x86-64;
+// gofmt has been tried, with disappointing results
+package main
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "strconv"
+const ( RIGHT = iota; LEFT; INC; DEC; IN; OUT; BEGIN; END )
+var info = []struct {
+ grouped bool
+ name string
+ {true, "RIGHT"},
+ {true, "LEFT"},
+ {true, "INC"},
+ {true, "DEC"},
+ {false, "IN"},
+ {false, "OUT"},
+ {false, "BEGIN"},
+ {false, "END"},
+type instruction struct {
+ command int
+ arg int
+// Dump internal representation to a file for debugging purposes
+func dump(filename string, irb []instruction) error {
+ out, err := os.Create(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ indent := 0
+ for _, x := range irb {
+ if x.command == END {
+ indent--
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < indent; i++ {
+ out.WriteString(" ")
+ }
+ out.WriteString(info[x.command].name)
+ if info[x.command].grouped {
+ fmt.Fprintf(out, " %d", x.arg)
+ }
+ out.WriteString("\n")
+ if x.command == BEGIN {
+ indent++
+ }
+ }
+ if err = out.Close(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// Decode a Brainfuck program into internal representation,
+// coalescing identical commands together as the most basic optimization
+func decode(program []byte) (irb []instruction) {
+ for _, c := range program {
+ var command int
+ switch c {
+ case '>': command = RIGHT
+ case '<': command = LEFT
+ case '+': command = INC
+ case '-': command = DEC
+ case '.': command = OUT
+ case ',': command = IN
+ case '[': command = BEGIN
+ case ']': command = END
+ default: continue
+ }
+ if len(irb) == 0 || !info[command].grouped ||
+ irb[len(irb)-1].command != command {
+ irb = append(irb, instruction{command, 1})
+ } else {
+ irb[len(irb)-1].arg++
+ }
+ }
+ return
+// Match loop commands so that we know where to jump
+func pairLoops(irb []instruction) error {
+ nesting := 0
+ stack := make([]int, len(irb))
+ for i, x := range irb {
+ switch x.command {
+ case BEGIN:
+ stack[nesting] = i
+ nesting++
+ case END:
+ if nesting <= 0 {
+ return errors.New("unbalanced loops")
+ }
+ nesting--
+ irb[stack[nesting]].arg = i + 1
+ irb[i].arg = stack[nesting] + 1
+ }
+ }
+ if nesting != 0 {
+ return errors.New("unbalanced loops")
+ }
+ return nil
+// --- Code generation ---------------------------------------------------------
+type codegen struct {
+ buf []byte
+// Convert an arbitrary integral value up to 8 bytes long to little endian
+func le(unknown interface{}) []byte {
+ // Trying hard to avoid reflect.Value.Int/Uint
+ formatted := fmt.Sprintf("%d", unknown)
+ var v uint64
+ if unsigned, err := strconv.ParseUint(formatted, 10, 64); err == nil {
+ v = unsigned
+ } else if signed, err := strconv.ParseInt(formatted, 10, 64); err == nil {
+ v = uint64(signed)
+ } else {
+ panic("cannot convert to number")
+ }
+ return []byte{byte(v), byte(v >> 8), byte(v >> 16), byte(v >> 24),
+ byte(v >> 32), byte(v >> 40), byte(v >> 48), byte(v >> 56)}
+func (a *codegen) append(v []byte) { a.buf = append(a.buf, v...) }
+func (a *codegen) code(v string) *codegen { a.append([]byte(v)); return a }
+func (a *codegen) db(v interface{}) *codegen { a.append(le(v)[:1]); return a }
+func (a *codegen) dw(v interface{}) *codegen { a.append(le(v)[:2]); return a }
+func (a *codegen) dd(v interface{}) *codegen { a.append(le(v)[:4]); return a }
+func (a *codegen) dq(v interface{}) *codegen { a.append(le(v)[:8]); return a }
+const (
