diff options
-rw-r--r--xC.lxdr (renamed from xC-proto)0
8 files changed, 13 insertions, 1406 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 2cd36e6..3ab3289 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -162,15 +162,15 @@ add_custom_target (replies DEPENDS ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/xD-replies.c)
add_custom_command (OUTPUT xC-proto.c
- -f ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/xC-gen-proto.awk
- -f ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/xC-gen-proto-c.awk
+ -f ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/liberty/tools/lxdrgen.awk
+ -f ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/liberty/tools/lxdrgen-c.awk
-v PrefixCamel=Relay
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/xC-proto > xC-proto.c
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/xC.lxdr > xC-proto.c
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/xC-gen-proto.awk
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/xC-gen-proto-c.awk
- COMMENT "Generating xC relay protocol code")
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/liberty/tools/lxdrgen.awk
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/liberty/tools/lxdrgen-c.awk
+ COMMENT "Generating xC relay protocol code" VERBATIM)
add_custom_target (xC-proto DEPENDS ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/xC-proto.c)
# Build
diff --git a/liberty b/liberty
-Subproject af2756ee01fa6b1921c6bcb581817e64c30beb4
+Subproject 035bfe5e81b80ef9df03414c7c567093ce26629
diff --git a/xC-gen-proto-c.awk b/xC-gen-proto-c.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index d416b93..0000000
--- a/xC-gen-proto-c.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-# xC-gen-proto-c.awk: C backend for xC-gen-proto.awk.
-# Copyright (c) 2022, Přemysl Eric Janouch <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
-# Neither *_new() nor *_destroy() functions are provided, because they'd only
-# be useful for top-levels, and are merely extra malloc()/free() calls.
-# Users are expected to reuse buffers.
-# Similarly, no constructors are produced--those are easy to write manually.
-# All arrays are deserialized zero-terminated, so u8<> and i8<> can be directly
-# used as C strings.
-# All types must be able to dispose partially zero values going from the back,
-# i.e., in the reverse order of deserialization.
-function define_internal(name, ctype) {
- Types[name] = "internal"
- CodegenCType[name] = ctype
-function define_int(shortname, ctype) {
- define_internal(shortname, ctype)
- CodegenSerialize[shortname] = \
- "\tstr_pack_" shortname "(w, %s);\n"
- CodegenDeserialize[shortname] = \
- "\tif (!msg_unpacker_" shortname "(r, &%s))\n" \
- "\t\treturn false;\n"
-function define_sint(size) { define_int("i" size, "int" size "_t") }
-function define_uint(size) { define_int("u" size, "uint" size "_t") }
-function codegen_begin() {
- define_sint("8")
- define_sint("16")
- define_sint("32")
- define_sint("64")
- define_uint("8")
- define_uint("16")
- define_uint("32")
- define_uint("64")
- define_internal("string", "struct str")
- CodegenDispose["string"] = "\tstr_free(&%s);\n"
- CodegenSerialize["string"] = \
- "\tif (!proto_string_serialize(&%s, w))\n" \
- "\t\treturn false;\n"
- CodegenDeserialize["string"] = \
- "\tif (!proto_string_deserialize(&%s, r))\n" \
- "\t\treturn false;\n"
- define_internal("bool", "bool")
- CodegenSerialize["bool"] = \
- "\tstr_pack_u8(w, !!%s);\n"
- CodegenDeserialize["bool"] = \
- "\t{\n" \
- "\t\tuint8_t v = 0;\n" \
- "\t\tif (!msg_unpacker_u8(r, &v))\n" \
- "\t\t\treturn false;\n" \
- "\t\t%s = !!v;\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- print "// Code generated from " FILENAME ". DO NOT EDIT."
- print "// This file directly depends on liberty.c, but doesn't include it."
- print ""
- print "static bool"
- print "proto_string_serialize(const struct str *s, struct str *w) {"
- print "\tif (s->len > UINT32_MAX)"
- print "\t\treturn false;"
- print "\tstr_pack_u32(w, s->len);"
- print "\tstr_append_str(w, s);"
- print "\treturn true;"
- print "}"
- print ""
- print "static bool"
- print "proto_string_deserialize(struct str *s, struct msg_unpacker *r) {"
- print "\tuint32_t len = 0;"
- print "\tif (!msg_unpacker_u32(r, &len))"
- print "\t\treturn false;"
- print "\tif (msg_unpacker_get_available(r) < len)"
- print "\t\treturn false;"
- print "\t*s = str_make();"
- print "\tstr_append_data(s, r->data + r->offset, len);"
- print "\tr->offset += len;"
- print "\tif (!utf8_validate (s->str, s->len))"
- print "\t\treturn false;"
- print "\treturn true;"
- print "}"
-function codegen_constant(name, value) {
- print ""
- print "enum { " PrefixUpper name " = " value " };"
-function codegen_enum_value(name, subname, value, cg) {
- append(cg, "fields",
- "\t" PrefixUpper toupper(cameltosnake(name)) "_" subname \
- " = " value ",\n")
-function codegen_enum(name, cg, ctype) {
- ctype = "enum " PrefixLower cameltosnake(name)
- print ""
- print ctype " {"
- print cg["fields"] "};"
- # XXX: This should also check if it isn't out-of-range for any reason,
- # but our usage of sprintf() stands in the way a bit.
- CodegenSerialize[name] = "\tstr_pack_i8(w, %s);\n"
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = \
- "\t{\n" \
- "\t\tint8_t v = 0;\n" \
- "\t\tif (!msg_unpacker_i8(r, &v) || !v)\n" \
- "\t\t\treturn false;\n" \
- "\t\t%s = v;\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- CodegenCType[name] = ctype
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]
-function codegen_struct_tag(d, cg, f) {
- f = "self->" d["name"]
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" CodegenCType[d["type"]] " " d["name"] ";\n")
- append(cg, "dispose", sprintf(CodegenDispose[d["type"]], f))
- append(cg, "serialize", sprintf(CodegenSerialize[d["type"]], f))
- # Do not deserialize here, that would be out of order.
