path: root/plugins/zyklonb
diff options
authorPřemysl Eric Janouch <>2021-08-06 16:12:15 +0200
committerPřemysl Eric Janouch <>2021-08-06 16:43:59 +0200
commit50057d5149dda340b3b47aca4096f4a6ec66b9ee (patch)
tree79323d20b17c2c8e32942a1ac9b84d9da3041c6d /plugins/zyklonb
parent1f64710e795b0c5434d15813d4f1f568467ca087 (diff)
Come up with sillier names for the binaries
I'm not entirely sure, but it looks like some people might not like jokes about the Holocaust. On a more serious note, the project has become more serious over the 7 or so years of its existence.
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/zyklonb')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 3980 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/zyklonb/calc b/plugins/zyklonb/calc
deleted file mode 100755
index 8e36357..0000000
--- a/plugins/zyklonb/calc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env guile
- ZyklonB calc plugin, basic Scheme evaluator
- Copyright 2016 Přemysl Eric Janouch
- See the file LICENSE for licensing information.
-(import (rnrs (6)))
-(use-modules ((rnrs) :version (6)))
-; --- Message parsing ----------------------------------------------------------
-(define-record-type message (fields prefix command params))
-(define (parse-message line)
- (let f ([parts '()] [chars (string->list line)])
- (define (take-word w chars)
- (if (or (null? chars) (eqv? (car chars) #\x20))
- (f (cons (list->string (reverse w)) parts)
- (if (null? chars) chars (cdr chars)))
- (take-word (cons (car chars) w) (cdr chars))))
- (if (null? chars)
- (let ([data (reverse parts)])
- (when (< (length data) 2)
- (error 'parse-message "invalid message"))
- (make-message (car data) (cadr data) (cddr data)))
- (if (null? parts)
- (if (eqv? (car chars) #\:)
- (take-word '() (cdr chars))
- (f (cons #f parts) chars))
- (if (eqv? (car chars) #\:)
- (f (cons (list->string (cdr chars)) parts) '())
- (take-word '() chars))))))
-; --- Utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------
-(define (display-exception e port)
- (define (puts . x)
- (for-all (lambda (a) (display a port)) x)
- (newline port))
- (define (record-fields rec)
- (let* ([rtd (record-rtd rec)]
- [v (record-type-field-names rtd)]
- [len (vector-length v)])
- (map (lambda (k i) (cons k ((record-accessor rtd i) rec)))
- (vector->list v)
- (let c ([i len] [ls '()])
- (if (= i 0) ls (c (- i 1) (cons (- i 1) ls)))))))
- (puts "Caught " (record-type-name (record-rtd e)))
- (for-all
- (lambda (subtype)
- (puts " " (record-type-name (record-rtd subtype)))
- (for-all
- (lambda (field) (puts " " (car field) ": " (cdr field)))
- (record-fields subtype)))
- (simple-conditions e)))
-; XXX - we have to work around Guile's lack of proper eol-style support
-(define xc (make-transcoder (latin-1-codec) 'lf 'replace))
-(define irc-input-port (transcoded-port (standard-input-port) xc))
-(define irc-output-port (transcoded-port (standard-output-port) xc))
-(define (send . message)
- (for-all (lambda (x) (display x irc-output-port)) message)
- (display #\return irc-output-port)
- (newline irc-output-port)
- (flush-output-port irc-output-port))
-(define (get-line-crlf port)
- (define line (get-line port))
- (if (eof-object? line) line
- (let ([len (string-length line)])
- (if (and (> len 0) (eqv? (string-ref line (- len 1)) #\return))
- (substring line 0 (- len 1)) line))))
-(define (get-config name)
- (send "ZYKLONB get_config :" name)
- (car (message-params (parse-message (get-line-crlf irc-input-port)))))
-(define (extract-nick prefix)
- (do ([i 0 (+ i 1)] [len (string-length prefix)])
- ([or (= i len) (char=? #\! (string-ref prefix i))]
- [substring prefix 0 i])))
-(define (string-after s start)
- (let ([s-len (string-length s)] [with-len (string-length start)])
- (and (>= s-len with-len)
- (string=? (substring s 0 with-len) start)
- (substring s with-len s-len))))
-; --- Calculator ---------------------------------------------------------------
-; Evaluator derived from the example in The Scheme Programming Language.
-; Even though EVAL with a carefully crafted environment would also do a good
-; job at sandboxing, it would probably be impossible to limit execution time...
-(define (env-new formals actuals env)
- (cond [(null? formals) env]
- [(symbol? formals) (cons (cons formals actuals) env)]
- [else (cons (cons (car formals) (car actuals))
- (env-new (cdr formals) (cdr actuals) env))]))
-(define (env-lookup var env) (cdr (assq var env)))
-(define (env-assign var val env) (set-cdr! (assq var env) val))
-(define (check-reductions r)
- (if (= (car r) 0)
- (error 'check-reductions "reduction limit exceeded")
- (set-car! r (- (car r) 1))))
-; TODO - think about implementing more syntactical constructs,
-; however there's not much point in having anything else in a calculator...
-(define (exec expr r env)
- (check-reductions r)
- (cond [(symbol? expr) (env-lookup expr env)]
- [(pair? expr)
- (case (car expr)
- [(quote) (cadr expr)]
- [(lambda) (lambda vals
- (let ([env (env-new (cadr expr) vals env)])
- (let loop ([exprs (cddr expr)])
- (if (null? (cdr exprs))
- (exec (car exprs) r env)
- (begin (exec (car exprs) r env)
- (loop (cdr exprs)))))))]
- [(if) (if (exec (cadr expr) r env)
- (exec (caddr expr) r env)
- (exec (cadddr expr) r env))]
- [(set!) (env-assign (cadr expr) (exec (caddr expr) r env) env)]
- [else (apply (exec (car expr) r env)
- (map (lambda (x) (exec x r env)) (cdr expr)))])]
- [else expr]))
-(define-syntax forward
- (syntax-rules ()
- [(_) '()]
- [(_ a b ...) (cons (cons (quote a) a) (forward b ...))]))
-; ...which can't prevent me from simply importing most of the standard library
-(define base-library
- (forward
- ; Equivalence, procedure predicate, booleans
- eqv? eq? equal? procedure? boolean? boolean=? not
- ; numbers, numerical input and output
- number? complex? real? rational? integer? exact? inexact? exact inexact
- real-valued? rational-valued? integer-valued? number->string string->number
- ; Arithmetic
- = < > <= >= zero? positive? negative? odd? even? finite? infinite? nan?
- min max + * - / abs div-and-mod div mod div0-and-mod0 div0 mod0
- gcd lcm numerator denominator floor ceiling truncate round
- rationalize exp log sin cos tan asin acos atan sqrt expt
- make-rectangular make-polar real-part imag-part magnitude angle
- ; Pairs and lists
- map for-each cons car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr
- caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
- caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
- cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr
- pair? null? list? list length append reverse list-tail list-ref
- ; Symbols
- symbol? symbol=? symbol->string string->symbol
- ; Characters
- char? char=? char<? char>? char<=? char>=? char->integer integer->char
- ; Strings; XXX - omitted make-string - can cause OOM
- string? string=? string<? string>? string<=? string>=?
- string string-length string-ref substring
- string-append string->list list->string string-for-each string-copy
- ; Vectors; XXX - omitted make-vector - can cause OOM
- vector? vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set!
- vector->list list->vector vector-fill! vector-map vector-for-each
- ; Control features
- apply call/cc values call-with-values dynamic-wind))
-(define extended-library
- (forward
- char-upcase char-downcase char-titlecase char-foldcase
- char-ci=? char-ci<? char-ci>? char-ci<=? char-ci>=?
- char-alphabetic? char-numeric? char-whitespace?
- char-upper-case? char-lower-case? char-title-case?
- string-upcase string-downcase string-titlecase string-foldcase
- string-ci=? string-ci<? string-ci>? string-ci<=? string-ci>=?
- find for-all exists filter partition fold-left fold-right
- remp remove remv remq memp member memv memq assp assoc assv assq cons*
- list-sort vector-sort vector-sort!
- bitwise-not bitwise-and bitwise-ior bitwise-xor bitwise-if
- bitwise-bit-count bitwise-length bitwise-first-bit-set bitwise-bit-set?
- bitwise-copy-bit bitwise-bit-field bitwise-copy-bit-field
- bitwise-arithmetic-shift bitwise-rotate-bit-field bitwise-reverse-bit-field
- bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right
- set-car! set-cdr! string-set! string-fill!))
-(define (interpret expr)
- (exec expr '(2000) (append base-library extended-library)))
-; We could show something a bit nicer but it would be quite Guile-specific
-(define (error-string e)
- (map (lambda (x) (string-append " " (symbol->string x)))
- (filter (lambda (x) (not (member x '(&who &message &irritants &guile))))
- (map (lambda (x) (record-type-name (record-rtd x)))
- (simple-conditions e)))))
-(define (calc input respond)
- (define (stringify x)
- (call-with-string-output-port (lambda (port) (write x port))))
- (guard (e [else (display-exception e (current-error-port))
- (apply respond "caught" (error-string e))])
- (let* ([input (open-string-input-port input)]
- [data (let loop ()
- (define datum (get-datum input))
- (if (eof-object? datum) '() (cons datum (loop))))])
- (call-with-values
- (lambda () (interpret (list (append '(lambda ()) data))))
- (lambda message
- (for-all (lambda (x) (respond (stringify x))) message))))))
-; --- Main loop ----------------------------------------------------------------
-(define prefix (get-config "prefix"))
-(send "ZYKLONB register")
-(define (process msg)
- (when (string-ci=? (message-command msg) "PRIVMSG")
- (let* ([nick (extract-nick (message-prefix msg))]
- [target (car (message-params msg))]
- [response-begin
- (apply string-append "PRIVMSG "
- (if (memv (string-ref target 0) (string->list "#&!+"))
- `(,target " :" ,nick ": ") `(,nick " :")))]
- [respond (lambda args (apply send response-begin args))]
- [text (cadr (message-params msg))]
- [input (or (string-after text (string-append prefix "calc "))
- (string-after text (string-append prefix "= ")))])
- (when input (calc input respond)))))
-(let main-loop ()
- (define line (get-line-crlf irc-input-port))
- (unless (eof-object? line)
- (guard (e [else (display-exception e (current-error-port))])
- (unless (string=? "" line)
- (process (parse-message line))))
- (main-loop)))
diff --git a/plugins/zyklonb/coin b/plugins/zyklonb/coin
deleted file mode 100755
index 7dfe923..0000000
--- a/plugins/zyklonb/coin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-# ZyklonB coin plugin, random number-based utilities
-# Copyright 2012, 2014 Přemysl Eric Janouch
-# See the file LICENSE for licensing information.
-# This is a terrible excuse for a programming language and I feel dirty.
-proc parse {line} {
- global msg
- unset -nocomplain msg
- if [regexp {^:([^ ]*) *(.*)} $line -> prefix rest] {
- set msg(prefix) $prefix
- set line $rest
- }
- if [regexp {^([^ ]*) *(.*)} $line -> command rest] {
- set msg(command) $command
- set line $rest
- }
- while {1} {
- set line [string trimleft $line " "]
- set i [string first " " $line]
- if {$i == -1} { set i [string length $line] }
- if {$i == 0} { break }
- if {[string index $line 0] == ":"} {
- lappend msg(param) [string range $line 1 end]
- break
- }
- lappend msg(param) [string range $line 0 [expr $i - 1]]
- set line [string range $line $i end]
- }
-proc get_config {key} {
- global msg
- puts "ZYKLONB get_config :$key"
- gets stdin line
- parse $line
- return [lindex $msg(param) 0]
-proc pmrespond {text} {
- global ctx
- global ctx_quote
- puts "PRIVMSG $ctx :$ctx_quote$text"
-fconfigure stdin -translation crlf -encoding iso8859-1
-fconfigure stdout -translation crlf -encoding iso8859-1
-set prefix [get_config prefix]
-puts "ZYKLONB register"
-set eightball [list \
- "It is certain" \
- "It is decidedly so" \
- "Without a doubt" \
- "Yes - definitely" \
- "You may rely on it" \
- "As I see it, yes" \
- "Most likely" \
- "Outlook good" \
- "Yes" \
- "Signs point to yes" \
- "Reply hazy, try again" \
- "Ask again later" \
- "Better not tell you now" \
- "Cannot predict now" \
- "Concentrate and ask again" \
- "Don't count on it" \
- "My reply is no" \
- "My sources say no" \
- "Outlook not so good" \
- "Very doubtful"]
-while {[gets stdin line] != -1} {
- parse $line
- if {! [info exists msg(prefix)] || ! [info exists msg(command)]
- || $msg(command) != "PRIVMSG" || ! [info exists msg(param)]
- || [llength $msg(param)] < 2} { continue }
- regexp {^[^!]*} $msg(prefix) ctx
- if [regexp {^[#&+!]} [lindex $msg(param) 0]] {
- set ctx_quote "$ctx: "
- set ctx [lindex $msg(param) 0]
- } else { set ctx_quote "" }
- set input [lindex $msg(param) 1]
- set first_chars [string range $input 0 \
- [expr [string length $prefix] - 1]]
- if {$first_chars != $prefix} { continue }
- set input [string range $input [string length $prefix] end]
- if {$input == "coin"} {
- if {rand() < 0.5} {
- pmrespond "Heads."
