path: root/plugins
diff options
authorPřemysl Janouch <>2014-07-23 23:55:31 +0200
committerPřemysl Janouch <>2014-07-24 00:01:00 +0200
commit9d0a276f93dd8fe0137c9818779cba6555102b1f (patch)
tree7fc62b6657f0a238065eb056d2cd53ce3cbf122a /plugins
parent4bc674a5592c4176d698cd15a09977f9ce6f7cdb (diff)
Port the `coin' plugin from VitaminA
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
2 files changed, 127 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/coin b/plugins/coin
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..44a1448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/coin
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
+# ZyklonB coin plugin, random number-based utilities
+# Copyright 2012, 2014 Přemysl Janouch. All rights reserved.
+# See the file LICENSE for licensing information.
+# This is a terrible excuse for a programming language and I feel dirty.
+proc parse {line} {
+ global msg
+ unset -nocomplain msg
+ if [regexp {^:([^ ]*) *(.*)} $line -> prefix rest] {
+ set msg(prefix) $prefix
+ set line $rest
+ }
+ if [regexp {^([^ ]*) *(.*)} $line -> command rest] {
+ set msg(command) $command
+ set line $rest
+ }
+ while {1} {
+ set line [string trimleft $line " "]
+ set i [string first " " $line]
+ if {$i == -1} { set i [string bytelength $line] }
+ if {$i == 0} { break }
+ if {[string index $line 0] == ":"} {
+ lappend msg(param) [string range $line 1 [string bytelength $line]]
+ break
+ }
+ lappend msg(param) [string range $line 0 [expr $i - 1]]
+ set line [string range $line $i [string bytelength $line]]
+ }
+proc get_config {key} {
+ global msg
+ puts "ZYKLONB get_config :$key"
+ gets stdin line
+ parse $line
+ return [lindex $msg(param) 0]
+proc pmrespond {text} {
+ global ctx
+ global ctx_quote
+ puts "PRIVMSG $ctx :$ctx_quote$text"
+fconfigure stdin -translation crlf
+fconfigure stdout -translation crlf
+set prefix [get_config prefix]
+puts "ZYKLONB register"
+set eightball [list \
+ "It is certain" \
+ "It is decidedly so" \
+ "Without a doubt" \
+ "Yes – definitely" \
+ "You may rely on it" \
+ "As I see it, yes" \
+ "Most likely" \
+ "Outlook good" \
+ "Yes" \
+ "Signs point to yes" \
+ "Reply hazy, try again" \
+ "Ask again later" \
+ "Better not tell you now" \
+ "Cannot predict now" \
+ "Concentrate and ask again" \
+ "Don't count on it" \
+ "My reply is no" \
+ "My sources say no" \
+ "Outlook not so good" \
+ "Very doubtful"]
+while {[gets stdin line] != -1} {
+ parse $line
+ if {! [info exists msg(prefix)] || ! [info exists msg(command)]
+ || $msg(command) != "PRIVMSG" || ! [info exists msg(param)]
+ || [llength $msg(param)] < 2} { continue }
+ regexp {^[^!]*} $msg(prefix) ctx
+ if [regexp {^[#&+!]} [lindex $msg(param) 0]] {
+ set ctx_quote "$ctx: "
+ set ctx [lindex $msg(param) 0]
+ } else { set ctx_quote "" }
+ set input [lindex $msg(param) 1]
+ set first_chars [string range $input 0 \
+ [expr [string bytelength $prefix] - 1]]
+ if {$first_chars != $prefix} { continue }
+ set input [string range $input \
+ [string bytelength $prefix] [string bytelength $input]]
+ if {$input == "coin"} {
+ if {rand() < 0.5} { pmrespond "Heads." } else { pmrespond "Tails." }
+ } elseif {[regexp {^dice( +|$)(.*)} $input -> _ args]} {
+ if {! [string is integer -strict $args] || $args <= 0} {
+ pmrespond "Invalid or missing number."
+ } else {
+ pmrespond [expr {int($args * rand()) + 1}]
+ }
+ } elseif {[regexp {^(choose|\?)( +|$)(.*)} $input -> _ _ args]} {
+ if {$args == ""} {
+ pmrespond "Nothing to choose from."
+ } else {
+ set c [split $args ",|"]
+ pmrespond [lindex $c [expr {int([llength $c] * rand())}]]
+ }
+ } elseif {[regexp {^eightball( +|$)(.*)} $input -> _ args]} {
+ if {$args == ""} {
+ pmrespond "You should, you know, ask something."
+ } else {
+ pmrespond [lindex $eightball \
+ [expr {int([llength $eightball] * rand())}]].
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/eval b/plugins/eval
index 97c3349..c661df6 100755
--- a/plugins/eval
+++ b/plugins/eval
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ msg_command == "PRIVMSG" \
ctx = substr(msg_prefix, RSTART, RLENGTH)
if (msg_param[0] ~ /^[#&!+]/)
- ctxquote = ctx ": "
+ ctx_quote = ctx ": "
ctx = msg_param[0]
- ctxquote = ""
+ ctx_quote = ""
if (substr(msg_param[1], 1, length(prefix)) == prefix)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ msg_command == "PRIVMSG" \
function pmrespond (text)
- print "PRIVMSG " ctx " :" ctxquote text
+ print "PRIVMSG " ctx " :" ctx_quote text
function process_request (input, res, x)