-function codegen_struct_field(d, cg, f, dispose, serialize, deserialize) {
- f = "self->" d["name"]
- dispose = CodegenDispose[d["type"]]
- serialize = CodegenSerialize[d["type"]]
- deserialize = CodegenDeserialize[d["type"]]
- if (!d["isarray"]) {
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" CodegenCType[d["type"]] " " d["name"] ";\n")
- append(cg, "dispose", sprintf(dispose, f))
- append(cg, "serialize", sprintf(serialize, f))
- append(cg, "deserialize", sprintf(deserialize, f))
- return
- }
- append(cg, "fields",
- "\t" CodegenCType["u32"] " " d["name"] "_len;\n" \
- "\t" CodegenCType[d["type"]] " *" d["name"] ";\n")
- if (dispose)
- append(cg, "dispose", "\tif (" f ")\n" \
- "\t\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < " f "_len; i++)\n" \
- indent(indent(sprintf(dispose, f "[i]"))))
- append(cg, "dispose", "\tfree(" f ");\n")
- append(cg, "serialize", sprintf(CodegenSerialize["u32"], f "_len"))
- if (d["type"] == "u8" || d["type"] == "i8") {
- append(cg, "serialize",
- "\tstr_append_data(w, " f ", " f "_len);\n")
- } else if (serialize) {
- append(cg, "serialize",
- "\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < " f "_len; i++)\n" \
- indent(sprintf(serialize, f "[i]")))
- }
- append(cg, "deserialize", sprintf(CodegenDeserialize["u32"], f "_len") \
- "\tif (!(" f " = calloc(" f "_len + 1, sizeof *" f ")))\n" \
- "\t\treturn false;\n")
- if (d["type"] == "u8" || d["type"] == "i8") {
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\tif (msg_unpacker_get_available(r) < " f "_len)\n" \
- "\t\treturn false;\n" \
- "\tmemcpy(" f ", r->data + r->offset, " f "_len);\n" \
- "\tr->offset += " f "_len;\n")
- } else if (deserialize) {
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < " f "_len; i++)\n" \
- indent(sprintf(deserialize, f "[i]")))
- }
-function codegen_struct(name, cg, ctype, funcname) {
- ctype = "struct " PrefixLower cameltosnake(name)
- print ""
- print ctype " {"
- print cg["fields"] "};"
- if (cg["dispose"]) {
- funcname = PrefixLower cameltosnake(name) "_free"
- print ""
- print "static void\n" funcname "(" ctype " *self) {"
- print cg["dispose"] "}"
- CodegenDispose[name] = "\t" funcname "(&%s);\n"
- }
- if (cg["serialize"]) {
- funcname = PrefixLower cameltosnake(name) "_serialize"
- print ""
- print "static bool\n" \
- funcname "(\n\t\t" ctype " *self, struct str *w) {"
- print cg["serialize"] "\treturn true;"
- print "}"
- CodegenSerialize[name] = "\tif (!" funcname "(&%s, w))\n" \
- "\t\treturn false;\n"
- }
- if (cg["deserialize"]) {
- funcname = PrefixLower cameltosnake(name) "_deserialize"
- print ""
- print "static bool\n" \
- funcname "(\n\t\t" ctype " *self, struct msg_unpacker *r) {"
- print cg["deserialize"] "\treturn true;"
- print "}"
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = "\tif (!" funcname "(&%s, r))\n" \
- "\t\treturn false;\n"
- }
- CodegenCType[name] = ctype
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]
-function codegen_union_tag(d, cg) {
- cg["tagtype"] = d["type"]
- cg["tagname"] = d["name"]
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" CodegenCType[d["type"]] " " d["name"] ";\n")
-function codegen_union_struct( \
- name, casename, cg, scg, structname, fieldname, fullcasename) {
- # Don't generate obviously useless structs.
- fullcasename = toupper(cameltosnake(cg["tagtype"])) "_" casename
- if (!scg["dispose"] && !scg["deserialize"]) {
- append(cg, "structless", "\tcase " PrefixUpper fullcasename ":\n")
- for (i in scg)
- delete scg[i]
- return
- }
- # And thus not all generated structs are present in Types.
- structname = name "_" casename
- fieldname = tolower(casename)
- codegen_struct(structname, scg)
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" CodegenCType[structname] " " fieldname ";\n")
- if (CodegenDispose[structname])
- append(cg, "dispose", "\tcase " PrefixUpper fullcasename ":\n" \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenDispose[structname], "self->" fieldname)) \
- "\t\tbreak;\n")
- # With no de/serialization code, this will simply recognize the tag.
- append(cg, "serialize", "\tcase " PrefixUpper fullcasename ":\n" \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenSerialize[structname], "self->" fieldname)) \
- "\t\tbreak;\n")
- append(cg, "deserialize", "\tcase " PrefixUpper fullcasename ":\n" \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenDeserialize[structname], "self->" fieldname)) \
- "\t\tbreak;\n")
-function codegen_union(name, cg, f, ctype, funcname) {
- ctype = "union " PrefixLower cameltosnake(name)
- print ""
- print ctype " {"
- print cg["fields"] "};"
- f = "self->" cg["tagname"]
- if (cg["dispose"]) {
- funcname = PrefixLower cameltosnake(name) "_free"
- print ""
- print "static void\n" funcname "(" ctype " *self) {"
- print "\tswitch (" f ") {"
- if (cg["structless"])
- print cg["structless"] \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenDispose[cg["tagtype"]], f)) "\t\tbreak;"
- print cg["dispose"] "\tdefault:"
- print "\t\tbreak;"
- print "\t}"
- print "}"
- CodegenDispose[name] = "\t" funcname "(&%s);\n"
- }
- if (cg["serialize"]) {
- funcname = PrefixLower cameltosnake(name) "_serialize"
- print ""
- print "static bool\n" \
- funcname "(\n\t\t" ctype " *self, struct str *w) {"
- print "\tswitch (" f ") {"
- if (cg["structless"])
- print cg["structless"] \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenSerialize[cg["tagtype"]], f)) "\t\tbreak;"
- print cg["serialize"] "\tdefault:"
- print "\t\treturn false;"
- print "\t}"
- print "\treturn true;"
- print "}"
- CodegenSerialize[name] = "\tif (!" funcname "(&%s, w))\n" \
- "\t\treturn false;\n"
- }
- if (cg["deserialize"]) {
- funcname = PrefixLower cameltosnake(name) "_deserialize"
- print ""
- print "static bool\n" \
- funcname "(\n\t\t" ctype " *self, struct msg_unpacker *r) {"
- print sprintf(CodegenDeserialize[cg["tagtype"]], f)
- print "\tswitch (" f ") {"
- if (cg["structless"])
- print cg["structless"] "\t\tbreak;"
- print cg["deserialize"] "\tdefault:"
- print "\t\treturn false;"
- print "\t}"
- print "\treturn true;"
- print "}"
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = "\tif (!" funcname "(&%s, r))\n" \
- "\t\treturn false;\n"
- }
- CodegenCType[name] = ctype
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]
diff --git a/xC-gen-proto-go.awk b/xC-gen-proto-go.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index c0d6d48..0000000
--- a/xC-gen-proto-go.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
-# xC-gen-proto-go.awk: Go backend for xC-gen-proto.awk.