- } else {
- pmrespond "Tails."
- }
- } elseif {[regexp {^dice( +|$)(.*)} $input -> _ args]} {
- if {! [string is integer -strict $args] || $args <= 0} {
- pmrespond "Invalid or missing number."
- } else {
- pmrespond [expr {int($args * rand()) + 1}]
- }
- } elseif {[regexp {^(choose|\?)( +|$)(.*)} $input -> _ _ args]} {
- if {$args == ""} {
- pmrespond "Nothing to choose from."
- } else {
- set c [split $args ",|"]
- pmrespond [string trim [lindex $c \
- [expr {int([llength $c] * rand())}]]]
- }
- } elseif {[regexp {^eightball( +|$)(.*)} $input -> _ args]} {
- if {$args == ""} {
- pmrespond "You should, you know, ask something."
- } else {
- pmrespond [lindex $eightball \
- [expr {int([llength $eightball] * rand())}]].
- }
- }
diff --git a/plugins/zyklonb/eval b/plugins/zyklonb/eval
deleted file mode 100755
index ccc7f0a..0000000
--- a/plugins/zyklonb/eval
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/awk -f
-# ZyklonB eval plugin, LISP-like expression evaluator
-# Copyright 2013, 2014 Přemysl Eric Janouch
-# See the file LICENSE for licensing information.
- RS = "\r"
- ORS = "\r\n"
- srand()
- prefix = get_config("prefix")
- print "ZYKLONB register"
- fflush("")
- # All functions have to be in this particular array
- min_args["int"] = 1
- min_args["+"] = 1
- min_args["-"] = 1
- min_args["*"] = 1
- min_args["/"] = 1
- min_args["%"] = 1
- min_args["^"] = 1
- min_args["**"] = 1
- min_args["exp"] = 1
- min_args["sin"] = 1
- min_args["cos"] = 1
- min_args["atan2"] = 2
- min_args["log"] = 1
- min_args["rand"] = 0
- min_args["sqrt"] = 1
- min_args["pi"] = 0
- min_args["e"] = 0
- min_args["min"] = 1
- min_args["max"] = 1
- # Whereas here their presence is only optional
- max_args["int"] = 1
- max_args["sin"] = 1
- max_args["cos"] = 1
- max_args["atan2"] = 2
- max_args["log"] = 1
- max_args["rand"] = 0
- max_args["sqrt"] = 1
- max_args["pi"] = 0
- max_args["e"] = 0
- parse($0)
-msg_command == "PRIVMSG" \
- # Context = either channel or user nickname
- match(msg_prefix, /^[^!]+/)
- ctx = substr(msg_prefix, RSTART, RLENGTH)
- if (msg_param[0] ~ /^[#&!+]/)
- {
- ctx_quote = ctx ": "
- ctx = msg_param[0]
- }
- else
- ctx_quote = ""
- if (substr(msg_param[1], 1, length(prefix)) == prefix)
- {
- keyword = "eval"
- text = substr(msg_param[1], 1 + length(prefix))
- if (match(text, "^" keyword "([^A-Za-z0-9].*|$)"))
- process_request(substr(text, 1 + length(keyword)))
- }
- fflush("")
-function pmrespond (text)
- print "PRIVMSG " ctx " :" ctx_quote text
-function process_request (input, res, x)
- delete funs
- delete accumulator
- delete n_args
- res = ""
- fun_top = 0
- funs[0] = ""
- accumulator[0] = 0
- n_args[0] = 0
- if (match(input, "^[ \t]*"))
- input = substr(input, RLENGTH + 1)
- if (input == "")
- res = "expression missing"
- while (res == "" && input != "") {
- if (match(input, "^-?[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*")) {
- x = substr(input, RSTART, RLENGTH)
- input = substr(input, RLENGTH + 1)
- match(input, "^ *")
- input = substr(input, RLENGTH + 1)
- res = process_argument(x)
- } else if (match(input, "^[(]([^ ()]+)")) {
- x = substr(input, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 1)
- input = substr(input, RLENGTH + 1)
- match(input, "^ *")
- input = substr(input, RLENGTH + 1)
- if (!(x in min_args)) {
- res = "undefined function '" x "'"
- } else {
- fun_top++
- funs[fun_top] = x
- accumulator[fun_top] = 636363
- n_args[fun_top] = 0
- }
- } else if (match(input, "^[)] *")) {
- input = substr(input, RLENGTH + 1)
- res = process_end()
- } else
- res = "invalid input at '" substr(input, 1, 10) "...'"
- }
- if (res == "") {
- if (fun_top != 0)
- res = "unclosed '" funs[fun_top] "'"
- else if (n_args[0] != 1)
- res = "internal error, expected one result" \
- ", got " n_args[0] " instead"
- }
- if (res == "")
- pmrespond(accumulator[0])
- else
- pmrespond(res)
-function process_argument (arg)
- if (fun_top == 0) {
- if (n_args[0]++ != 0)
- return "too many results, I only expect one"
- accumulator[0] = arg
- return ""
- }
- fun = funs[fun_top]
- if (fun in max_args && max_args[fun] <= n_args[fun_top])
- return "too many operands for " fun
- if (fun == "int") {
- accumulator[fun_top] = int(arg)
- } else if (fun == "+") {
- if (n_args[fun_top] == 0)
- accumulator[fun_top] = arg
- else
- accumulator[fun_top] += arg
- } else if (fun == "-") {
- if (n_args[fun_top] == 0)
- accumulator[fun_top] = arg
- else
- accumulator[fun_top] -= arg
- } else if (fun == "*") {
- if (n_args[fun_top] == 0)
- accumulator[fun_top] = arg
- else
- accumulator[fun_top] *= arg
- } else if (fun == "/") {
- if (n_args[fun_top] == 0)
- accumulator[fun_top] = arg
- else if (arg == 0)
- return "division by zero"
- else
- accumulator[fun_top] /= arg
- } else if (fun == "%") {
- if (n_args[fun_top] == 0)
- accumulator[fun_top] = arg
- else if (arg == 0)
- return "division by zero"
- else
- accumulator[fun_top] %= arg
- } else if (fun == "^" || fun == "**" || fun == "exp") {
- if (n_args[fun_top] == 0)
- accumulator[fun_top] = arg
- else
- accumulator[fun_top] ^= arg
- } else if (fun == "sin") {
- accumulator[fun_top] = sin(arg)
- } else if (fun == "cos") {
- accumulator[fun_top] = cos(arg)
- } else if (fun == "atan2") {
- if (n_args[fun_top] == 0)
- accumulator[fun_top] = arg
- else
- accumulator[fun_top] = atan2(accumulator[fun_top], arg)
- } else if (fun == "log") {
- accumulator[fun_top] = log(arg)
- } else if (fun == "rand") {
- # Just for completeness, execution never gets here
- } else if (fun == "sqrt") {
- accumulator[fun_top] = sqrt(arg)
- } else if (fun == "min") {
- if (n_args[fun_top] == 0)
- accumulator[fun_top] = arg
- else if (accumulator[fun_top] > arg)
- accumulator[fun_top] = arg
- } else if (fun == "max") {
- if (n_args[fun_top] == 0)
- accumulator[fun_top] = arg
- else if (accumulator[fun_top] < arg)
- accumulator[fun_top] = arg
- } else
- return "internal error, unhandled operands for " fun
- n_args[fun_top]++
- return ""
-function process_end ()
- if (fun_top <= 0)
- return "extraneous ')'"
- fun = funs[fun_top]
- if (!(fun in min_args))
- return "internal error, unhandled ')' for '" fun "'"
- if (min_args[fun] > n_args[fun_top])
- return "not enough operands for '" fun "'"
- # There's no 'init' function to do it in
- if (fun == "rand")
- accumulator[fun_top] = rand()
- else if (fun == "pi")
- accumulator[fun_top] = 3.141592653589793
- else if (fun == "e")
- accumulator[fun_top] = 2.718281828459045
- return process_argument(accumulator[fun_top--])
-function get_config (key)
- print "ZYKLONB get_config :" key
- fflush("")
- getline
- parse($0)
- return msg_param[0]
-function parse (line, s, n, id, token)
- s = 1
- id = 0
- # NAWK only uses the first character of RS
- if (line ~ /^\n/)
- line = substr(line, 2)
- msg_prefix = ""
- msg_command = ""
- delete msg_param
- n = match(substr(line, s), / |$/)
- while (n)
- {
- token = substr(line, s, n - 1)
- if (token ~ /^:/)
- {
- if (s == 1)
- msg_prefix = substr(token, 2)
- else
- {
- msg_param[id] = substr(line, s + 1)
- break
- }
- }
- else if (!msg_command)
- msg_command = toupper(token)
- else
- msg_param[id++] = token
- s = s + n
- n = index(substr(line, s), " ")
- if (!n)
- {
- n = length(substr(line, s)) + 1
- if (n == 1)
- break;
- }
- }
diff --git a/plugins/zyklonb/factoids b/plugins/zyklonb/factoids
deleted file mode 100755
index 431600c..0000000
--- a/plugins/zyklonb/factoids
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# ZyklonB factoids plugin
-# Copyright 2016 Přemysl Eric Janouch <>
-# See the file LICENSE for licensing information.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Text::Wrap;
-# --- IRC protocol -------------------------------------------------------------
-binmode STDIN; select STDIN; $| = 1; $/ = "\r\n";
-binmode STDOUT; select STDOUT; $| = 1; $\ = "\r\n";
-sub parse ($) {
- chomp (my $line = shift);
- return undef unless my ($nick, $user, $host, $command, $args) = ($line =~
- qr/^(?::([^! ]*)(?:!([^@]*)@([^ ]*))? +)?([^ ]+)(?: +(.*))?$/o);
- return {nick => $nick, user => $user, host => $host, command => $command,
- args => defined $args ? [$args =~ /:?((?<=:).*|[^ ]+) */og] : []};
-sub bot_print {
- print "ZYKLONB print :${\shift}";
-# --- Initialization -----------------------------------------------------------
-my %config;
-for my $name (qw(prefix)) {
- print "ZYKLONB get_config :$name";
- $config{$name} = (parse <STDIN>)->{args}->[0];
-print "ZYKLONB register";
-# --- Database -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# Simple map of (factoid_name => [definitions]); all factoids are separated
-# by newlines and definitions by carriage returns. Both disallowed in IRC.