+ ElfCodeAddr = 0x400000 // Where the code is loaded in memory
+ ElfDataAddr = 0x800000 // Where the tape is placed in memory
+const (
+ SYS_READ = 0
+ SYS_EXIT = 60
+func codegenAmd64(irb []instruction) []byte {
+ offsets := make([]int, len(irb)+1)
+ a := codegen{}
+ a.code("\xB8").dd(ElfDataAddr) // mov rax, "ElfCodeAddr"
+ a.code("\x30\xDB") // xor bl, bl
+ for i, x := range irb {
+ offsets[i] = len(a.buf)
+ if x.command == LEFT || x.command == RIGHT {
+ a.code("\x88\x18") // mov [rax], bl
+ }
+ switch x.command {
+ case RIGHT: a.code("\x48\x05").dd(x.arg) // add rax, "arg"
+ case LEFT: a.code("\x48\x2D").dd(x.arg) // sub rax, "arg"
+ case INC: a.code("\x80\xC3").db(x.arg) // add bl, "arg"
+ case DEC: a.code("\x80\xEB").db(x.arg) // sub bl, "arg"
+ case OUT: a.code("\xE8").dd(0) // call "write"
+ case IN: a.code("\xE8").dd(0) // call "read"
+ case BEGIN:
+ // test bl, bl; jz "offsets[arg]"
+ a.code("\x84\xDB" + "\x0F\x84").dd(0)
+ case END:
+ // test bl, bl; jnz "offsets[arg]"
+ a.code("\x84\xDB" + "\x0F\x85").dd(0)
+ }
+ if x.command == LEFT || x.command == RIGHT {
+ a.code("\x8A\x18") // mov bl, [rax]
+ }
+ }
+ // When there is a loop at the end we need to be able to jump past it
+ offsets[len(irb)] = len(a.buf)
+ // Write an epilog which handles all the OS interfacing
+ //
+ // System V x86-64 ABI:
+ // rax <-> both syscall number and return value
+ // args -> rdi, rsi, rdx, r10, r8, r9
+ // trashed <- rcx, r11
+ a.code("\xB8").dd(SYS_EXIT) // mov eax, 0x3c
+ a.code("\x48\x31\xFF") // xor rdi, rdi
+ a.code("\x0F\x05") // syscall
+ fatal := len(a.buf)
+ a.code("\x48\x89\xF7") // mov rdi, rsi -- use the string in rsi
+ a.code("\x30\xC0") // xor al, al -- look for the nil byte
+ a.code("\x48\x31\xC9") // xor rcx, rcx
+ a.code("\x48\xF7\xD1") // not rcx -- start from -1
+ a.code("\xFC" + "\xF2\xAE") // cld; repne scasb -- decrement until found
+ a.code("\x48\xF7\xD1") // not rcx
+ a.code("\x48\x8D\x51\xFF") // lea rdx, [rcx-1] -- save length in rdx
+ a.code("\xB8").dd(SYS_WRITE) // mov eax, "SYS_WRITE"
+ a.code("\xBF").dd(2) // mov edi, "STDERR_FILENO"
+ a.code("\x0F\x05") // syscall
+ a.code("\xB8").dd(SYS_EXIT) // mov eax, "SYS_EXIT"
+ a.code("\xBF").dd(1) // mov edi, "EXIT_FAILURE"
+ a.code("\x0F\x05") // syscall
+ read := len(a.buf)
+ a.code("\x50") // push rax -- save tape position
+ a.code("\xB8").dd(SYS_READ) // mov eax, "SYS_READ"
+ a.code("\x48\x89\xC7") // mov rdi, rax -- STDIN_FILENO
+ a.code("\x66\x6A\x00") // push word 0 -- the default value for EOF
+ a.code("\x48\x89\xE6") // mov rsi, rsp -- the char starts at rsp
+ a.code("\xBA").dd(1) // mov edx, 1 -- count
+ a.code("\x0F\x05") // syscall
+ a.code("\x66\x5B") // pop bx
+ a.code("\x48\x83\xF8\x00") // cmp rax, 0
+ a.code("\x48\x8D\x35").dd(4) // lea rsi, [rel read_message]
+ a.code("\x7C") // jl "fatal_offset" -- write failure message
+ a.db(fatal - len(a.buf) - 1)
+ a.code("\x58") // pop rax -- restore tape position
+ a.code("\xC3") // ret
+ a.code("fatal: read failed\n\x00")
+ write := len(a.buf)
+ a.code("\x50") // push rax -- save tape position
+ a.code("\xB8").dd(SYS_WRITE) // mov eax, "SYS_WRITE"
+ a.code("\x48\x89\xC7") // mov rdi, rax -- STDOUT_FILENO
+ a.code("\x66\x53") // push bx
+ a.code("\x48\x89\xE6") // mov rsi, rsp -- the char starts at rsp
+ a.code("\xBA").dd(1) // mov edx, 1 -- count
+ a.code("\x0F\x05") // syscall
+ a.code("\x66\x5B") // pop bx
+ a.code("\x48\x83\xF8\x00") // cmp rax, 0