-# Copyright (c) 2022, Přemysl Eric Janouch <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
-# This backend also enables proxying to other endpoints using JSON.
-function define_internal(name, gotype) {
- Types[name] = "internal"
- CodegenGoType[name] = gotype
-function define_sint(size, shortname, gotype) {
- shortname = "i" size
- gotype = "int" size
- define_internal(shortname, gotype)
- CodegenAppendJSON[shortname] = \
- "\tb = strconv.AppendInt(b, int64(%s), 10)\n"
- if (size == 8) {
- CodegenSerialize[shortname] = "\tdata = append(data, uint8(%s))\n"
- CodegenDeserialize[shortname] = \
- "\tif len(data) >= 1 {\n" \
- "\t\t%s, data = int8(data[0]), data[1:]\n" \
- "\t} else {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, false\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- return
- }
- CodegenSerialize[shortname] = \
- "\tdata = binary.BigEndian.AppendUint" size "(data, uint" size "(%s))\n"
- CodegenDeserialize[shortname] = \
- "\tif len(data) >= " (size / 8) " {\n" \
- "\t\t%s = " gotype "(binary.BigEndian.Uint" size "(data))\n" \
- "\t\tdata = data[" (size / 8) ":]\n" \
- "\t} else {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, false\n" \
- "\t}\n"
-function define_uint(size, shortname, gotype) {
- # Both []byte and []uint8 luckily marshal as base64-encoded JSON strings,
- # so there's no need to rename the type as an exception.
- shortname = "u" size
- gotype = "uint" size
- define_internal(shortname, gotype)
- CodegenAppendJSON[shortname] = \
- "\tb = strconv.AppendUint(b, uint64(%s), 10)\n"
- if (size == 8) {
- CodegenSerialize[shortname] = "\tdata = append(data, %s)\n"
- CodegenDeserialize[shortname] = \
- "\tif len(data) >= 1 {\n" \
- "\t\t%s, data = data[0], data[1:]\n" \
- "\t} else {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, false\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- return
- }
- CodegenSerialize[shortname] = \
- "\tdata = binary.BigEndian.AppendUint" size "(data, %s)\n"
- CodegenDeserialize[shortname] = \
- "\tif len(data) >= " (size / 8) " {\n" \
- "\t\t%s = binary.BigEndian.Uint" size "(data)\n" \
- "\t\tdata = data[" (size / 8) ":]\n" \
- "\t} else {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, false\n" \
- "\t}\n"
-# Currently two outputs cannot coexist within the same package.
-function codegen_private(name) {
- return "proto" name
-function codegen_begin( funcname) {
- define_sint("8")
- define_sint("16")
- define_sint("32")
- define_sint("64")
- define_uint("8")
- define_uint("16")
- define_uint("32")
- define_uint("64")
- define_internal("bool", "bool")
- define_internal("string", "string")
- # Cater to "go generate", for what it's worth.
- CodegenPackage = ENV["GOPACKAGE"]
- if (!CodegenPackage)
- CodegenPackage = "main"
- print "// Code generated from " FILENAME ". DO NOT EDIT."
- print ""
- print "package " CodegenPackage
- print ""
- print "import ("
- print "\t`encoding/base64`"
- print "\t`encoding/binary`"
- print "\t`encoding/json`"
- print "\t`errors`"
- print "\t`math`"
- print "\t`strconv`"
- print "\t`unicode/utf8`"
- print ")"
- print ""
- CodegenAppendJSON["bool"] = \
- "\tb = strconv.AppendBool(b, %s)\n"
- CodegenSerialize["bool"] = \
- "\tif %s {\n" \
- "\t\tdata = append(data, 1)\n" \
- "\t} else {\n" \
- "\t\tdata = append(data, 0)\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- funcname = codegen_private("ConsumeBoolFrom")
- print "// " funcname " tries to deserialize a boolean value"
- print "// from the beginning of a byte stream. When successful,"
- print "// it returns a subslice with any data that might follow."
- print "func " funcname "(data []byte, b *bool) ([]byte, bool) {"
- print "\tif len(data) < 1 {"
- print "\t\treturn nil, false"
- print "\t}"
- print "\tif data[0] != 0 {"
- print "\t\t*b = true"
- print "\t} else {"
- print "\t\t*b = false"
- print "\t}"
- print "\treturn data[1:], true"
- print "}"
- print ""
- CodegenDeserialize["bool"] = \
- "\tif data, ok = " funcname "(data, &%s); !ok {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, ok\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- funcname = codegen_private("AppendStringTo")
- print "// " funcname " tries to serialize a string value,"
- print "// appending it to the end of a byte stream."