-sub db_load {
- local $/ = "\n";
- my ($path) = @_;
- open my $db, "<", $path or return {};
- my %entries;
- while (<$db>) {
- chomp;
- my @defs = split "\r";
- $entries{shift @defs} = \@defs;
- }
- \%entries
-sub db_save {
- local $\ = "\n";
- my ($path, $ref) = @_;
- my $path_new = "$";
- open my $db, ">", $path_new or die "db save failed: $!";
- my %entries = %$ref;
- print $db join "\r", ($_, @{$entries{$_}}) for keys %entries;
- close $db;
- rename $path_new, $path or die "db save failed: $!";
-# --- Factoids -----------------------------------------------------------------
-my $db_path = 'factoids.db';
-my %db = %{db_load $db_path};
-sub learn {
- my ($respond, $input) = @_;
- return &$respond("usage: <name> = <definition>")
- unless $input =~ /^([^=]+?)(?:\s+(\d+))?\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/;
- my ($name, $number, $definition) = ($1, $2, $3);
- return &$respond("trailing numbers in names are disallowed")
- if defined $2;
- $db{$name} = [] unless exists $db{$name};
- my $entries = $db{$name};
- return &$respond("duplicate definition")
- if grep { lc $_ eq lc $definition } @$entries;
- push @$entries, $definition;
- &$respond("saved as #${\scalar @$entries}");
- db_save $db_path, \%db;
-sub check_number {
- my ($respond, $name, $number) = @_;
- my $entries = $db{$name};
- if ($number > @$entries) {
- &$respond(qq/"$name" has only ${\scalar @$entries} definitions/);
- } elsif (not $number) {
- &$respond("number must not be zero");
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-sub forget {
- my ($respond, $input) = @_;
- return &$respond("usage: <name> <number>")
- unless $input =~ /^([^=]+?)\s+(\d+)\s*$/;
- my ($name, $number) = ($1, int($2));
- return &$respond(qq/"$name" is undefined/)
- unless exists $db{$name};
- my $entries = $db{$name};
- return unless check_number $respond, $name, $number;
- splice @$entries, --$number, 1;
- &$respond("forgotten");
- db_save $db_path, \%db;
-sub whatis {
- my ($respond, $input) = @_;
- return &$respond("usage: <name> [<number>]")
- unless $input =~ /^([^=]+?)(?:\s+(\d+))?\s*$/;
- my ($name, $number) = ($1, $2);
- return &$respond(qq/"$name" is undefined/)
- unless exists $db{$name};
- my $entries = $db{$name};
- if (defined $number) {
- return unless check_number $respond, $name, $number;
- &$respond(qq/"$name" is #$number $entries->[$number - 1]/);
- } else {
- my $i = 1;
- my $definition = join ", ", map { "#${\$i++} $_" } @{$entries};
- &$respond(qq/"$name" is $definition/);
- }
-sub wildcard {
- my ($respond, $input) = @_;
- $input =~ /=/ ? learn(@_) : whatis(@_);
-my %commands = (
- 'learn' => \&learn,
- 'forget' => \&forget,
- 'whatis' => \&whatis,
- '??' => \&wildcard,
-# --- Input loop ---------------------------------------------------------------
-while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
- my %msg = %{parse $line};
- my @args = @{$msg{args}};
- # This plugin only bothers to respond to PRIVMSG messages
- next unless $msg{command} eq 'PRIVMSG' and @args >= 2
- and my ($cmd, $input) = $args[1] =~ /^$config{prefix}(\S+)\s*(.*)/;
- # So far the only reaction is a PRIVMSG back to the sender, so all the
- # handlers need is a response callback and all arguments to the command
- my ($target => $quote) = ($args[0] =~ /^[#+&!]/)
- ? ($args[0] => "$msg{nick}: ") : ($msg{nick} => '');
- # Wrap all responses so that there's space for our prefix in the message
- my $respond = sub {
- local ($Text::Wrap::columns, $Text::Wrap::unexpand) = 400, 0;
- my $start = "PRIVMSG $target :$quote";
- print for split "\n", wrap $start, $start, shift;
- };
- &{$commands{$cmd}}($respond, $input) if exists($commands{$cmd});
diff --git a/plugins/zyklonb/pomodoro b/plugins/zyklonb/pomodoro
deleted file mode 100755
index 2bb6531..0000000
--- a/plugins/zyklonb/pomodoro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# coding: utf-8
-# ZyklonB pomodoro plugin
-# Copyright 2015 Přemysl Eric Janouch
-# See the file LICENSE for licensing information.
-# --- Simple event loop --------------------------------------------------------
-# This is more or less a straight-forward port of my C event loop. It's a bit
-# unfortunate that I really have to implement all this in order to get some
-# basic asynchronicity but at least I get to exercise my Ruby.
-class TimerEvent
- attr_accessor :index, :when, :callback
- def initialize (callback)
- raise ArgumentError unless callback.is_a? Proc
- @index = nil
- @when = nil
- @callback = callback
- end
- def active?
- @index != nil
- end
- def until
- return @when -
- end
-class IOEvent
- READ = 1 << 0
- WRITE = 1 << 1
- attr_accessor :read_index, :write_index, :io, :callback
- def initialize (io, callback)
- raise ArgumentError unless callback.is_a? Proc
- @read_index = nil
- @write_index = nil
- @io = io
- @callback = callback
- end
-class EventLoop
- def initialize
- @running = false
- @timers = []
- @readers = []
- @writers = []
- @io_to_event = {}
- end
- def set_timer (timer, timeout)
- raise ArgumentError unless timer.is_a? TimerEvent
- timer.when = + timeout
- if timer.index
- heapify_down timer.index
- heapify_up timer.index
- else
- timer.index = @timers.size
- @timers.push timer
- heapify_up timer.index
- end
- end
- def reset_timer (timer)
- raise ArgumentError unless timer.is_a? TimerEvent
- remove_timer_at timer.index if timer.index
- end
- def set_io (io_event, events)
- raise ArgumentError unless io_event.is_a? IOEvent
- raise ArgumentError unless events.is_a? Numeric
- reset_io io_event
- @io_to_event[] = io_event
- if events & IOEvent::READ
- io_event.read_index = @readers.size
- @readers.push
- end
- if events & IOEvent::WRITE
- io_event.read_index = @writers.size
- @writers.push
- end
- end
- def reset_io (io_event)
- raise ArgumentError unless io_event.is_a? IOEvent
- @readers.delete_at io_event.read_index if io_event.read_index
- @writers.delete_at io_event.write_index if io_event.write_index
- io_event.read_index = nil
- io_event.write_index = nil
- @io_to_event.delete
- end
- def run
- @running = true
- while @running do one_iteration end
- end
- def quit
- @running = false
- end
- def one_iteration
- rs, ws, = @readers, @writers, [], nearest_timeout
- dispatch_timers
- (Array(rs) | Array(ws)).each do |io|
- @io_to_event[io] io
- end
- end
- def dispatch_timers
- now =
- while not @timers.empty? and @timers[0].when <= now do
- @timers[0]
- remove_timer_at 0
- end
- end
- def nearest_timeout
- return nil if @timers.empty?
- timeout = @timers[0].until
- if timeout < 0 then 0 else timeout end
- end
- def remove_timer_at (index)
- @timers[index].index = nil
- moved = @timers.pop
- return if index == @timers.size
- @timers[index] = moved
- @timers[index].index = index
- heapify_down index
- end
- def swap_timers (a, b)
- @timers[a], @timers[b] = @timers[b], @timers[a]
- @timers[a].index = a
- @timers[b].index = b
- end
- def heapify_up (index)
- while index != 0 do
- parent = (index - 1) / 2
- break if @timers[parent].when <= @timers[index].when
- swap_timers index, parent
- index = parent
- end
- end
- def heapify_down (index)
- loop do
- parent = index
- left = 2 * index + 1
- right = 2 * index + 2
- lowest = parent
- lowest = left if left < @timers.size and
- @timers[left] .when < @timers[lowest].when
- lowest = right if right < @timers.size and
- @timers[right].when < @timers[lowest].when
- break if parent == lowest
- swap_timers lowest, parent
- index = lowest
- end
- end
-# --- IRC protocol -------------------------------------------------------------
-$stdin.set_encoding 'ASCII-8BIT'
-$stdout.set_encoding 'ASCII-8BIT'
-$stdin.sync = true
-$stdout.sync = true
-$/ = "\r\n"
-$\ = "\r\n"
-RE_MSG = /(?::([^! ]*)(?:!([^@]*)@([^ ]*))? +)?([^ ]+)(?: +(.*))?$/
-RE_ARGS = /:?((?<=:).*|[^ ]+) */
-def parse (line)
- m = line.match RE_MSG
- return nil if not m
- nick, user, host, command, args = *m.captures
- args = if args then args.scan(RE_ARGS).flatten else [] end
- [nick, user, host, command, args]
-def bot_print (what)
- print "ZYKLONB print :#{what}"
-# --- Initialization -----------------------------------------------------------
-# We can only read in configuration from here so far
-# To read it from anywhere else, it has to be done asynchronously
-$config = {}
-[:prefix].each do |name|
- print "ZYKLONB get_config :#{name}"
- _, _, _, _, args = *parse($stdin.gets.chomp)
- $config[name] = args[0]
-print "ZYKLONB register"
-# --- Plugin logic -------------------------------------------------------------
-# FIXME: this needs a major refactor as it doesn't make much sense at all
-class MessageMeta <, :user, :host, :channel, :ctx, :quote)
- def respond (message)
- print "PRIVMSG #{ctx} :#{quote}#{message}"
- end
-class Context
- attr_accessor :nick, :ctx
- def initialize (meta)
- @nick = meta.nick
- @ctx = meta.ctx
- end
- def == (other)
- self.class == other.class \
- and other.nick == @nick \
- and other.ctx == @ctx
- end
- alias eql? ==
- def hash
- @nick.hash ^ @ctx.hash
- end
-class PomodoroTimer
- def initialize (context)
- @ctx = context.ctx
- @nicks = [context.nick]
- @timer_work = { on_work })
- @timer_rest = { on_rest })
- on_work
- end
- def inform (message)
- # FIXME: it tells the nick even in PM's
- quote = "#{@nicks.join(" ")}: "
- print "PRIVMSG #{@ctx} :#{quote}#{message}"
- end
- def on_work
- inform "work now!"
- $loop.set_timer @timer_rest, 25 * 60
- end
- def on_rest
- inform "rest now!"
- $loop.set_timer @timer_work, 5 * 60
- end
- def join (meta)
- return if @nicks.include? meta.nick
- meta.respond "you have joined their pomodoro"
- @nicks |= [meta.nick]
- end
- def part (meta, requested)
- return if not @nicks.include? meta.nick
- if requested
- meta.respond "you have stopped your pomodoro"
- end
- @nicks -= [meta.nick]
- if @nicks.empty?
- $loop.reset_timer @timer_work
- $loop.reset_timer @timer_rest
- end
- end
- def status (meta)
- return if not @nicks.include? meta.nick
- if
- till = @timer_rest.until
- meta.respond "working, #{(till / 60).to_i} minutes, " +
- "#{(till % 60).to_i} seconds until rest"
- end
- if
- till = @timer_work.until
- meta.respond "resting, #{(till / 60).to_i} minutes, " +
- "#{(till % 60).to_i} seconds until work"
- end
- end
-class Pomodoro
- KEYWORD = "pomodoro"
- def initialize
- @timers = {}
- end
- def on_help (meta, args)
- meta.respond "usage: #{KEYWORD} { start | stop | join <nick> | status }"
- end
- def on_start (meta, args)
- if args.size != 0
- meta.respond "usage: #{KEYWORD} start"
- return
- end
- context = meta
- if @timers[context]
- meta.respond "you already have a timer running here"
- else
- @timers[context] = meta
- end
- end
- def on_join (meta, args)
- if args.size != 1
- meta.respond "usage: #{KEYWORD} join <nick>"
- return
- end
- context = meta
- if @timers[context]
- meta.respond "you already have a timer running here"
- return
- end
- joined_context = meta
- joined_context.nick = args.shift
- timer = @timers[joined_context]
- if not timer
- meta.respond "that person doesn't have a timer here"
- else
- timer.join meta
- @timers[context] = timer
- end
- end
- def on_stop (meta, args)
- if args.size != 0
- meta.respond "usage: #{KEYWORD} stop"
- return
- end
- context = meta
- timer = @timers[context]
- if not timer
- meta.respond "you don't have a timer running here"
- else
- timer.part meta, true
- @timers.delete context
- end
- end
- def on_status (meta, args)
- if args.size != 0
- meta.respond "usage: #{KEYWORD} status"
- return
- end
- timer = @timers[ meta]
- if not timer
- meta.respond "you don't have a timer running here"
- else
- timer.status meta
- end
- end
- def process_command (meta, msg)
- args = msg.split
- return if args.shift != KEYWORD
- method = "on_#{args.shift}"
- send method, meta, args if respond_to? method
- end
- def on_server_nick (meta, command, args)
- # TODO: either handle this properly...
- happened = false
- @timers.keys.each do |key|
- next if key.nick != meta.nick
- @timers[key].part meta, false
- @timers.delete key
- happened = true
- end
- if happened
- # TODO: ...or at least inform the user via his new nick
- end
- end
- def on_server_part (meta, command, args)
- # TODO: instead of cancelling the user's pomodoros, either redirect
- # them to PM's and later upon rejoining undo the redirection...
- context =
- context.ctx =
- if @timers.include? context
- # TODO: ...or at least inform the user about the cancellation
- @timers[context].part meta, false
- @timers.delete context
- end
- end
- def on_server_quit (meta, command, args)
- @timers.keys.each do |key|
- next if key.nick != meta.nick
- @timers[key].part meta, false
- @timers.delete key
- end
- end
- def process (meta, command, args)
- method = "on_server_#{command.downcase}"
- send method, meta, command, args if respond_to? method
- end
-# --- IRC message processing ---------------------------------------------------
-$handlers = []
-def process_line (line)
- msg = parse line
- return if not msg
- nick, user, host, command, args = *msg
- context = nick
- quote = ""
- channel = nil
- if args.size >= 1 and args[0].start_with? ?#, ?+, ?&, ?!
