path: root/xC-gen-proto-js.awk
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Diffstat (limited to 'xC-gen-proto-js.awk')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 225 deletions
diff --git a/xC-gen-proto-js.awk b/xC-gen-proto-js.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index 40b99ee..0000000
--- a/xC-gen-proto-js.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# xC-gen-proto-js.awk: Javascript backend for xC-gen-proto.awk.
-# Copyright (c) 2022, Přemysl Eric Janouch <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
-# This backend is currently for decoding the binary format only.
-# (JSON is way too expensive to process and transfer.)
-# Import the resulting script as a Javascript module.
-function define_internal(name) {
- Types[name] = "internal"
-function define_sint(size, shortname) {
- shortname = "i" size
- define_internal(shortname)
- CodegenDeserialize[shortname] = "\t%s = r." shortname "()\n"
- print ""
- print "\t" shortname "() {"
- if (size == "64") {
- # XXX: 2^53 - 1 must be enough for anyone. BigInts are a PITA.
- print "\t\tconst " shortname \
- " = Number(this.getBigInt" size "(this.offset))"
- } else {
- print "\t\tconst " shortname " = this.getInt" size "(this.offset)"
- }
- print "\t\tthis.offset += " (size / 8)
- print "\t\treturn " shortname
- print "\t}"
-function define_uint(size, shortname) {
- shortname = "u" size
- define_internal(shortname)
- CodegenDeserialize[shortname] = "\t%s = r." shortname "()\n"
- print ""
- print "\t" shortname "() {"
- if (size == "64") {
- # XXX: 2^53 - 1 must be enough for anyone. BigInts are a PITA.
- print "\t\tconst " shortname \
- " = Number(this.getBigUint" size "(this.offset))"
- } else {
- print "\t\tconst " shortname " = this.getUint" size "(this.offset)"
- }
- print "\t\tthis.offset += " (size / 8)
- print "\t\treturn " shortname
- print "\t}"
-function codegen_begin() {
- print "// Code generated from " FILENAME ". DO NOT EDIT."
- print ""
- print "export class Reader extends DataView {"
- print "\tconstructor() {"
- print "\t\tsuper(...arguments)"
- print "\t\tthis.offset = 0"
- print "\t\tthis.decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8', {fatal: true})"
- print "\t}"
- print ""
- print "\tget empty() {"
- print "\t\treturn this.byteLength <= this.offset"
- print "\t}"
- print ""
- print "\trequire(len) {"
- print "\t\tif (this.byteLength - this.offset < len)"
- print "\t\t\tthrow `Premature end of data`"
- print "\t\treturn this.byteOffset + this.offset"
- print "\t}"
- define_internal("string")
- CodegenDeserialize["string"] = "\t%s = r.string()\n"
- print ""
- print "\tstring() {"
- print "\t\tconst len = this.getUint32(this.offset)"
- print "\t\tthis.offset += 4"
- print "\t\tconst array = new Uint8Array("
- print "\t\t\tthis.buffer, this.require(len), len)"
- print "\t\tthis.offset += len"
- print "\t\treturn this.decoder.decode(array)"
- print "\t}"
- define_internal("bool")
- CodegenDeserialize["bool"] = "\t%s = r.bool()\n"
- print ""
- print "\tbool() {"
- print "\t\tconst u8 = this.getUint8(this.offset)"
- print "\t\tthis.offset += 1"
- print "\t\treturn u8 != 0"
- print "\t}"
- define_sint("8")
- define_sint("16")
- define_sint("32")
- define_sint("64")
- define_uint("8")
- define_uint("16")
- define_uint("32")
- define_uint("64")
- print "}"
-function codegen_constant(name, value) {
- print ""
- print "export const " decapitalize(snaketocamel(name)) " = " value
-function codegen_enum_value(name, subname, value, cg) {
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" snaketocamel(subname) ": " value ",\n")
-function codegen_enum(name, cg) {
- print ""
- print "export const " name " = Object.freeze({"
- print cg["fields"] "})"
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = "\t%s = r.i8()\n"
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]
-function codegen_struct_field(d, cg, camel, f, deserialize) {
- camel = decapitalize(snaketocamel(d["name"]))
- f = "s." camel
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" camel "\n")
- deserialize = CodegenDeserialize[d["type"]]
- if (!d["isarray"]) {
- append(cg, "deserialize", sprintf(deserialize, f))
- return
- }
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\t{\n" \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenDeserialize["u32"], "const len")))
- if (d["type"] == "u8") {
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\t\t" f " = new Uint8Array(\n" \
- "\t\t\tr.buffer, r.require(len), len)\n" \
- "\t\tr.offset += len\n" \
- "\t}\n")
- return
- }
- if (d["type"] == "i8") {
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\t\t" f " = new Int8Array(\n" \
- "\t\t\tr.buffer, r.require(len), len)\n" \
- "\t\tr.offset += len\n" \
- "\t}\n")
- return
- }
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\t\t" f " = new Array(len)\n" \
- "\t}\n" \
- "\tfor (let i = 0; i < " f ".length; i++)\n" \
- indent(sprintf(deserialize, f "[i]")))
-function codegen_struct_tag(d, cg) {
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" decapitalize(snaketocamel(d["name"])) "\n")
- # Do not deserialize here, that is already done by the containing union.
-function codegen_struct(name, cg) {
- print ""
- print "export class " name " {"
- print cg["fields"] cg["methods"]
- print "\tstatic deserialize(r) {"
- print "\t\tconst s = new " name "()"
- print indent(cg["deserialize"]) "\t\treturn s"
- print "\t}"
- print "}"
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = "\t%s = " name ".deserialize(r)\n"
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]
-function codegen_union_tag(d, cg) {
- cg["tagtype"] = d["type"]
- cg["tagname"] = d["name"]
-function codegen_union_struct(name, casename, cg, scg, structname) {
- append(scg, "methods",
- "\n" \
- "\tconstructor() {\n" \
- "\t\tthis." decapitalize(snaketocamel(cg["tagname"])) \
- " = " cg["tagtype"] "." snaketocamel(casename) "\n" \
- "\t}\n")
- # And thus not all generated structs are present in Types.
- structname = name snaketocamel(casename)
- codegen_struct(structname, scg)
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\tcase " cg["tagtype"] "." snaketocamel(casename) ":\n" \
- "\t{\n" \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenDeserialize[structname], "const s")) \
- "\t\treturn s\n" \
- "\t}\n")
-function codegen_union(name, cg, tagvar) {
- tagvar = decapitalize(snaketocamel(cg["tagname"]))
- print ""
- print "export function deserialize" name "(r) {"
- print sprintf(CodegenDeserialize[cg["tagtype"]], "const " tagvar) \
- "\tswitch (" tagvar ") {"
- print cg["deserialize"] "\tdefault:"
- print "\t\tthrow `Unknown " cg["tagtype"] " (${tagvar})`"
- print "\t}"
- print "}"
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = "\t%s = deserialize" name "(r)\n"
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]