- print "func " funcname "(data []byte, s string) ([]byte, bool) {"
- print "\tif len(s) > math.MaxUint32 {"
- print "\t\treturn nil, false"
- print "\t}"
- print "\tdata = binary.BigEndian.AppendUint32(data, uint32(len(s)))"
- print "\treturn append(data, s...), true"
- print "}"
- print ""
- CodegenSerialize["string"] = \
- "\tif data, ok = " funcname "(data, %s); !ok {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, ok\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- funcname = codegen_private("ConsumeStringFrom")
- print "// " funcname " tries to deserialize a string value"
- print "// from the beginning of a byte stream. When successful,"
- print "// it returns a subslice with any data that might follow."
- print "func " funcname "(data []byte, s *string) ([]byte, bool) {"
- print "\tif len(data) < 4 {"
- print "\t\treturn nil, false"
- print "\t}"
- print "\tlength := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data)"
- print "\tif data = data[4:]; uint64(len(data)) < uint64(length) {"
- print "\t\treturn nil, false"
- print "\t}"
- print "\t*s = string(data[:length])"
- print "\tif !utf8.ValidString(*s) {"
- print "\t\treturn nil, false"
- print "\t}"
- print "\treturn data[length:], true"
- print "}"
- print ""
- CodegenDeserialize["string"] = \
- "\tif data, ok = " funcname "(data, &%s); !ok {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, ok\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- funcname = codegen_private("UnmarshalEnumJSON")
- print "// " funcname " converts a JSON fragment to an integer,"
- print "// ensuring that it's within the expected range of enum values."
- print "func " funcname "(data []byte) (int64, error) {"
- print "\tvar n int64"
- print "\tif err := json.Unmarshal(data, &n); err != nil {"
- print "\t\treturn 0, err"
- print "\t} else if n > math.MaxInt8 || n < math.MinInt8 {"
- print "\t\treturn 0, errors.New(`integer out of range`)"
- print "\t} else {"
- print "\t\treturn n, nil"
- print "\t}"
- print "}"
- print ""
-function codegen_constant(name, value) {
- print "const " PrefixCamel snaketocamel(name) " = " value
- print ""
-function codegen_enum_value(name, subname, value, cg, goname) {
- goname = PrefixCamel name snaketocamel(subname)
- append(cg, "fields",
- "\t" goname " = " value "\n")
- append(cg, "stringer",
- "\tcase " goname ":\n" \
- "\t\treturn `" snaketocamel(subname) "`\n")
- append(cg, "marshal",
- goname ",\n")
- append(cg, "unmarshal",
- "\tcase `" snaketocamel(subname) "`:\n" \
- "\t\t*v = " goname "\n")
-function codegen_enum(name, cg, gotype, fields, funcname) {
- gotype = PrefixCamel name
- print "type " gotype " int8"
- print ""
- print "const ("
- print cg["fields"] ")"
- print ""
- print "func (v " gotype ") String() string {"
- print "\tswitch v {"
- print cg["stringer"] "\tdefault:"
- print "\t\treturn strconv.Itoa(int(v))"
- print "\t}"
- print "}"
- print ""
- CodegenIsMarshaler[name] = 1
- fields = cg["marshal"]
- sub(/,\n$/, ":", fields)
- gsub(/\n/, "\n\t", fields)
- print "func (v " gotype ") MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {"
- print "\tswitch v {"
- print indent("case " fields)
- print "\t\treturn []byte(`\"` + v.String() + `\"`), nil"
- print "\t}"
- print "\treturn json.Marshal(int(v))"
- print "}"
- print ""
- funcname = codegen_private("UnmarshalEnumJSON")
- print "func (v *" gotype ") UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {"
- print "\tvar s string"
- print "\tif json.Unmarshal(data, &s) == nil {"
- print "\t\t// Handled below."
- print "\t} else if n, err := " funcname "(data); err != nil {"
- print "\t\treturn err"
- print "\t} else {"
- print "\t\t*v = " gotype "(n)"
- print "\t\treturn nil"
- print "\t}"
- print ""
- print "\tswitch s {"
- print cg["unmarshal"] "\tdefault:"
- print "\t\treturn errors.New(`unrecognized value: ` + s)"
- print "\t}"
- print "\treturn nil"
- print "}"
- print ""
- # XXX: This should also check if it isn't out-of-range for any reason,
- # but our usage of sprintf() stands in the way a bit.
- CodegenSerialize[name] = "\tdata = append(data, uint8(%s))\n"
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = \
- "\tif len(data) >= 1 {\n" \
- "\t\t%s, data = " gotype "(data[0]), data[1:]\n" \
- "\t} else {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, false\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- CodegenGoType[name] = gotype
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]
-function codegen_marshal(type, f, marshal) {
- if (CodegenAppendJSON[type])
- return sprintf(CodegenAppendJSON[type], f)
- # Complex types are json.Marshalers, there's no need to json.Marshal(&f).
- if (CodegenIsMarshaler[type])
- marshal = f ".MarshalJSON()"
- else
- marshal = "json.Marshal(" f ")"
- return \
- "\tif j, err := " marshal "; err != nil {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, err\n" \
- "\t} else {\n" \
- "\t\tb = append(b, j...)\n" \
- "\t}\n"
-function codegen_struct_field_marshal(d, cg, camel, f, marshal) {
- camel = snaketocamel(d["name"])
- f = "s." camel
- if (!d["isarray"]) {
- append(cg, "marshal",
- "\tb = append(b, `,\"" decapitalize(camel) "\":`...)\n" \
- codegen_marshal(d["type"], f))
- return
- }
- # Note that we do not produce `null` for nil slices, unlike encoding/json.
- # And arrays never get deserialized as such.