- case command
- when "PRIVMSG", "NOTICE", "JOIN"
- context = args[0]
- quote = "#{nick}: "
- channel = args[0]
- when "PART"
- channel = args[0]
- end
- end
- # Handle any IRC message
- meta =, user, host, channel, context, quote).freeze
- $handlers.each do |handler|
- handler.process meta, command, args
- end
- # Handle pre-processed bot commands
- if command == 'PRIVMSG' and args.size >= 2
- msg = args[1]
- return unless msg.start_with? $config[:prefix]
- $handlers.each do |handler|
- handler.process_command meta, msg[$config[:prefix].size..-1]
- end
- end
-buffer = ""
-stdin_io =$stdin, lambda do |io|
- begin
- buffer << io.read_nonblock(4096)
- lines = buffer.split $/, -1
- buffer = lines.pop
- lines.each { |line| process_line line }
- rescue EOFError
- $loop.quit
- rescue IO::WaitReadable
- # Ignore
- end
-$loop =
-$loop.set_io stdin_io, IOEvent::READ
diff --git a/plugins/zyklonb/script b/plugins/zyklonb/script
deleted file mode 100755
index c19b8c5..0000000
--- a/plugins/zyklonb/script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2310 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/tcc -run -lm
-// ZyklonB scripting plugin, using a custom stack-based language
-// Copyright 2014 Přemysl Eric Janouch
-// See the file LICENSE for licensing information.
-// Just compile this file as usual (sans #!) if you don't feel like using TCC.
-// It is a very basic and portable C99 application. It's not supposed to be
-// very sophisticated, for it'd get extremely big.
-// The main influences of the language were Factor and Joy, stripped of all
-// even barely complex stuff. In its current state, it's only really useful as
-// a calculator but it's got great potential for extending.
-// If you don't like something, just change it; this is just an experiment.
-// NOTE: it is relatively easy to abuse. Be careful.
-#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#define ADDRESS_SPACE_LIMIT (100 * 1024 * 1024)
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#if defined __GNUC__
-#define ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(x, y) __attribute__ ((format (printf, x, y)))
-#else // ! __GNUC__
-#define ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(x, y)
-#endif // ! __GNUC__
-#define N_ELEMENTS(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof ((a)[0]))
-// --- Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------
-static char *strdup_printf (const char *format, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF (1, 2);
-static char *
-strdup_vprintf (const char *format, va_list ap)
- va_list aq;
- va_copy (aq, ap);
- int size = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, format, aq);
- va_end (aq);
- if (size < 0)
- return NULL;
- char buf[size + 1];
- size = vsnprintf (buf, sizeof buf, format, ap);
- if (size < 0)
- return NULL;
- return strdup (buf);
-static char *
-strdup_printf (const char *format, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start (ap, format);
- char *result = strdup_vprintf (format, ap);
- va_end (ap);
- return result;
-// --- Generic buffer ----------------------------------------------------------
-struct buffer
- char *s; ///< Buffer data
- size_t alloc; ///< Number of bytes allocated
- size_t len; ///< Number of bytes used
- bool memory_failure; ///< Memory allocation failed
-#define BUFFER_INITIALIZER { NULL, 0, 0, false }
-static bool
-buffer_append (struct buffer *self, const void *s, size_t n)
- if (self->memory_failure)
- return false;
- if (!self->s)
- self->s = malloc (self->alloc = 8);
- while (self->len + n > self->alloc)
- self->s = realloc (self->s, self->alloc <<= 1);
- if (!self->s)
- {
- self->memory_failure = true;
- return false;
- }
- memcpy (self->s + self->len, s, n);
- self->len += n;
- return true;
-inline static bool
-buffer_append_c (struct buffer *self, char c)
- return buffer_append (self, &c, 1);
-// --- Data types --------------------------------------------------------------
-enum item_type
-struct item
-#define ITEM_HEADER \
- enum item_type type; /**< The type of this object */ \
- struct item *next; /**< Next item on the list/stack */
-struct item_string
- size_t len; ///< Length of the string (sans '\0')
- char value[]; ///< The null-terminated string value
-#define get_string(item) \
- (assert ((item)->type == ITEM_STRING), \
- ((struct item_string *)(item))->value)
-/// It looks like a string but it doesn't quack like a string
-#define item_word item_string
-#define get_word(item) \
- (assert ((item)->type == ITEM_WORD), \
- ((struct item_word *)(item))->value)
-struct item_integer
- long long value; ///< The integer value
-#define get_integer(item) \
- (assert ((item)->type == ITEM_INTEGER), \
- ((struct item_integer *)(item))->value)
-struct item_float
- long double value; ///< The floating point value
-#define get_float(item) \
- (assert ((item)->type == ITEM_FLOAT), \
- ((struct item_float *)(item))->value)
-struct item_list
- struct item *head; ///< The head of the list
-#define get_list(item) \
- (assert ((item)->type == ITEM_LIST), \
- ((struct item_list *)(item))->head)
-#define set_list(item, head_) \
- (assert ((item)->type == ITEM_LIST), \
- item_free_list (((struct item_list *)(item))->head), \
- ((struct item_list *)(item))->head = (head_))
-const char *
-item_type_to_str (enum item_type type)
- switch (type)
- {
- case ITEM_STRING: return "string";
- case ITEM_WORD: return "word";
- case ITEM_INTEGER: return "integer";
- case ITEM_FLOAT: return "float";
- case ITEM_LIST: return "list";
- }
- abort ();
-// --- Item management ---------------------------------------------------------
-static void item_free_list (struct item *);
-static struct item *new_clone_list (const struct item *);
-static void
-item_free (struct item *item)
- if (item->type == ITEM_LIST)
- item_free_list (get_list (item));
- free (item);
-static void
-item_free_list (struct item *item)
- while (item)
- {
- struct item *link = item;
- item = item->next;
- item_free (link);
- }
-static struct item *
-new_clone (const struct item *item)
- size_t size;
- switch (item->type)
- {
- case ITEM_WORD:
- {
- const struct item_string *x = (const struct item_string *) item;
- size = sizeof *x + x->len + 1;
- break;
- }
- case ITEM_INTEGER: size = sizeof (struct item_integer); break;
- case ITEM_FLOAT: size = sizeof (struct item_float); break;
- case ITEM_LIST: size = sizeof (struct item_list); break;
- }
- struct item *clone = malloc (size);
- if (!clone)
- return NULL;
- memcpy (clone, item, size);
- if (item->type == ITEM_LIST)
- {
- struct item_list *x = (struct item_list *) clone;
- if (x->head && !(x->head = new_clone_list (x->head)))
- {
- free (clone);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- clone->next = NULL;
- return clone;
-static struct item *
-new_clone_list (const struct item *item)
- struct item *head = NULL, *clone;
- for (struct item **out = &head; item; item = item->next)
- {
- if (!(clone = *out = new_clone (item)))
- {
- item_free_list (head);
- return NULL;
- }
- clone->next = NULL;
- out = &clone->next;
- }
- return head;
-static struct item *
-new_string (const char *s, ssize_t len)
- if (len < 0)
- len = strlen (s);
- struct item_string *item = calloc (1, sizeof *item + len + 1);
- if (!item)
- return NULL;
- item->type = ITEM_STRING;
- item->len = len;
- memcpy (item->value, s, len);
- item->value[len] = '\0';
- return (struct item *) item;
-static struct item *
-new_word (const char *s, ssize_t len)
- struct item *item = new_string (s, len);
- if (!item)
- return NULL;
- item->type = ITEM_WORD;
- return item;
-static struct item *
-new_integer (long long value)
- struct item_integer *item = calloc (1, sizeof *item);
- if (!item)
- return NULL;
- item->type = ITEM_INTEGER;
- item->value = value;
- return (struct item *) item;
-static struct item *
-new_float (long double value)
- struct item_float *item = calloc (1, sizeof *item);
- if (!item)
- return NULL;
- item->type = ITEM_FLOAT;
- item->value = value;
- return (struct item *) item;
-static struct item *
-new_list (struct item *head)
- struct item_list *item = calloc (1, sizeof *item);
- if (!item)
- return NULL;
- item->type = ITEM_LIST;
- item->head = head;
- return (struct item *) item;
-// --- Parsing -----------------------------------------------------------------
- XX( OK, NULL ) \
- XX( EOF, "unexpected end of input" ) \
- XX( INVALID_HEXA_ESCAPE, "invalid hexadecimal escape sequence" ) \
- XX( INVALID_ESCAPE, "unrecognized escape sequence" ) \
- XX( MEMORY, "memory allocation failure" ) \
- XX( FLOAT_RANGE, "floating point value out of range" ) \
- XX( INTEGER_RANGE, "integer out of range" ) \
- XX( INVALID_INPUT, "invalid input" ) \
- XX( UNEXPECTED_INPUT, "unexpected input" )
-enum tokenizer_error
-#define XX(x, y) PARSE_ERROR_ ## x,
-#undef XX
-struct tokenizer
- const char *cursor;
- enum tokenizer_error error;
-static bool
-decode_hexa_escape (struct tokenizer *self, struct buffer *buf)
- int i;
- char c, code = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- c = tolower (*self->cursor);
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- code = (code << 4) | (c - '0');
- else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
- code = (code << 4) | (c - 'a' + 10);
- else
- break;
- self->cursor++;
- }
- if (!i)
- return false;
- buffer_append_c (buf, code);
- return true;
-static bool
-decode_octal_escape (struct tokenizer *self, struct buffer *buf)
- int i;
- char c, code = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- c = *self->cursor;
- if (c < '0' || c > '7')
- break;
- code = (code << 3) | (c - '0');
- self->cursor++;
- }
- if (!i)
- return false;
- buffer_append_c (buf, code);
- return true;
-static bool
-decode_escape_sequence (struct tokenizer *self, struct buffer *buf)
- // Support some basic escape sequences from the C language
- char c;
- switch ((c = *self->cursor))
- {
- case '\0':
- self->error = PARSE_ERROR_EOF;
- return false;
- case 'x':
- case 'X':
- self->cursor++;
- if (decode_hexa_escape (self, buf))
- return true;
- return false;
- default:
- if (decode_octal_escape (self, buf))
- return true;
- self->cursor++;
- const char *from = "abfnrtv\"\\", *to = "\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\"\\", *x;
- if ((x = strchr (from, c)))
- {
- buffer_append_c (buf, to[x - from]);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
-static struct item *
-parse_string (struct tokenizer *self)
- struct buffer buf = BUFFER_INITIALIZER;
- struct item *item = NULL;
- char c;
- while (true)
- switch ((c = *self->cursor++))
- {
- case '\0':
- self->cursor--;
- self->error = PARSE_ERROR_EOF;
- goto end;
- case '"':
- if (buf.memory_failure
- || !(item = new_string (buf.s, buf.len)))
- self->error = PARSE_ERROR_MEMORY;
- goto end;
- case '\\':
- if (decode_escape_sequence (self, &buf))
- break;
- goto end;
- default:
- buffer_append_c (&buf, c);
- }
- free (buf.s);
- return item;
-static struct item *
-try_parse_number (struct tokenizer *self)
- // These two standard library functions can digest a lot of various inputs,
- // including NaN and +/- infinity. That may get a bit confusing.
- char *float_end;
- errno = 0;
- long double float_value = strtold (self->cursor, &float_end);
- int float_errno = errno;
- char *int_end;
- errno = 0;
- long long int_value = strtoll (self->cursor, &int_end, 10);
- int int_errno = errno;
- // If they both fail, then this is most probably not a number.