+ a.code("\x48\x8D\x35").dd(4) // lea rsi, [rel write_message]
+ a.code("\x7C") // jl "fatal_offset" -- write failure message
+ a.db(fatal - len(a.buf) - 1)
+ a.code("\x58") // pop rax -- restore tape position
+ a.code("\xC3") // ret
+ a.code("fatal: write failed\n\x00")
+ // Now that we know where each instruction is, fill in relative jumps
+ for i, x := range irb {
+ // This must accurately reflect the code generators
+ target, fixup := 0, offsets[i]
+ if x.command == BEGIN || x.command == END {
+ fixup += 4
+ target = offsets[x.arg]
+ } else if x.command == IN {
+ fixup += 1
+ target = read
+ } else if x.command == OUT {
+ fixup += 1
+ target = write
+ } else {
+ continue
+ }
+ copy(a.buf[fixup:], le(target - fixup - 4)[:4])
+ }
+ return a.buf
+// --- Main --------------------------------------------------------------------
+func main() {
+ var err error
+ if len(os.Args) > 3 {
+ log.Fatalf("usage: %s [INPUT-FILE] [OUTPUT-FILE]", os.Args[0])
+ }
+ input := os.Stdin
+ if len(os.Args) > 1 {
+ if input, err = os.Open(os.Args[1]); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("%s", err)
+ }
+ }
+ outputPath := "a.out"
+ if len(os.Args) > 2 {
+ outputPath = os.Args[2]
+ }
+ program, err := ioutil.ReadAll(input)
+ input.Close()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("can't read program: %s", err)
+ }
+ irb := decode(program)
+ // ... various optimizations could be performed here if we give up brevity
+ pairLoops(irb)
+ dump("ir-dump.txt", irb)
+ code := codegenAmd64(irb)
+ a := codegen{}
+ // TODO: also use the constants in package "debug/elf"
+ const (
+ ElfHeaderSize = 64 // size of the ELF header
+ ElfProgramEntrySize = 56 // size of a program header
+ ElfSectionEntrySize = 64 // size of a section header
+ ElfPrologSize = ElfHeaderSize + 2*ElfProgramEntrySize
+ )
+ // ELF header
+ a.code("\x7FELF\x02\x01\x01") // ELF, 64-bit, little endian, v1
+ // Unix System V ABI, v0, padding
+ a.code("\x00\x00" + "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")
+ a.dw(2).dw(62).dd(1) // executable, x86-64, v1
+ a.dq(ElfCodeAddr + ElfPrologSize) // entry point address
+ // We only append section headers with debugging info with DEBUG
+ a.dq(ElfHeaderSize).dq(0) // program, section header offset
+ a.dd(0) // no processor-specific flags
+ a.dw(ElfHeaderSize) // ELF header size
+ a.dw(ElfProgramEntrySize).dw(2) // program hdr tbl entry size, count
+ a.dw(ElfSectionEntrySize).dw(0) // section hdr tbl entry size, count
+ a.dw(0) // no section index for strings
+ // Program header for code
+ // The entry point address seems to require alignment, so map start of file
+ a.dd(1).dd(5) // PT_LOAD, PF_R | PF_X
+ a.dq(0) // offset within the file
+ a.dq(ElfCodeAddr) // address in virtual memory
+ a.dq(ElfCodeAddr) // address in physical memory
+ a.dq(ElfPrologSize + len(code)) // length within the file
+ a.dq(ElfPrologSize + len(code)) // length within memory
+ a.dq(4096) // segment alignment
+ // Program header for the tape
+ a.dd(1).dd(6) // PT_LOAD, PF_R | PF_W
+ a.dq(0) // offset within the file
+ a.dq(ElfDataAddr) // address in virtual memory
+ a.dq(ElfDataAddr) // address in physical memory
+ a.dq(0) // length within the file
+ a.dq(1 << 20) // one megabyte of memory
+ a.dq(4096) // segment alignment
+ a.buf = append(a.buf, code...)
+ if err = ioutil.WriteFile(outputPath, a.buf, 0777); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("%s", err)
+ }