- if (d["type"] == "u8") {
- append(cg, "marshal",
- "\tb = append(b, `,\"" decapitalize(camel) "\":\"`...)\n" \
- "\tb = append(b, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(" f ")...)\n" \
- "\tb = append(b, '\"')\n")
- return
- }
- append(cg, "marshal",
- "\tb = append(b, `,\"" decapitalize(camel) "\":[`...)\n" \
- "\tfor i := 0; i < len(" f "); i++ {\n" \
- "\t\tif i > 0 {\n" \
- "\t\t\tb = append(b, ',')\n" \
- "\t\t}\n" \
- indent(codegen_marshal(d["type"], f "[i]")) \
- "\t}\n" \
- "\tb = append(b, ']')\n")
-function codegen_struct_field(d, cg, camel, f, serialize, deserialize) {
- codegen_struct_field_marshal(d, cg)
- camel = snaketocamel(d["name"])
- f = "s." camel
- serialize = CodegenSerialize[d["type"]]
- deserialize = CodegenDeserialize[d["type"]]
- if (!d["isarray"]) {
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" camel " " CodegenGoType[d["type"]] \
- " `json:\"" decapitalize(camel) "\"`\n")
- append(cg, "serialize", sprintf(serialize, f))
- append(cg, "deserialize", sprintf(deserialize, f))
- return
- }
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" camel " []" CodegenGoType[d["type"]] \
- " `json:\"" decapitalize(camel) "\"`\n")
- # XXX: This should also check if it isn't out-of-range for any reason.
- append(cg, "serialize",
- sprintf(CodegenSerialize["u32"], "uint32(len(" f "))"))
- if (d["type"] == "u8") {
- append(cg, "serialize",
- "\tdata = append(data, " f "...)\n")
- } else {
- append(cg, "serialize",
- "\tfor i := 0; i < len(" f "); i++ {\n" \
- indent(sprintf(serialize, f "[i]")) \
- "\t}\n")
- }
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\t{\n" \
- "\t\tvar length uint32\n" \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenDeserialize["u32"], "length")))
- if (d["type"] == "u8") {
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\t\tif uint64(len(data)) < uint64(length) {\n" \
- "\t\t\treturn nil, false\n" \
- "\t\t}\n" \
- "\t\t" f ", data = data[:length], data[length:]\n" \
- "\t}\n")
- } else {
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\t\t" f " = make([]" CodegenGoType[d["type"]] ", length)\n" \
- "\t}\n" \
- "\tfor i := 0; i < len(" f "); i++ {\n" \
- indent(sprintf(deserialize, f "[i]")) \
- "\t}\n")
- }
-function codegen_struct_tag(d, cg, camel, f) {
- codegen_struct_field_marshal(d, cg)
- camel = snaketocamel(d["name"])
- f = "s." camel
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" camel " " CodegenGoType[d["type"]] \
- " `json:\"" decapitalize(camel) "\"`\n")
- append(cg, "serialize", sprintf(CodegenSerialize[d["type"]], f))
- # Do not deserialize here, that is already done by the containing union.
-function codegen_struct(name, cg, gotype) {
- gotype = PrefixCamel name
- print "type " gotype " struct {\n" cg["fields"] "}\n"
- if (cg["marshal"]) {
- CodegenIsMarshaler[name] = 1
- print "func (s *" gotype ") MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {"
- print "\tb := []byte{}"
- print cg["marshal"] "\tb[0] = '{'"
- print "\treturn append(b, '}'), nil"
- print "}"
- print ""
- }
- if (cg["serialize"]) {
- print "func (s *" gotype ") AppendTo(data []byte) ([]byte, bool) {"
- print "\tok := true"
- print cg["serialize"] "\treturn data, ok"
- print "}"
- print ""
- CodegenSerialize[name] = \
- "\tif data, ok = %s.AppendTo(data); !ok {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, ok\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- }
- if (cg["deserialize"]) {
- print "func (s *" gotype ") ConsumeFrom(data []byte) ([]byte, bool) {"
- print "\tok := true"
- print cg["deserialize"] "\treturn data, ok"
- print "}"
- print ""
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = \
- "\tif data, ok = %s.ConsumeFrom(data); !ok {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, ok\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- }
- CodegenGoType[name] = gotype
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]
-function codegen_union_tag(d, cg) {
- cg["tagtype"] = d["type"]
- cg["tagname"] = d["name"]
- # The tag is implied from the type of struct stored in the interface.
-function codegen_union_struct(name, casename, cg, scg, structname, init) {
- # And thus not all generated structs are present in Types.
- structname = name snaketocamel(casename)
- codegen_struct(structname, scg)
- init = CodegenGoType[structname] "{" snaketocamel(cg["tagname"]) \
- ": " decapitalize(snaketocamel(cg["tagname"])) "}"
- append(cg, "unmarshal",
- "\tcase " CodegenGoType[cg["tagtype"]] snaketocamel(casename) ":\n" \
- "\t\ts := " init "\n" \
- "\t\terr = json.Unmarshal(data, &s)\n" \
- "\t\tu.Interface = &s\n")
- append(cg, "serialize",
- "\tcase *" CodegenGoType[structname] ":\n" \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenSerialize[structname], "union")))
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\tcase " CodegenGoType[cg["tagtype"]] snaketocamel(casename) ":\n" \
- "\t\ts := " init "\n" \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenDeserialize[structname], "s")) \
- "\t\tu.Interface = &s\n")
-function codegen_union(name, cg, gotype, tagfield, tagvar) {
- gotype = PrefixCamel name
- print "type " gotype " struct {"
- print "\tInterface any"
- print "}"
- print ""
- # This cannot be a pointer method, it wouldn't work recursively.
- CodegenIsMarshaler[name] = 1
- print "func (u " gotype ") MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {"
- print "\treturn u.Interface.(json.Marshaler).MarshalJSON()"
- print "}"
- print ""
- tagfield = snaketocamel(cg["tagname"])
- tagvar = decapitalize(tagfield)
- print "func (u *" gotype ") UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {"
- print "\tvar t struct {"
- print "\t\t" tagfield " " CodegenGoType[cg["tagtype"]] \
- " `json:\"" tagvar "\"`"
- print "\t}"
- print "\tif err := json.Unmarshal(data, &t); err != nil {"
- print "\t\treturn err"
- print "\t}"
- print ""
- print "\tswitch " tagvar " := t." tagfield "; " tagvar " {"
- print cg["unmarshal"] "\tdefault:"
- print "\t\terr = errors.New(`unsupported value: ` + " tagvar ".String())"
- print "\t}"
- print "\treturn err"
- print "}"
- print ""
- # XXX: Consider changing the interface into an AppendTo/ConsumeFrom one,
- # that would eliminate these type case switches entirely.