- if (float_end == int_end && float_end == self->cursor)
- return NULL;
- // Only use the floating point result if it parses more characters:
- struct item *item;
- if (float_end > int_end)
- {
- if (float_errno == ERANGE)
- {
- self->error = PARSE_ERROR_FLOAT_RANGE;
- return NULL;
- }
- self->cursor = float_end;
- if (!(item = new_float (float_value)))
- self->error = PARSE_ERROR_MEMORY;
- return item;
- }
- else
- {
- if (int_errno == ERANGE)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- self->cursor = int_end;
- if (!(item = new_integer (int_value)))
- self->error = PARSE_ERROR_MEMORY;
- return item;
- }
-static struct item *
-parse_word (struct tokenizer *self)
- struct buffer buf = BUFFER_INITIALIZER;
- struct item *item = NULL;
- char c;
- // Here we accept almost anything that doesn't break the grammar
- while (!strchr (" []\"", (c = *self->cursor++)) && (unsigned char) c > ' ')
- buffer_append_c (&buf, c);
- self->cursor--;
- if (buf.memory_failure)
- self->error = PARSE_ERROR_MEMORY;
- else if (!buf.len)
- else if (!(item = new_word (buf.s, buf.len)))
- self->error = PARSE_ERROR_MEMORY;
- free (buf.s);
- return item;
-static struct item *parse_item_list (struct tokenizer *);
-static struct item *
-parse_list (struct tokenizer *self)
- struct item *list = parse_item_list (self);
- if (self->error)
- {
- assert (list == NULL);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!*self->cursor)
- {
- self->error = PARSE_ERROR_EOF;
- item_free_list (list);
- return NULL;
- }
- assert (*self->cursor == ']');
- self->cursor++;
- return new_list (list);
-static struct item *
-parse_item (struct tokenizer *self)
- char c;
- switch ((c = *self->cursor++))
- {
- case '[': return parse_list (self);
- case '"': return parse_string (self);
- default:;
- }
- self->cursor--;
- struct item *item = try_parse_number (self);
- if (!item && !self->error)
- item = parse_word (self);
- return item;
-static struct item *
-parse_item_list (struct tokenizer *self)
- struct item *head = NULL;
- struct item **tail = &head;
- char c;
- bool expected = true;
- while ((c = *self->cursor) && c != ']')
- {
- if (isspace (c))
- {
- self->cursor++;
- expected = true;
- continue;
- }
- else if (!expected)
- {
- goto fail;
- }
- if (!(*tail = parse_item (self)))
- goto fail;
- tail = &(*tail)->next;
- expected = false;
- }
- return head;
- item_free_list (head);
- return NULL;
-static struct item *
-parse (const char *s, const char **error)
- struct tokenizer self = { .cursor = s, .error = PARSE_ERROR_OK };
- struct item *list = parse_item_list (&self);
- if (!self.error && *self.cursor != '\0')
- {
- item_free_list (list);
- list = NULL;
- }
-#define XX(x, y) y,
- static const char *strings[PARSE_ERROR_COUNT] =
-#undef XX
- static char error_buf[128];
- if (self.error && error)
- {
- snprintf (error_buf, sizeof error_buf, "at character %d: %s",
- (int) (self.cursor - s) + 1, strings[self.error]);
- *error = error_buf;
- }
- return list;
-// --- Runtime -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// TODO: try to think of a _simple_ way to do preemptive multitasking
-struct context
- struct item *stack; ///< The current top of the stack
- size_t stack_size; ///< Number of items on the stack
- size_t reduction_count; ///< # of function calls so far
- size_t reduction_limit; ///< The hard limit on function calls
- char *error; ///< Error information
- bool error_is_fatal; ///< Whether the error can be catched
- bool memory_failure; ///< Memory allocation failure
- void *user_data; ///< User data
-/// Internal handler for a function
-typedef bool (*handler_fn) (struct context *);
-struct fn
- struct fn *next; ///< The next link in the chain
- handler_fn handler; ///< Internal C handler, or NULL
- struct item *script; ///< Alternatively runtime code
- char name[]; ///< The name of the function
-struct fn *g_functions; ///< Maps words to functions
-static void
-context_init (struct context *ctx)
- ctx->stack = NULL;
- ctx->stack_size = 0;
- ctx->reduction_count = 0;
- ctx->reduction_limit = 2000;
- ctx->error = NULL;
- ctx->error_is_fatal = false;
- ctx->memory_failure = false;
- ctx->user_data = NULL;
-static void
-context_free (struct context *ctx)
- item_free_list (ctx->stack);
- ctx->stack = NULL;
- free (ctx->error);
- ctx->error = NULL;
-static bool
-set_error (struct context *ctx, const char *format, ...)
- free (ctx->error);
- va_list ap;
- va_start (ap, format);
- ctx->error = strdup_vprintf (format, ap);
- va_end (ap);
- if (!ctx->error)
- ctx->memory_failure = true;
- return false;
-static bool
-push (struct context *ctx, struct item *item)
- // The `item' is typically a result from new_<type>(), thus when it is null,
- // that function must have failed. This is a shortcut for convenience.
- if (!item)
- {
- ctx->memory_failure = true;
- return false;
- }
- assert (item->next == NULL);
- item->next = ctx->stack;
- ctx->stack = item;
- ctx->stack_size++;
- return true;
-static bool
-bump_reductions (struct context *ctx)
- if (++ctx->reduction_count >= ctx->reduction_limit)
- {
- ctx->error_is_fatal = true;
- return set_error (ctx, "reduction limit reached");
- }
- return true;
-static bool execute (struct context *, struct item *);
-static bool
-call_function (struct context *ctx, const char *name)
- struct fn *iter;
- for (iter = g_functions; iter; iter = iter->next)
- if (!strcmp (name, iter->name))
- goto found;
- return set_error (ctx, "unknown function: %s", name);
- if (!bump_reductions (ctx))
- return false;
- if (iter->handler
- ? iter->handler (ctx)
- : execute (ctx, iter->script))
- return true;
- // In this case, `error' is NULL
- if (ctx->memory_failure)
- return false;
- // This creates some form of a stack trace
- char *tmp = ctx->error;
- ctx->error = NULL;
- set_error (ctx, "%s -> %s", name, tmp);
- free (tmp);
- return false;
-static void
-free_function (struct fn *fn)
- item_free_list (fn->script);
- free (fn);
-static void
-unregister_function (const char *name)
- for (struct fn **iter = &g_functions; *iter; iter = &(*iter)->next)
- if (!strcmp ((*iter)->name, name))
- {
- struct fn *tmp = *iter;
- *iter = tmp->next;
- free_function (tmp);
- break;
- }
-static struct fn *
-prepend_new_fn (const char *name)
- struct fn *fn = calloc (1, sizeof *fn + strlen (name) + 1);
- if (!fn)
- return NULL;
- strcpy (fn->name, name);
- fn->next = g_functions;
- return g_functions = fn;
-static bool
-register_handler (const char *name, handler_fn handler)
- unregister_function (name);
- struct fn *fn = prepend_new_fn (name);
- if (!fn)
- return false;
- fn->handler = handler;
- return true;
-static bool
-register_script (const char *name, struct item *script)
- unregister_function (name);
- struct fn *fn = prepend_new_fn (name);
- if (!fn)
- return false;
- fn->script = script;
- return true;
-static bool
-execute (struct context *ctx, struct item *script)
- for (; script; script = script->next)
- {
- if (script->type != ITEM_WORD)
- {
- if (!bump_reductions (ctx)
- || !push (ctx, new_clone (script)))
- return false;
- }
- else if (!call_function (ctx, get_word (script)))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-// --- Runtime library ---------------------------------------------------------
-#define defn(name) static bool name (struct context *ctx)
-#define check_stack(n) \
- if (ctx->stack_size < n) { \
- set_error (ctx, "stack underflow"); \
- return 0; \
- }
-inline static bool
-check_stack_safe (struct context *ctx, size_t n)
- check_stack (n);
- return true;
-static bool
-check_type (struct context *ctx, const void *item_, enum item_type type)
- const struct item *item = item_;
- if (item->type == type)
- return true;
- return set_error (ctx, "invalid type: expected `%s', got `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (type), item_type_to_str (item->type));
-static struct item *
-pop (struct context *ctx)
- check_stack (1);
- struct item *top = ctx->stack;
- ctx->stack = top->next;
- top->next = NULL;
- ctx->stack_size--;
- return top;
-// - - Types - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-#define defn_is_type(name, item_type) \
- defn (fn_is_##name) { \
- check_stack (1); \
- struct item *top = pop (ctx); \
- push (ctx, new_integer (top->type == (item_type))); \
- item_free (top); \
- return true; \
- }
-defn_is_type (string, ITEM_STRING)
-defn_is_type (word, ITEM_WORD)
-defn_is_type (integer, ITEM_INTEGER)
-defn_is_type (float, ITEM_FLOAT)
-defn_is_type (list, ITEM_LIST)
-defn (fn_to_string)
- check_stack (1);
- struct item *item = pop (ctx);
- char *value;
- switch (item->type)
- {
- case ITEM_WORD:
- item->type = ITEM_STRING;
- return push (ctx, item);
- case ITEM_FLOAT:
- value = strdup_printf ("%Lf", get_float (item));
- break;
- value = strdup_printf ("%lld", get_integer (item));
- break;
- default:
- set_error (ctx, "cannot convert `%s' to `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (item->type), item_type_to_str (ITEM_STRING));
- item_free (item);
- return false;
- }
- item_free (item);
- if (!value)
- {
- ctx->memory_failure = true;
- return false;
- }
- item = new_string (value, -1);
- free (value);
- return push (ctx, item);
-defn (fn_to_integer)
- check_stack (1);
- struct item *item = pop (ctx);
- long long value;
- switch (item->type)
- {
- return push (ctx, item);
- case ITEM_FLOAT:
- value = get_float (item);
- break;
- {
- char *end;
- const char *s = get_string (item);
- value = strtoll (s, &end, 10);
- if (end != s && *s == '\0')
- break;
- item_free (item);
- return set_error (ctx, "integer conversion error");
- }
- default:
- set_error (ctx, "cannot convert `%s' to `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (item->type), item_type_to_str (ITEM_INTEGER));
- item_free (item);
- return false;
- }
- item_free (item);
- return push (ctx, new_integer (value));
-defn (fn_to_float)
- check_stack (1);
- struct item *item = pop (ctx);
- long double value;
- switch (item->type)
- {
- case ITEM_FLOAT:
- return push (ctx, item);
- value = get_integer (item);
- break;
- {
- char *end;
- const char *s = get_string (item);
- value = strtold (s, &end);
- if (end != s && *s == '\0')
- break;
- item_free (item);
- return set_error (ctx, "float conversion error");
- }
- default:
- set_error (ctx, "cannot convert `%s' to `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (item->type), item_type_to_str (ITEM_FLOAT));
- item_free (item);
- return false;
- }
- item_free (item);
- return push (ctx, new_float (value));
-// - - Miscellaneous - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-defn (fn_length)
- check_stack (1);
- struct item *item = pop (ctx);
- bool success = true;
- switch (item->type)
- {
- success = push (ctx, new_integer (((struct item_string *) item)->len));
- break;
- case ITEM_LIST:
- {
- long long length = 0;
- struct item *iter;
- for (iter = get_list (item); iter; iter = iter->next)
- length++;
- success = push (ctx, new_integer (length));
- break;
- }
- default:
- success = set_error (ctx, "invalid type");
- }
- item_free (item);
- return success;
-// - - Stack operations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-defn (fn_dup)
- check_stack (1);
- return push (ctx, new_clone (ctx->stack));
-defn (fn_drop)
- check_stack (1);
- item_free (pop (ctx));
- return true;
-defn (fn_swap)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *second = pop (ctx), *first = pop (ctx);
- return push (ctx, second) && push (ctx, first);
-defn (fn_call)
- check_stack (1);
- struct item *script = pop (ctx);
- bool success = check_type (ctx, script, ITEM_LIST)
- && execute (ctx, get_list (script));
- item_free (script);
- return success;
-defn (fn_dip)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *script = pop (ctx);
- struct item *item = pop (ctx);
- bool success = check_type (ctx, script, ITEM_LIST)
- && execute (ctx, get_list (script));
- item_free (script);
- if (!success)
- {
- item_free (item);
- return false;
- }
- return push (ctx, item);
-defn (fn_unit)
- check_stack (1);
- struct item *item = pop (ctx);
- return push (ctx, new_list (item));
-defn (fn_cons)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *list = pop (ctx);
- struct item *item = pop (ctx);
- if (!check_type (ctx, list, ITEM_LIST))
- {
- item_free (list);
- item_free (item);
- return false;
- }
- item->next = get_list (list);
- ((struct item_list *) list)->head = item;
- return push (ctx, list);
-defn (fn_cat)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *scnd = pop (ctx);
- struct item *frst = pop (ctx);
- if (!check_type (ctx, frst, ITEM_LIST)
- || !check_type (ctx, scnd, ITEM_LIST))
- {
- item_free (frst);
- item_free (scnd);
- return false;
- }
- // XXX: we shouldn't have to do this in O(n)
- struct item **tail = &((struct item_list *) frst)->head;
- while (*tail)
- tail = &(*tail)->next;
- *tail = get_list (scnd);
- ((struct item_list *) scnd)->head = NULL;
- item_free (scnd);
- return push (ctx, frst);
-defn (fn_uncons)
- check_stack (1);
- struct item *list = pop (ctx);
- if (!check_type (ctx, list, ITEM_LIST))
- goto fail;
- struct item *first = get_list (list);
