.TH TERMKEY_NEW 3 .SH NAME termkey_new, termkey_free \- create or destroy new termkey instance .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include .sp .BI "termkey_tk *termkey_new(int " fd ", int " flags ); .br .BI "void termkey_free(termkey_t *" tk ); .fi .sp Link with \fI\-ltermkey\fP. .SH DESCRIPTION \fBtermkey_new\fP() creates a new termkey instance connected to the file handle opened by \fIfd\fP using the \fIflags\fP. The \fBtermkey_tk\fP structure should be considered opaque; its contents are not intended for use outside of the library. .PP \fBtermkey_free\fP() destroys the given instance and releases any resources controlled by it. It will not close the underlying filehandle given as the \fIfd\fP argument to \fBtermkey_new\fP(). .PP The following values may be given as the \fIflags\fP bitmask: .TP .B TERMKEY_FLAG_NOINTERPRET Do not attempt to interpret \fBC0\fP codes into keysyms. Instead report them as plain "Ctrl-letter" events. .TP .B TERMKEY_FLAG_CONVERTKP Convert xterm's alternative keypad symbols into the plain .SM ASCII codes they would represent. .TP .B TERMKEY_FLAG_RAW Ignore locale settings; do not attempt to recombine UTF-8 sequences. Instead report only raw values. .TP .B TERMKEY_FLAG_UTF8 Ignore locale settings; force UTF-8 recombining on. This flag overrides \fBTERMKEY_FLAG_RAW\fP. .TP .B TERMKEY_FLAG_NOTERMIOS Even if the terminal file descriptor \fIfd\fP represents a .SM TTY device, do not call the \fBtcsetattr\fP() \fBtermios\fP function on it to set it to canonical input mode. .SH "RETURN VALUE" If successful, \fBtermkey_new\fP() returns a pointer to the new instance. On failure, \fBNULL\fP is returned. \fBtermkey_free\fP() returns no value. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR termkey_waitkey (3), .BR termkey_getkey (3)