- # On the other hand, it would make it possible to send unsuitable structs.
- print "func (u *" gotype ") AppendTo(data []byte) ([]byte, bool) {"
- print "\tok := true"
- print "\tswitch union := u.Interface.(type) {"
- print cg["serialize"] "\tdefault:"
- print "\t\treturn nil, false"
- print "\t}"
- print "\treturn data, ok"
- print "}"
- print ""
- CodegenSerialize[name] = \
- "\tif data, ok = %s.AppendTo(data); !ok {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, ok\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- print "func (u *" gotype ") ConsumeFrom(data []byte) ([]byte, bool) {"
- print "\tok := true"
- print "\tvar " tagvar " " CodegenGoType[cg["tagtype"]]
- print sprintf(CodegenDeserialize[cg["tagtype"]], tagvar)
- print "\tswitch " tagvar " {"
- print cg["deserialize"] "\tdefault:"
- print "\t\treturn nil, false"
- print "\t}"
- print "\treturn data, ok"
- print "}"
- print ""
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = \
- "\tif data, ok = %s.ConsumeFrom(data); !ok {\n" \
- "\t\treturn nil, ok\n" \
- "\t}\n"
- CodegenGoType[name] = gotype
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]
diff --git a/xC-gen-proto-js.awk b/xC-gen-proto-js.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index 40b99ee..0000000
--- a/xC-gen-proto-js.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# xC-gen-proto-js.awk: Javascript backend for xC-gen-proto.awk.
-# Copyright (c) 2022, Přemysl Eric Janouch <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
-# This backend is currently for decoding the binary format only.
-# (JSON is way too expensive to process and transfer.)
-# Import the resulting script as a Javascript module.
-function define_internal(name) {
- Types[name] = "internal"
-function define_sint(size, shortname) {
- shortname = "i" size
- define_internal(shortname)
- CodegenDeserialize[shortname] = "\t%s = r." shortname "()\n"
- print ""
- print "\t" shortname "() {"
- if (size == "64") {
- # XXX: 2^53 - 1 must be enough for anyone. BigInts are a PITA.
- print "\t\tconst " shortname \
- " = Number(this.getBigInt" size "(this.offset))"
- } else {
- print "\t\tconst " shortname " = this.getInt" size "(this.offset)"
- }
- print "\t\tthis.offset += " (size / 8)
- print "\t\treturn " shortname
- print "\t}"
-function define_uint(size, shortname) {
- shortname = "u" size
- define_internal(shortname)
- CodegenDeserialize[shortname] = "\t%s = r." shortname "()\n"
- print ""
- print "\t" shortname "() {"
- if (size == "64") {
- # XXX: 2^53 - 1 must be enough for anyone. BigInts are a PITA.
- print "\t\tconst " shortname \
- " = Number(this.getBigUint" size "(this.offset))"
- } else {
- print "\t\tconst " shortname " = this.getUint" size "(this.offset)"
- }
- print "\t\tthis.offset += " (size / 8)
- print "\t\treturn " shortname
- print "\t}"
-function codegen_begin() {
- print "// Code generated from " FILENAME ". DO NOT EDIT."
- print ""
- print "export class Reader extends DataView {"
- print "\tconstructor() {"
- print "\t\tsuper(...arguments)"
- print "\t\tthis.offset = 0"
- print "\t\tthis.decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8', {fatal: true})"
- print "\t}"
- print ""
- print "\tget empty() {"
- print "\t\treturn this.byteLength <= this.offset"
- print "\t}"
- print ""
- print "\trequire(len) {"
- print "\t\tif (this.byteLength - this.offset < len)"
- print "\t\t\tthrow `Premature end of data`"
- print "\t\treturn this.byteOffset + this.offset"
- print "\t}"
- define_internal("string")
- CodegenDeserialize["string"] = "\t%s = r.string()\n"
- print ""
- print "\tstring() {"
- print "\t\tconst len = this.getUint32(this.offset)"
- print "\t\tthis.offset += 4"
- print "\t\tconst array = new Uint8Array("
- print "\t\t\tthis.buffer, this.require(len), len)"
- print "\t\tthis.offset += len"
- print "\t\treturn this.decoder.decode(array)"
- print "\t}"
- define_internal("bool")
- CodegenDeserialize["bool"] = "\t%s = r.bool()\n"
- print ""
- print "\tbool() {"
- print "\t\tconst u8 = this.getUint8(this.offset)"
- print "\t\tthis.offset += 1"
- print "\t\treturn u8 != 0"
- print "\t}"
- define_sint("8")
- define_sint("16")
- define_sint("32")
- define_sint("64")
- define_uint("8")
- define_uint("16")
- define_uint("32")
- define_uint("64")
- print "}"
-function codegen_constant(name, value) {
- print ""
- print "export const " decapitalize(snaketocamel(name)) " = " value
-function codegen_enum_value(name, subname, value, cg) {
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" snaketocamel(subname) ": " value ",\n")
-function codegen_enum(name, cg) {
- print ""
- print "export const " name " = Object.freeze({"
- print cg["fields"] "})"
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = "\t%s = r.i8()\n"
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]
-function codegen_struct_field(d, cg, camel, f, deserialize) {
- camel = decapitalize(snaketocamel(d["name"]))
- f = "s." camel
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" camel "\n")
- deserialize = CodegenDeserialize[d["type"]]
- if (!d["isarray"]) {
- append(cg, "deserialize", sprintf(deserialize, f))
- return
- }
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\t{\n" \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenDeserialize["u32"], "const len")))
- if (d["type"] == "u8") {
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\t\t" f " = new Uint8Array(\n" \
- "\t\t\tr.buffer, r.require(len), len)\n" \
- "\t\tr.offset += len\n" \
- "\t}\n")
- return
- }
- if (d["type"] == "i8") {
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\t\t" f " = new Int8Array(\n" \
- "\t\t\tr.buffer, r.require(len), len)\n" \
- "\t\tr.offset += len\n" \
- "\t}\n")
- return
- }
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\t\t" f " = new Array(len)\n" \
- "\t}\n" \
- "\tfor (let i = 0; i < " f ".length; i++)\n" \
- indent(sprintf(deserialize, f "[i]")))
-function codegen_struct_tag(d, cg) {
- append(cg, "fields", "\t" decapitalize(snaketocamel(d["name"])) "\n")
- # Do not deserialize here, that is already done by the containing union.