- if (!first)
- {
- set_error (ctx, "list is empty");
- goto fail;
- }
- ((struct item_list *) list)->head = first->next;
- first->next = NULL;
- return push (ctx, first) && push (ctx, list);
- item_free (list);
- return false;
-// - - Logical - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-static bool
-to_boolean (struct context *ctx, struct item *item, bool *ok)
- switch (item->type)
- {
- return *get_string (item) != '\0';
- return get_integer (item) != 0;
- case ITEM_FLOAT:
- return get_float (item) != 0.;
- default:
- return (*ok = set_error (ctx, "cannot convert `%s' to boolean",
- item_type_to_str (item->type)));
- }
-defn (fn_not)
- check_stack (1);
- struct item *item = pop (ctx);
- bool ok = true;
- bool result = !to_boolean (ctx, item, &ok);
- item_free (item);
- return ok && push (ctx, new_integer (result));
-defn (fn_and)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *op1 = pop (ctx);
- struct item *op2 = pop (ctx);
- bool ok = true;
- bool result = to_boolean (ctx, op1, &ok) && to_boolean (ctx, op2, &ok);
- item_free (op1);
- item_free (op2);
- return ok && push (ctx, new_integer (result));
-defn (fn_or)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *op1 = pop (ctx);
- struct item *op2 = pop (ctx);
- bool ok = true;
- bool result = to_boolean (ctx, op1, &ok)
- || !ok || to_boolean (ctx, op2, &ok);
- item_free (op1);
- item_free (op2);
- return ok && push (ctx, new_integer (result));
-// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-defn (fn_if)
- check_stack (3);
- struct item *else_ = pop (ctx);
- struct item *then_ = pop (ctx);
- struct item *cond_ = pop (ctx);
- bool ok = true;
- bool condition = to_boolean (ctx, cond_, &ok);
- item_free (cond_);
- bool success = false;
- if (ok
- && check_type (ctx, then_, ITEM_LIST)
- && check_type (ctx, else_, ITEM_LIST))
- success = execute (ctx, condition
- ? get_list (then_)
- : get_list (else_));
- item_free (then_);
- item_free (else_);
- return success;
-defn (fn_try)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *catch = pop (ctx);
- struct item *try = pop (ctx);
- bool success = false;
- if (!check_type (ctx, try, ITEM_LIST)
- || !check_type (ctx, catch, ITEM_LIST))
- goto fail;
- if (!execute (ctx, get_list (try)))
- {
- if (ctx->memory_failure || ctx->error_is_fatal)
- goto fail;
- success = push (ctx, new_string (ctx->error, -1));
- free (ctx->error);
- ctx->error = NULL;
- if (success)
- success = execute (ctx, get_list (catch));
- }
- item_free (try);
- item_free (catch);
- return success;
-defn (fn_map)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *fn = pop (ctx);
- struct item *list = pop (ctx);
- if (!check_type (ctx, fn, ITEM_LIST)
- || !check_type (ctx, list, ITEM_LIST))
- {
- item_free (fn);
- item_free (list);
- return false;
- }
- bool success = false;
- struct item *result = NULL, **tail = &result;
- for (struct item *iter = get_list (list); iter; iter = iter->next)
- {
- if (!push (ctx, new_clone (iter))
- || !execute (ctx, get_list (fn))
- || !check_stack_safe (ctx, 1))
- goto fail;
- struct item *item = pop (ctx);
- *tail = item;
- tail = &item->next;
- }
- success = true;
- set_list (list, result);
- item_free (fn);
- if (!success)
- {
- item_free (list);
- return false;
- }
- return push (ctx, list);
-defn (fn_filter)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *fn = pop (ctx);
- struct item *list = pop (ctx);
- if (!check_type (ctx, fn, ITEM_LIST)
- || !check_type (ctx, list, ITEM_LIST))
- {
- item_free (fn);
- item_free (list);
- return false;
- }
- bool success = false;
- bool ok = true;
- struct item *result = NULL, **tail = &result;
- for (struct item *iter = get_list (list); iter; iter = iter->next)
- {
- if (!push (ctx, new_clone (iter))
- || !execute (ctx, get_list (fn))
- || !check_stack_safe (ctx, 1))
- goto fail;
- struct item *item = pop (ctx);
- bool survived = to_boolean (ctx, item, &ok);
- item_free (item);
- if (!ok)
- goto fail;
- if (!survived)
- continue;
- if (!(item = new_clone (iter)))
- goto fail;
- *tail = item;
- tail = &item->next;
- }
- success = true;
- set_list (list, result);
- item_free (fn);
- if (!success)
- {
- item_free (list);
- return false;
- }
- return push (ctx, list);
-defn (fn_fold)
- check_stack (3);
- struct item *op = pop (ctx);
- struct item *null = pop (ctx);
- struct item *list = pop (ctx);
- bool success = false;
- if (!check_type (ctx, op, ITEM_LIST)
- || !check_type (ctx, list, ITEM_LIST))
- {
- item_free (null);
- goto fail;
- }
- push (ctx, null);
- for (struct item *iter = get_list (list); iter; iter = iter->next)
- if (!push (ctx, new_clone (iter))
- || !execute (ctx, get_list (op)))
- goto fail;
- success = true;
- item_free (op);
- item_free (list);
- return success;
-defn (fn_each)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *op = pop (ctx);
- struct item *list = pop (ctx);
- bool success = false;
- if (!check_type (ctx, op, ITEM_LIST)
- || !check_type (ctx, list, ITEM_LIST))
- goto fail;
- for (struct item *iter = get_list (list); iter; iter = iter->next)
- if (!push (ctx, new_clone (iter))
- || !execute (ctx, get_list (op)))
- goto fail;
- success = true;
- item_free (op);
- item_free (list);
- return success;
-// - - Arithmetic - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-// XXX: why not a `struct item_string *` argument?
-static bool
-push_repeated_string (struct context *ctx, struct item *op1, struct item *op2)
- struct item_string *string = (struct item_string *) op1;
- struct item_integer *repeat = (struct item_integer *) op2;
- assert (string->type == ITEM_STRING);
- assert (repeat->type == ITEM_INTEGER);
- if (repeat->value < 0)
- return set_error (ctx, "cannot multiply a string by a negative value");
- char *buf = NULL;
- size_t len = string->len * repeat->value;
- if (len < string->len && repeat->value != 0)
- goto allocation_fail;
- buf = malloc (len);
- if (!buf)
- goto allocation_fail;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += string->len)
- memcpy (buf + i, string->value, string->len);
- struct item *item = new_string (buf, len);
- free (buf);
- return push (ctx, item);
- ctx->memory_failure = true;
- return false;
-defn (fn_times)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *op2 = pop (ctx);
- struct item *op1 = pop (ctx);
- bool ok;
- if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_integer (op1) * get_integer (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_integer (op1) * get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_float (op1) * get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_float (op1) * get_integer (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_STRING)
- ok = push_repeated_string (ctx, op2, op1);
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_STRING && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push_repeated_string (ctx, op1, op2);
- else
- ok = set_error (ctx, "cannot multiply `%s' and `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (op1->type), item_type_to_str (op2->type));
- item_free (op1);
- item_free (op2);
- return ok;
-defn (fn_pow)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *op2 = pop (ctx);
- struct item *op1 = pop (ctx);
- bool ok;
- if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- // TODO: implement this properly, outputting an integer
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (powl (get_integer (op1), get_integer (op2))));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (powl (get_integer (op1), get_float (op2))));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (powl (get_float (op1), get_float (op2))));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (powl (get_float (op1), get_integer (op2))));
- else
- ok = set_error (ctx, "cannot exponentiate `%s' and `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (op1->type), item_type_to_str (op2->type));
- item_free (op1);
- item_free (op2);
- return ok;
-defn (fn_div)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *op2 = pop (ctx);
- struct item *op1 = pop (ctx);
- bool ok;
- if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- {
- if (get_integer (op2) == 0)
- ok = set_error (ctx, "division by zero");
- else
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_integer (op1) / get_integer (op2)));
- }
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_integer (op1) / get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_float (op1) / get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_float (op1) / get_integer (op2)));
- else
- ok = set_error (ctx, "cannot divide `%s' and `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (op1->type), item_type_to_str (op2->type));
- item_free (op1);
- item_free (op2);
- return ok;
-defn (fn_mod)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *op2 = pop (ctx);
- struct item *op1 = pop (ctx);
- bool ok;
- if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- {
- if (get_integer (op2) == 0)
- ok = set_error (ctx, "division by zero");
- else
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_integer (op1) % get_integer (op2)));
- }
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (fmodl (get_integer (op1), get_float (op2))));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (fmodl (get_float (op1), get_float (op2))));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (fmodl (get_float (op1), get_integer (op2))));
- else
- ok = set_error (ctx, "cannot divide `%s' and `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (op1->type), item_type_to_str (op2->type));
- item_free (op1);
- item_free (op2);
- return ok;
-static bool
-push_concatenated_string (struct context *ctx,
- struct item *op1, struct item *op2)
- struct item_string *s1 = (struct item_string *) op1;
- struct item_string *s2 = (struct item_string *) op2;
- assert (s1->type == ITEM_STRING);
- assert (s2->type == ITEM_STRING);
- char *buf = NULL;
- size_t len = s1->len + s2->len;
- if (len < s1->len || len < s2->len)
- goto allocation_fail;
- buf = malloc (len);
- if (!buf)
- goto allocation_fail;
- memcpy (buf, s1->value, s1->len);
- memcpy (buf + s1->len, s2->value, s2->len);
- struct item *item = new_string (buf, len);
- free (buf);
- return push (ctx, item);
- ctx->memory_failure = true;
- return false;
-defn (fn_plus)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *op2 = pop (ctx);
- struct item *op1 = pop (ctx);
- bool ok;
- if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_integer (op1) + get_integer (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_integer (op1) + get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_float (op1) + get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_float (op1) + get_integer (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_STRING && op2->type == ITEM_STRING)
- ok = push_concatenated_string (ctx, op1, op2);
- else
- ok = set_error (ctx, "cannot add `%s' and `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (op1->type), item_type_to_str (op2->type));
- item_free (op1);
- item_free (op2);
- return ok;
-defn (fn_minus)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *op2 = pop (ctx);
- struct item *op1 = pop (ctx);
- bool ok;
- if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_integer (op1) - get_integer (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_integer (op1) - get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_float (op1) - get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_float (get_float (op1) - get_integer (op2)));
- else
- ok = set_error (ctx, "cannot subtract `%s' and `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (op1->type), item_type_to_str (op2->type));
- item_free (op1);
- item_free (op2);
- return ok;
-// - - Comparison - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-static int
-compare_strings (struct item_string *s1, struct item_string *s2)
- // XXX: not entirely correct wrt. null bytes
- size_t len = (s1->len < s2->len ? s1->len : s2->len) + 1;
- return memcmp (s1->value, s2->value, len);
-static bool compare_lists (struct item *, struct item *);
-static bool
-compare_list_items (struct item *op1, struct item *op2)
- if (op1->type != op2->type)
- return false;
- switch (op1->type)
- {
- case ITEM_WORD:
- return !compare_strings ((struct item_string *) op1,
- (struct item_string *) op2);
- case ITEM_FLOAT:
- return get_float (op1) == get_float (op2);
- return get_integer (op1) == get_integer (op2);
- case ITEM_LIST:
- return compare_lists (get_list (op1), get_list (op2));
- }
- abort ();
-static bool
-compare_lists (struct item *op1, struct item *op2)
- while (op1 && op2)
- {
- if (!compare_list_items (op1, op2))
- return false;
- op1 = op1->next;
- op2 = op2->next;
- }
- return !op1 && !op2;
-defn (fn_eq)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *op2 = pop (ctx);
- struct item *op1 = pop (ctx);
- bool ok;
- if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_integer (op1) == get_integer (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_integer (op1) == get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_float (op1) == get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_float (op1) == get_integer (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_LIST && op2->type == ITEM_LIST)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (compare_lists