-function codegen_struct(name, cg) {
- print ""
- print "export class " name " {"
- print cg["fields"] cg["methods"]
- print "\tstatic deserialize(r) {"
- print "\t\tconst s = new " name "()"
- print indent(cg["deserialize"]) "\t\treturn s"
- print "\t}"
- print "}"
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = "\t%s = " name ".deserialize(r)\n"
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]
-function codegen_union_tag(d, cg) {
- cg["tagtype"] = d["type"]
- cg["tagname"] = d["name"]
-function codegen_union_struct(name, casename, cg, scg, structname) {
- append(scg, "methods",
- "\n" \
- "\tconstructor() {\n" \
- "\t\tthis." decapitalize(snaketocamel(cg["tagname"])) \
- " = " cg["tagtype"] "." snaketocamel(casename) "\n" \
- "\t}\n")
- # And thus not all generated structs are present in Types.
- structname = name snaketocamel(casename)
- codegen_struct(structname, scg)
- append(cg, "deserialize",
- "\tcase " cg["tagtype"] "." snaketocamel(casename) ":\n" \
- "\t{\n" \
- indent(sprintf(CodegenDeserialize[structname], "const s")) \
- "\t\treturn s\n" \
- "\t}\n")
-function codegen_union(name, cg, tagvar) {
- tagvar = decapitalize(snaketocamel(cg["tagname"]))
- print ""
- print "export function deserialize" name "(r) {"
- print sprintf(CodegenDeserialize[cg["tagtype"]], "const " tagvar) \
- "\tswitch (" tagvar ") {"
- print cg["deserialize"] "\tdefault:"
- print "\t\tthrow `Unknown " cg["tagtype"] " (${tagvar})`"
- print "\t}"
- print "}"
- CodegenDeserialize[name] = "\t%s = deserialize" name "(r)\n"
- for (i in cg)
- delete cg[i]
diff --git a/xC-gen-proto.awk b/xC-gen-proto.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a9ab1f..0000000
--- a/xC-gen-proto.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# xC-gen-proto.awk: an XDR-derived code generator for network protocols.
-# Copyright (c) 2022, Přemysl Eric Janouch <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
-# You may read RFC 4506 for context, however it is only a source of inspiration.
-# Grammar is easy to deduce from the parser.
-# Native types: bool, u{8,16,32,64}, i{8,16,32,64}, string
-# Don't define any new types, unless you hate yourself, then it's okay to do so.
-# Backends tend to be a pain in the arse, for different reasons.
-# All numbers are encoded in big-endian byte order.
-# Booleans are one byte each.
-# Strings must be valid UTF-8, use u8<> to lift that restriction.
-# String and array lengths are encoded as u32.
-# Enumeration values automatically start at 1, and are encoded as i8.
-# Any struct or union field may be a variable-length array.
-# Message framing is done externally, but also happens to prefix u32 lengths,
-# unless this role is already filled by, e.g., WebSocket.
-# Usage: env LC_ALL=C awk -f xC-gen-proto.awk -f xC-gen-proto-{c,go,js}.awk \
-# -v PrefixCamel=Relay xC-proto > xC-proto.{c,go,js} | {clang-format,gofmt,...}
-# --- Utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------
-function cameltosnake(s) {
- while (match(s, /[[:lower:]][[:upper:]]/)) {
- s = substr(s, 1, RSTART) "_" \
- tolower(substr(s, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 1)) \
- substr(s, RSTART + RLENGTH)
- }
- return tolower(s)
-function snaketocamel(s) {
- s = toupper(substr(s, 1, 1)) tolower(substr(s, 2))
- while (match(s, /_[[:alnum:]]/)) {
- s = substr(s, 1, RSTART - 1) \
- toupper(substr(s, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 1)) \
- substr(s, RSTART + RLENGTH)
- }
- return s
-function decapitalize(s) {
- if (match(s, /[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]/)) {
- return tolower(substr(s, 1, 1)) substr(s, 2)
- }
- return s
-function indent(s) {
- if (!s)
- return s
- gsub(/\n/, "\n\t", s)
- sub(/\t*$/, "", s)
- return "\t" s
-function append(a, key, value) {
- a[key] = a[key] value
-# --- Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------------
-function fatal(message) {
- print "// " FILENAME ":" FNR ": fatal error: " message
- print FILENAME ":" FNR ": fatal error: " message > "/dev/stderr"
- exit 1
-function skipcomment() {
- do {
- if (match($0, /[*][/]/)) {
- $0 = substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH)
- return
- }
- } while (getline > 0)
- fatal("unterminated block comment")
-function nexttoken() {
- do {
- if (match($0, /^[[:space:]]+/)) {
- $0 = substr($0, RLENGTH + 1)
- } else if (match($0, /^[/][/].*/)) {
- $0 = ""
- } else if (match($0, /^[/][*]/)) {
- $0 = substr($0, RLENGTH + 1)
- skipcomment()
- } else if (match($0, /^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*/)) {
- Token = substr($0, 1, RLENGTH)
- $0 = substr($0, RLENGTH + 1)
- return Token
- } else if (match($0, /^(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[1-9][0-9]*)/)) {
- Token = substr($0, 1, RLENGTH)
- $0 = substr($0, RLENGTH + 1)
- return Token
- } else if ($0) {
- Token = substr($0, 1, 1)
- $0 = substr($0, 2)
- return Token
- }
- } while ($0 || getline > 0)
- Token = ""
- return Token
-function expect(v) {
- if (!v)
- fatal("broken expectations at `" Token "' before `" $0 "'")
- return v
-function accept(what) {
- if (Token != what)
- return 0
- nexttoken()
- return 1
-function identifier( v) {
- if (Token !~ /^[[:alpha:]]/)
- return 0
- v = Token
- nexttoken()
- return v
-function number( v) {
- if (Token !~ /^[0-9]/)
- return 0
- v = Token
- nexttoken()
- return v
-function readnumber( ident) {
- ident = identifier()
- if (!ident)
- return expect(number())
- if (!(ident in Consts))
- fatal("unknown constant: " ident)
- return Consts[ident]
-function defconst( ident, num) {
- if (!accept("const"))
- return 0
- ident = expect(identifier())
- expect(accept("="))
- num = readnumber()
- if (ident in Consts)
- fatal("constant redefined: " ident)
- Consts[ident] = num
- codegen_constant(ident, num)
- return 1
-function readtype( ident) {
- ident = deftype()
- if (ident)
- return ident
- ident = identifier()
- if (!ident)
- return 0
- if (!(ident in Types))
- fatal("unknown type: " ident)
- return ident
-function defenum( name, ident, value, cg) {
- delete cg[0]
- name = expect(identifier())
- expect(accept("{"))
- while (!accept("}")) {
- ident = expect(identifier())
- value = value + 1
- if (accept("="))
- value = readnumber()
- if (!value)
- fatal("enumeration values cannot be zero")
- if (value < -128 || value > 127)
- fatal("enumeration value out of range")
- expect(accept(","))
- append(EnumValues, name, SUBSEP ident)
- if (EnumValues[name, ident]++)
- fatal("duplicate enum value: " ident)
- codegen_enum_value(name, ident, value, cg)
- }
- Types[name] = "enum"
- codegen_enum(name, cg)
- return name
-function readfield(out, nonvoid) {
- nonvoid = !accept("void")
- if (nonvoid) {
- out["type"] = expect(readtype())
- out["name"] = expect(identifier())
- # TODO: Consider supporting XDR's VLA length limits here.
- # TODO: Consider supporting XDR's fixed-length syntax for string limits.
- out["isarray"] = accept("<") && expect(accept(">"))
- }
- expect(accept(";"))
- return nonvoid
-function defstruct( name, d, cg) {
- delete d[0]
- delete cg[0]
- name = expect(identifier())
- expect(accept("{"))
- while (!accept("}")) {
- if (readfield(d))
- codegen_struct_field(d, cg)
- }
- Types[name] = "struct"
- codegen_struct(name, cg)
- return name
-function defunion( name, tag, tagtype, tagvalue, cg, scg, d, a, i, unseen) {
- delete cg[0]
- delete scg[0]
- delete d[0]
- name = expect(identifier())
- expect(accept("switch"))
- expect(accept("("))
- tag["type"] = tagtype = expect(readtype())
- tag["name"] = expect(identifier())
- expect(accept(")"))
- if (Types[tagtype] != "enum")
- fatal("not an enum type: " tagtype)
- codegen_union_tag(tag, cg)
- split(EnumValues[tagtype], a, SUBSEP)
- for (i in a)
- unseen[a[i]]++
- expect(accept("{"))
- while (!accept("}")) {
- if (accept("case")) {
- if (tagvalue)
- codegen_union_struct(name, tagvalue, cg, scg)
- tagvalue = expect(identifier())
- expect(accept(":"))
- if (!unseen[tagvalue]--)
- fatal("no such value or duplicate case: " tagtype "." tagvalue)
- codegen_struct_tag(tag, scg)
- } else if (tagvalue) {
- if (readfield(d))
- codegen_struct_field(d, scg)
- } else {
- fatal("union fields must fall under a case")
- }
- }
- if (tagvalue)
- codegen_union_struct(name, tagvalue, cg, scg)
- # What remains non-zero in unseen[2..] is simply not recognized/allowed.
- Types[name] = "union"
- codegen_union(name, cg)
- return name
-function deftype() {
- if (accept("enum"))
- return defenum()
- if (accept("struct"))
- return defstruct()
- if (accept("union"))
- return defunion()
- return 0
- if (PrefixCamel) {
- PrefixLower = tolower(cameltosnake(PrefixCamel)) "_"
- PrefixUpper = toupper(cameltosnake(PrefixCamel)) "_"
- }
- # This is not in a BEGIN clause (even though it consumes all input),
- # so that the code generator can insert the first FILENAME.
- codegen_begin()
- nexttoken()
- while (Token != "") {
- expect(defconst() || deftype())
- expect(accept(";"))
- }
diff --git a/xC-proto b/xC.lxdr
index 3057404..3057404 100644
--- a/xC-proto
+++ b/xC.lxdr
diff --git a/xP/Makefile b/xP/Makefile
index 6f3cdab..6ecf298 100644
--- a/xP/Makefile
+++ b/xP/Makefile
@@ -2,16 +2,17 @@
AWK = env LC_ALL=C awk
+tools = ../liberty/tools
outputs = xP proto.go public/proto.js public/mithril.js
all: $(outputs) public/ircfmt.woff2
xP: xP.go proto.go
go build -o $@
-proto.go: ../xC-gen-proto.awk ../xC-gen-proto-go.awk ../xC-proto
- $(AWK) -f ../xC-gen-proto.awk -f ../xC-gen-proto-go.awk \
- -v PrefixCamel=Relay ../xC-proto > $@
-public/proto.js: ../xC-gen-proto.awk ../xC-gen-proto-js.awk ../xC-proto
- $(AWK) -f ../xC-gen-proto.awk -f ../xC-gen-proto-js.awk ../xC-proto > $@
+proto.go: $(tools)/lxdrgen.awk $(tools)/lxdrgen-go.awk ../xC.lxdr
+ $(AWK) -f $(tools)/lxdrgen.awk -f $(tools)/lxdrgen-go.awk \
+ -v PrefixCamel=Relay ../xC.lxdr > $@
+public/proto.js: $(tools)/lxdrgen.awk $(tools)/lxdrgen-mjs.awk ../xC.lxdr
+ $(AWK) -f $(tools)/lxdrgen.awk -f $(tools)/lxdrgen-mjs.awk ../xC.lxdr > $@
public/ircfmt.woff2: gen-ircfmt.awk
$(AWK) -v Output=$@ -f gen-ircfmt.awk