- (get_list (op1), get_list (op2))));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_STRING && op2->type == ITEM_STRING)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (compare_strings
- ((struct item_string *)(op1), (struct item_string *)(op2)) == 0));
- else
- ok = set_error (ctx, "cannot compare `%s' and `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (op1->type), item_type_to_str (op2->type));
- item_free (op1);
- item_free (op2);
- return ok;
-defn (fn_lt)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *op2 = pop (ctx);
- struct item *op1 = pop (ctx);
- bool ok;
- if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_integer (op1) < get_integer (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_INTEGER && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_integer (op1) < get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_FLOAT)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_float (op1) < get_float (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_FLOAT && op2->type == ITEM_INTEGER)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (get_float (op1) < get_integer (op2)));
- else if (op1->type == ITEM_STRING && op2->type == ITEM_STRING)
- ok = push (ctx, new_integer (compare_strings
- ((struct item_string *)(op1), (struct item_string *)(op2)) < 0));
- else
- ok = set_error (ctx, "cannot compare `%s' and `%s'",
- item_type_to_str (op1->type), item_type_to_str (op2->type));
- item_free (op1);
- item_free (op2);
- return ok;
-// - - Utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-defn (fn_rand)
- return push (ctx, new_float ((long double) rand ()
- / ((long double) RAND_MAX + 1)));
-defn (fn_time)
- return push (ctx, new_integer (time (NULL)));
-// XXX: this is a bit too constrained; combines strftime() with gmtime()
-defn (fn_strftime)
- check_stack (2);
- struct item *format = pop (ctx);
- struct item *time_ = pop (ctx);
- bool success = false;
- if (!check_type (ctx, time_, ITEM_INTEGER)
- || !check_type (ctx, format, ITEM_STRING))
- goto fail;
- if (get_integer (time_) < 0)
- {
- set_error (ctx, "invalid time value");
- goto fail;
- }
- char buf[128];
- time_t time__ = get_integer (time_);
- struct tm tm;
- gmtime_r (&time__, &tm);
- buf[strftime (buf, sizeof buf, get_string (format), &tm)] = '\0';
- success = push (ctx, new_string (buf, -1));
- item_free (time_);
- item_free (format);
- return success;
-// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-static void item_list_to_str (const struct item *, struct buffer *);
-static void
-string_to_str (const struct item_string *string, struct buffer *buf)
- buffer_append_c (buf, '"');
- for (size_t i = 0; i < string->len; i++)
- {
- char c = string->value[i];
- if (c == '\n') buffer_append (buf, "\\n", 2);
- else if (c == '\r') buffer_append (buf, "\\r", 2);
- else if (c == '\t') buffer_append (buf, "\\t", 2);
- else if (!isprint (c))
- {
- char tmp[8];
- snprintf (tmp, sizeof tmp, "\\x%02x", (unsigned char) c);
- buffer_append (buf, tmp, strlen (tmp));
- }
- else if (c == '\\') buffer_append (buf, "\\\\", 2);
- else if (c == '"') buffer_append (buf, "\\\"", 2);
- else buffer_append_c (buf, c);
- }
- buffer_append_c (buf, '"');
-static void
-item_to_str (const struct item *item, struct buffer *buf)
- switch (item->type)
- {
- char *x;
- string_to_str ((struct item_string *) item, buf);
- break;
- case ITEM_WORD:
- {
- struct item_word *word = (struct item_word *) item;
- buffer_append (buf, word->value, word->len);
- break;
- }
- if (!(x = strdup_printf ("%lld", get_integer (item))))
- goto alloc_failure;
- buffer_append (buf, x, strlen (x));
- free (x);
- break;
- case ITEM_FLOAT:
- if (!(x = strdup_printf ("%Lf", get_float (item))))
- goto alloc_failure;
- buffer_append (buf, x, strlen (x));
- free (x);
- break;
- case ITEM_LIST:
- buffer_append_c (buf, '[');
- item_list_to_str (get_list (item), buf);
- buffer_append_c (buf, ']');
- break;
- }
- return;
- // This is a bit hackish but it simplifies stuff
- buf->memory_failure = true;
- free (buf->s);
- buf->s = NULL;
-static void
-item_list_to_str (const struct item *script, struct buffer *buf)
- if (!script)
- return;
- item_to_str (script, buf);
- while ((script = script->next))
- {
- buffer_append_c (buf, ' ');
- item_to_str (script, buf);
- }
-// --- IRC protocol ------------------------------------------------------------
-struct message
- char *prefix; ///< Message prefix
- char *command; ///< IRC command
- char *params[16]; ///< Command parameters (0-terminated)
- size_t n_params; ///< Number of parameters present
-inline static char *
-cut_word (char **s)
- char *start = *s, *end = *s + strcspn (*s, " ");
- *s = end + strspn (end, " ");
- *end = '\0';
- return start;
-static bool
-parse_message (char *s, struct message *msg)
- memset (msg, 0, sizeof *msg);
- // Ignore IRC 3.2 message tags, if present
- if (*s == '@')
- {
- s += strcspn (s, " ");
- s += strspn (s, " ");
- }
- // Prefix
- if (*s == ':')
- msg->prefix = cut_word (&s) + 1;
- // Command
- if (!*(msg->command = cut_word (&s)))
- return false;
- // Parameters
- while (*s)
- {
- size_t n = msg->n_params++;
- if (msg->n_params >= N_ELEMENTS (msg->params))
- return false;
- if (*s == ':')
- {
- msg->params[n] = ++s;
- break;
- }
- msg->params[n] = cut_word (&s);
- }
- return true;
-static struct message *
-read_message (void)
- static bool discard = false;
- static char buf[1025];
- static struct message msg;
- bool discard_this;
- do
- {
- if (!fgets (buf, sizeof buf, stdin))
- return NULL;
- size_t len = strlen (buf);
- // Just to be on the safe side, if the line overflows our buffer,
- // ignore everything up until the next line.
- discard_this = discard;
- if (len >= 2 && !strcmp (buf + len - 2, "\r\n"))
- {
- buf[len -= 2] = '\0';
- discard = false;
- }
- else
- discard = true;
- }
- // Invalid messages are silently ignored
- while (discard_this || !parse_message (buf, &msg));
- return &msg;
-// --- Interfacing with the bot ------------------------------------------------
-#define BOT_PRINT "ZYKLONB print :script: "
-static const char *
-get_config (const char *key)
- printf ("ZYKLONB get_config :%s\r\n", key);
- struct message *msg = read_message ();
- if (!msg || msg->n_params <= 0)
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- return msg->params[0];
-// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-// TODO: implement more functions; try to avoid writing them in C
-static bool
-init_runtime_library_scripts (void)
- bool ok = true;
- // It's much cheaper (and more fun) to define functions in terms of other
- // ones. The "unit tests" serve a secondary purpose of showing the usage.
- struct script
- {
- const char *name; ///< Name of the function
- const char *definition; ///< The defining script
- const char *unit_test; ///< Trivial unit test, must return 1
- }
- scripts[] =
- {
- { "nip", "swap drop", "1 2 nip 2 =" },
- { "over", "[dup] dip swap", "1 2 over nip nip 1 =" },
- { "swons", "swap cons", "[2] 1 swons [1 2] =" },
- { "first", "uncons drop", "[1 2 3] first 1 =" },
- { "rest", "uncons swap drop", "[1 2 3] rest [2 3] =" },
- { "reverse", "[] swap [swap cons] each", "[1 2] reverse [2 1] =" },
- { "curry", "cons", "1 2 [+] curry call 3 =" },
- { "xor", "not swap not + 1 =", "1 1 xor 0 =" },
- { "min", "over over < [drop] [nip] if", "1 2 min 1 =" },
- { "max", "over over > [drop] [nip] if", "1 2 max 2 =" },
- { "all?", "[and] cat 1 swap fold", "[3 4 5] [> 3] all? 0 =" },
- { "any?", "[or] cat 0 swap fold", "[3 4 5] [> 3] any? 1 =" },
- { ">", "swap <", "1 2 > 0 =" },
- { "!=", "= not", "1 2 != 1 =" },
- { "<=", "> not", "1 2 <= 1 =" },
- { ">=", "< not", "1 2 >= 0 =" },
- // XXX: this is a bit crazy and does not work with an empty list
- { "join", "[uncons] dip swap [[dup] dip swap [+ +] dip] each drop",
- "[1 2 3] [>string] map \" -> \" join \"1 -> 2 -> 3\" =" },
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS (scripts); i++)
- {
- const char *error = NULL;
- struct item *script = parse (scripts[i].definition, &error);
- if (error)
- {
- printf (BOT_PRINT "error parsing internal script `%s': %s\r\n",
- scripts[i].definition, error);
- ok = false;
- }
- else
- ok &= register_script (scripts[i].name, script);
- }
- struct context ctx;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS (scripts); i++)
- {
- const char *error = NULL;
- struct item *script = parse (scripts[i].unit_test, &error);
- if (error)
- {
- printf (BOT_PRINT "error parsing unit test for `%s': %s\r\n",
- scripts[i].name, error);
- ok = false;
- continue;
- }
- context_init (&ctx);
- execute (&ctx, script);
- item_free_list (script);
- const char *failure = NULL;
- if (ctx.memory_failure)
- failure = "memory allocation failure";
- else if (ctx.error)
- failure = ctx.error;
- else if (ctx.stack_size != 1)
- failure = "too many results on the stack";
- else if (ctx.stack->type != ITEM_INTEGER)
- failure = "result is not an integer";
- else if (get_integer (ctx.stack) != 1)
- failure = "wrong test result";
- if (failure)
- {
- printf (BOT_PRINT "error executing unit test for `%s': %s\r\n",
- scripts[i].name, failure);
- ok = false;
- }
- context_free (&ctx);
- }
- return ok;
-static bool
-init_runtime_library (void)
- bool ok = true;
- // Type detection
- ok &= register_handler ("string?", fn_is_string);
- ok &= register_handler ("word?", fn_is_word);
- ok &= register_handler ("integer?", fn_is_integer);
- ok &= register_handler ("float?", fn_is_float);
- ok &= register_handler ("list?", fn_is_list);
- // Type conversion
- ok &= register_handler (">string", fn_to_string);
- ok &= register_handler (">integer", fn_to_integer);
- ok &= register_handler (">float", fn_to_float);
- // Miscellaneous
- ok &= register_handler ("length", fn_length);
- // Basic stack manipulation
- ok &= register_handler ("dup", fn_dup);
- ok &= register_handler ("drop", fn_drop);
- ok &= register_handler ("swap", fn_swap);
- // Calling stuff
- ok &= register_handler ("call", fn_call);
- ok &= register_handler ("dip", fn_dip);
- // Control flow
- ok &= register_handler ("if", fn_if);
- ok &= register_handler ("try", fn_try);
- // List processing
- ok &= register_handler ("map", fn_map);
- ok &= register_handler ("filter", fn_filter);
- ok &= register_handler ("fold", fn_fold);
- ok &= register_handler ("each", fn_each);
- // List manipulation
- ok &= register_handler ("unit", fn_unit);
- ok &= register_handler ("cons", fn_cons);
- ok &= register_handler ("cat", fn_cat);
- ok &= register_handler ("uncons", fn_uncons);
- // Arithmetic operations
- ok &= register_handler ("+", fn_plus);
- ok &= register_handler ("-", fn_minus);
- ok &= register_handler ("*", fn_times);
- ok &= register_handler ("^", fn_pow);
- ok &= register_handler ("/", fn_div);
- ok &= register_handler ("%", fn_mod);
- // Comparison
- ok &= register_handler ("=", fn_eq);
- ok &= register_handler ("<", fn_lt);
- // Logical operations
- ok &= register_handler ("not", fn_not);
- ok &= register_handler ("and", fn_and);
- ok &= register_handler ("or", fn_or);
- // Utilities
- ok &= register_handler ("rand", fn_rand);
- ok &= register_handler ("time", fn_time);
- ok &= register_handler ("strftime", fn_strftime);
- ok &= init_runtime_library_scripts ();
- return ok;
-static void
-free_runtime_library (void)
- struct fn *next, *iter;
- for (iter = g_functions; iter; iter = next)
- {
- next = iter->next;
- free_function (iter);
- }
-// --- Function database -------------------------------------------------------
-// TODO: a global variable storing the various procedures (db)
-// XXX: defining procedures would ideally need some kind of an ACL
-static void
-read_db (void)
- // TODO
-static void
-write_db (void)
- // TODO
-// --- Main --------------------------------------------------------------------
-static char *g_prefix;
-struct user_info
- char *ctx; ///< Context: channel or user
- char *ctx_quote; ///< Reply quotation
-defn (fn_dot)
- check_stack (1);
- struct item *item = pop (ctx);
- struct user_info *info = ctx->user_data;
- struct buffer buf = BUFFER_INITIALIZER;
- item_to_str (item, &buf);
- item_free (item);
- buffer_append_c (&buf, '\0');
- if (buf.memory_failure)
- {
- ctx->memory_failure = true;
- return false;
- }
- if (buf.len > 255)
- buf.s[255] = '\0';
- printf ("PRIVMSG %s :%s%s\r\n", info->ctx, info->ctx_quote, buf.s);
- free (buf.s);
- return true;
-static void
-process_message (struct message *msg)
- if (!msg->prefix
- || strcasecmp (msg->command, "PRIVMSG")
- || msg->n_params < 2)
- return;
- char *line = msg->params[1];
- // Filter out only our commands
- size_t prefix_len = strlen (g_prefix);
- if (strncmp (line, g_prefix, prefix_len))
- return;
- line += prefix_len;
- char *command = cut_word (&line);
- if (strcasecmp (command, "script"))
- return;
- // Retrieve information on how to respond back
- char *msg_ctx = msg->prefix, *x;
- if ((x = strchr (msg_ctx, '!')))
- *x = '\0';
- char *msg_ctx_quote;
- if (strchr ("#+&!", *msg->params[0]))
- {
- msg_ctx_quote = strdup_printf ("%s: ", msg_ctx);
- msg_ctx = msg->params[0];
- }
- else
- msg_ctx_quote = strdup ("");
- if (!msg_ctx_quote)
- {
- printf (BOT_PRINT "%s\r\n", "memory allocation failure");
- return;
- }
- struct user_info info;
- info.ctx = msg_ctx;
- info.ctx_quote = msg_ctx_quote;
- // Finally parse and execute the macro
- const char *error = NULL;
- struct item *script = parse (line, &error);
- if (error)
- {
- printf ("PRIVMSG %s :%s%s: %s\r\n",
- msg_ctx, msg_ctx_quote, "parse error", error);
- goto end;
- }
- struct context ctx;
- context_init (&ctx);
- ctx.user_data = &info;
- execute (&ctx, script);
- item_free_list (script);
- const char *failure = NULL;
- if (ctx.memory_failure)
- failure = "memory allocation failure";
- else if (ctx.error)
- failure = ctx.error;
- if (failure)
- printf ("PRIVMSG %s :%s%s: %s\r\n",
- msg_ctx, msg_ctx_quote, "runtime error", failure);
- context_free (&ctx);
- free (msg_ctx_quote);
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- freopen (NULL, "rb", stdin); setvbuf (stdin, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
- freopen (NULL, "wb", stdout); setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
- struct rlimit limit =
- {
- .rlim_cur = ADDRESS_SPACE_LIMIT,
- };
- // Lower the memory limits to something sensible to prevent abuse
- (void) setrlimit (RLIMIT_AS, &limit);
- read_db ();
- if (!init_runtime_library ()
- || !register_handler (".", fn_dot))
- printf (BOT_PRINT "%s\r\n", "runtime library initialization failed");
- g_prefix = strdup (get_config ("prefix"));
- printf ("ZYKLONB register\r\n");
- struct message *msg;
- while ((msg = read_message ()))
- process_message (msg);
- free_runtime_library ();
- free (g_prefix);
- return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/zyklonb/seen b/plugins/zyklonb/seen
deleted file mode 100755
index 8fc9c82..0000000
--- a/plugins/zyklonb/seen
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env lua
--- ZyklonB seen plugin
--- Copyright 2016 Přemysl Eric Janouch <>
--- See the file LICENSE for licensing information.
-function parse (line)
- local msg = { params = {} }
- line = line:match ("[^\r]*")
- for start, word in line:gmatch ("()([^ ]+)") do
- local colon = word:match ("^:(.*)")
- if start == 1 and colon then
- msg.prefix = colon
- elseif not msg.command then
- msg.command = word
- elseif colon then
- table.insert (msg.params, line:sub (start + 1))
- break
- elseif start ~= #line then
- table.insert (msg.params, word)
- end
- end
- return msg
-function get_config (name)
- io.write ("ZYKLONB get_config :", name, "\r\n")
- return parse ( ()).params[1]
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-io.output ():setvbuf ('line')
-local prefix = get_config ('prefix')
-io.write ("ZYKLONB register\r\n")
-local db = {}
-local db_filename = "seen.db"
-local db_garbage = 0
-function remember (who, where, when, what)
- if not db[who] then db[who] = {} end
- if db[who][where] then db_garbage = db_garbage + 1 end
- db[who][where] = { tonumber (when), what }
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-local db_file, e = (db_filename, "a+")
-if not db_file then error ("cannot open database: " .. e, 0) end
-function db_store (who, where, when, what)
- db_file:write (string.format
- (":%s %s %s %s :%s\n", who, "PRIVMSG", where, when, what))
-function db_compact ()
- db_file:close ()
- -- Unfortunately, default Lua doesn't have anything like mkstemp()
- local db_tmpname = db_filename .. "." .. os.time ()
- db_file, e = (db_tmpname, "a+")
- if not db_file then error ("cannot save database: " .. e, 0) end
- for who, places in pairs (db) do
- for where, data in pairs (places) do
- db_store (who, where, data[1], data[2])
- end
- end
- db_file:flush ()
- local ok, e = os.rename (db_tmpname, db_filename)
- if not ok then error ("cannot save database: " .. e, 0) end
- db_garbage = 0
-for line in db_file:lines () do
- local msg = parse (line)
- remember (msg.prefix, table.unpack (msg.params))
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-function seen (who, where, args)
- local respond = function (...)
- local privmsg = function (target, ...)
- io.write ("PRIVMSG ", target, " :", table.concat { ... }, "\r\n")
- end
- if where:match ("^[#&!+]") then
- privmsg (where, who, ": ", ...)
- else
- privmsg (who, ...)
- end
- end
- local whom, e, garbage = args:match ("^(%S+)()%s*(.*)")
- if not whom or #garbage ~= 0 then
- return respond ("usage: <name>")
- elseif who:lower () == whom:lower () then
- return respond ("I can see you right now.")
- end
- local top = {}
- -- That is, * acts like a wildcard, otherwise everything is escaped
- local pattern = "^" .. whom:gsub ("[%^%$%(%)%%%.%[%]%+%-%?]", "%%%0")
- :gsub ("%*", ".*"):lower () .. "$"
- for name, places in pairs (db) do
- if places[where] and name:lower ():match (pattern) then
- local when, what = table.unpack (places[where])
- table.insert (top, { name = name, when = when, what = what })
- end
- end
- if #top == 0 then
- return respond ("I have not seen \x02" .. whom .. "\x02 here.")
- end
- -- Get all matching nicknames ordered from the most recently active
- -- and make the list case insensitive (remove older duplicates)
- table.sort (top, function (a, b) return a.when > b.when end)
- for i = #top, 2, -1 do
- if top[i - 1].name:lower () == top[i].name:lower () then
- table.remove (top, i)
- end
- end
- -- Hopefully the formatting mess will disrupt highlights in clients
- for i = 1, math.min (#top, 3) do
- local name = top[i].name:gsub ("^.", "%0\x02\x02")
- respond (string.format ("\x02%s\x02 -> %s -> %s",
- name, ("%c", top[i].when), top[i].what))
- end
-function handle (msg)
- local who = msg.prefix:match ("^[^!@]*")
- local where, what = table.unpack (msg.params)
- local when = os.time ()
- local what_log = what:gsub ("^\x01ACTION", "*"):gsub ("\x01$", "")
- remember (who, where, when, what_log)
- db_store (who, where, when, what_log)
- -- Comment out to reduce both disk load and reliability
- db_file:flush ()
- if db_garbage > 5000 then db_compact () end
- if what:sub (1, #prefix) == prefix then
- local command = what:sub (#prefix + 1)
- local name, e = command:match ("^(%S+)%s*()")
- if name == 'seen' then seen (who, where, command:sub (e)) end
- end
-for line in io.lines () do
- local msg = parse (line)
- if msg.command == "PRIVMSG" then handle (msg) end
diff --git a/plugins/zyklonb/ b/plugins/zyklonb/
deleted file mode 100755
index ddef6be..0000000
--- a/plugins/zyklonb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# Creates a database for the "seen" plugin from logs for degesch.
-# The results may not be completely accurate but are good for jumpstarting.
-# Usage: ./ LOG-FILE... > seen.db
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use File::Basename;
-use Time::Piece;
-my $db = {};
-for (@ARGV) {
- my $where = (basename($_) =~ /\.(.*).log/)[0];
- unless ($where) {
- print STDERR "Invalid filename: $_\n";
- next;
- }
- open my $fh, '<', $_ or die "Failed to open log file: $!";
- while (<$fh>) {
- my ($when, $who, $who_action, $what) =
- /^(.{19}) (?:<[~&@%+]*(.*?)>| \* (\S+)) (.*)/;
- next unless $when;
- if ($who_action) {
- $who = $who_action;
- $what = "* $what";
- }
- $db->{$who}->{$where} =
- [Time::Piece->strptime($when, "%Y-%m-%d %T")->epoch, $what];
- }
-while (my ($who, $places) = each %$db) {
- while (my ($where, $data) = each %$places) {
- my ($when, $what) = @$data;
- print ":$who PRIVMSG $where $when :$what\n";
- }
diff --git a/plugins/zyklonb/youtube b/plugins/zyklonb/youtube
deleted file mode 100755
index 53b86d8..0000000
--- a/plugins/zyklonb/youtube
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# ZyklonB YouTube plugin, displaying info about YouTube links
-# Copyright 2014 - 2015, Přemysl Eric Janouch <>
-# See the file LICENSE for licensing information.
-import sys
-import io
-import re
-import json
-import urllib.request
-class Plugin:
- re_msg = re.compile ('(?::([^! ]*)(?:!([^@]*)@([^ ]*))? +)?'
- '([^ ]+)(?: +(.*))?\r\n$')
- re_args = re.compile (':?((?<=:).*|[^ ]+) *')
- def parse (self, line):
- m = self.re_msg.match (line)
- if m is None:
- return None
- (nick, user, host, command, args) = m.groups ()
- args = [] if args is None else self.re_args.findall (args)
- return (nick, user, host, command, args)
- def get_config (self, key):
- print ("ZYKLONB get_config :%s" % key)
- (_, _, _, _, args) = self.parse (sys.stdin.readline ())
- return args[0]
- def bot_print (self, what):
- print ('ZYKLONB print :%s' % what)
-class YouTube (Plugin):
- re_videos = [re.compile (x) for x in [
- r'youtube\.[a-z]+/[^ ]*[&?]v=([-\w]+)',
- r'youtube\.[a-z]+/v/([-\w]+)',
- r'youtu\.be/([-\w]+)'
- ]]
- re_playlists = [re.compile (x) for x in [
- r'youtube\.[a-z]+/playlist[&?][^ ]*(?<=&|\?)list=([-\w]+)',
- ]]
- def print_info (self, channel, url, cb):
- try:
- data = json.loads (urllib.request.urlopen
- (url, None, 30).read ().decode ('utf-8'))
- for line in map (lambda x: "YouTube: " + cb (x), data['items']):
- print ("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (channel,
- line.encode ('utf-8').decode ('iso8859-1')))
- except Exception as err:
- self.bot_print ('youtube: %s' % (err))
- def print_video_info (self, channel, video_id):
- url = '' \
- + 'videos?id=%s&key=%s&part=snippet,contentDetails,statistics' \
- % (video_id, self.youtube_api_key)
- self.print_info (channel, url, lambda x: "%s | %s | %sx" % (
- x['snippet']['title'],
- x['contentDetails']['duration'][2:].lower (),
- x['statistics']['viewCount']))
- def print_playlist_info (self, channel, playlist_id):
- url = '' \
- + 'playlists?id=%s&key=%s&part=snippet,contentDetails' \
- % (playlist_id, self.youtube_api_key)
- self.print_info (channel, url, lambda x: "%s | %d videos" % (
- x['snippet']['title'],
- x['contentDetails']['itemCount']))
- def process_line (self, line):
- msg = self.parse (line)
- if msg is None:
- return
- (nick, user, host, command, args) = msg
- if command != 'PRIVMSG' or len (args) < 2:
- return
- ctx = args[0]
- if not ctx.startswith (('#', '+', '&', '!')):
- ctx = nick
- for regex in self.re_videos:
- for i in regex.findall (args[1]):
- self.print_video_info (ctx, i)
- for regex in self.re_playlists:
- for i in regex.findall (args[1]):
- self.print_playlist_info (ctx, i)
- def run (self):
- self.youtube_api_key = self.get_config ('youtube_api_key')
- if self.youtube_api_key == "":
- self.bot_print ("youtube: missing `youtube_api_key'")
- print ("ZYKLONB register")
- for line in sys.stdin:
- self.process_line (line)
-sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper (sys.__stdin__.buffer,
- encoding = 'iso8859-1', newline = '\r\n', line_buffering = True)
-sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper (sys.__stdout__.buffer,
- encoding = 'iso8859-1', newline = '\r\n', line_buffering = True)
-YouTube ().run ()