#include "termkey.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include struct keyinfo { termkey_type type; termkey_keysym sym; int modifier_mask; int modifier_set; }; struct termkey { int fd; int flags; unsigned char *buffer; size_t buffstart; // First offset in buffer size_t buffcount; // NUMBER of entires valid in buffer size_t buffsize; // Total malloc'ed size struct termios restore_termios; char restore_termios_valid; int waittime; // msec char is_closed; int nkeynames; const char **keynames; // There are 32 C0 codes struct keyinfo c0[32]; // There are 64 codes 0x40 - 0x7F struct keyinfo csi_ss3s[64]; struct keyinfo ss3s[64]; char ss3_kpalts[64]; int ncsifuncs; struct keyinfo *csifuncs; }; termkey_t *termkey_new_full(int fd, int flags, size_t buffsize, int waittime) { termkey_t *tk = malloc(sizeof(*tk)); if(!tk) return NULL; if(!(flags & (TERMKEY_FLAG_RAW|TERMKEY_FLAG_UTF8))) { int locale_is_utf8 = 0; char *e; if((e = getenv("LANG")) && strstr(e, "UTF-8")) locale_is_utf8 = 1; if(!locale_is_utf8 && (e = getenv("LC_MESSAGES")) && strstr(e, "UTF-8")) locale_is_utf8 = 1; if(!locale_is_utf8 && (e = getenv("LC_ALL")) && strstr(e, "UTF-8")) locale_is_utf8 = 1; if(locale_is_utf8) flags |= TERMKEY_FLAG_UTF8; else flags |= TERMKEY_FLAG_RAW; } tk->fd = fd; tk->flags = flags; tk->buffer = malloc(buffsize); if(!tk->buffer) { free(tk); return NULL; } tk->buffstart = 0; tk->buffcount = 0; tk->buffsize = buffsize; tk->restore_termios_valid = 0; tk->waittime = waittime; tk->is_closed = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) { tk->c0[i].sym = TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN; } for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) { tk->csi_ss3s[i].sym = TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN; tk->ss3s[i].sym = TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN; tk->ss3_kpalts[i] = 0; } // These numbers aren't too important; buffers will be grown if insufficient tk->nkeynames = 64; tk->ncsifuncs = 32; tk->keynames = malloc(sizeof(tk->keynames[0]) * tk->nkeynames); tk->csifuncs = malloc(sizeof(tk->csifuncs[0]) * tk->ncsifuncs); for(i = 0; i < tk->nkeynames; i++) tk->keynames[i] = NULL; for(i = 0; i < tk->ncsifuncs; i++) tk->csifuncs[i].sym = TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN; // Special built-in names termkey_register_keyname(tk, TERMKEY_SYM_NONE, "NONE"); termkey_register_c0(tk, TERMKEY_SYM_BACKSPACE, 0x08, "Backspace"); termkey_register_c0(tk, TERMKEY_SYM_TAB, 0x09, "Tab"); termkey_register_c0(tk, TERMKEY_SYM_ENTER, 0x0d, "Enter"); termkey_register_c0(tk, TERMKEY_SYM_ESCAPE, 0x1b, "Escape"); // G1 termkey_register_keyname(tk, TERMKEY_SYM_SPACE, "Space"); termkey_register_keyname(tk, TERMKEY_SYM_DEL, "DEL"); termkey_register_csi_ss3(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_UP, 'A', "Up"); termkey_register_csi_ss3(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_DOWN, 'B', "Down"); termkey_register_csi_ss3(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_RIGHT, 'C', "Right"); termkey_register_csi_ss3(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_LEFT, 'D', "Left"); termkey_register_csi_ss3(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_BEGIN, 'E', "Begin"); termkey_register_csi_ss3(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_END, 'F', "End"); termkey_register_csi_ss3(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_HOME, 'H', "Home"); termkey_register_csi_ss3(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 1, 'P', NULL); termkey_register_csi_ss3(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 2, 'Q', NULL); termkey_register_csi_ss3(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 3, 'R', NULL); termkey_register_csi_ss3(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 4, 'S', NULL); termkey_register_csi_ss3_full(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_TAB, TERMKEY_KEYMOD_SHIFT, TERMKEY_KEYMOD_SHIFT, 'Z', NULL); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KPENTER, 'M', "KPEnter", 0); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KPEQUALS, 'X', "KPEquals", '='); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KPMULT, 'j', "KPMult", '*'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KPPLUS, 'k', "KPPlus", '+'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KPCOMMA, 'l', "KPComma", ','); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KPMINUS, 'm', "KPMinus", '-'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KPPERIOD, 'n', "KPPeriod", '.'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KPDIV, 'o', "KPDiv", '/'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KP0, 'p', "KP0", '0'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KP1, 'q', "KP1", '1'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KP2, 'r', "KP2", '2'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KP3, 's', "KP3", '3'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KP4, 't', "KP4", '4'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KP5, 'u', "KP5", '5'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KP6, 'v', "KP6", '6'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KP7, 'w', "KP7", '7'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KP8, 'x', "KP8", '8'); termkey_register_ss3kpalt(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_KP9, 'y', "KP9", '9'); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_FIND, 1, "Find"); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_INSERT, 2, "Insert"); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_DELETE, 3, "Delete"); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_SELECT, 4, "Select"); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_PAGEUP, 5, "PageUp"); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_PAGEDOWN, 6, "PageDown"); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_HOME, 7, "Home"); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_END, 8, "End"); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 1, 11, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 2, 12, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 3, 13, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 4, 14, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 5, 15, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 6, 17, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 7, 18, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 8, 19, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 9, 20, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 10, 21, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 11, 23, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 12, 24, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 13, 25, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 14, 26, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 15, 28, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 16, 29, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 17, 31, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 18, 32, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 19, 33, NULL); termkey_register_csifunc(tk, TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION, 20, 34, NULL); if(!(flags & TERMKEY_FLAG_NOTERMIOS)) { struct termios termios; if(tcgetattr(fd, &termios) == 0) { tk->restore_termios = termios; tk->restore_termios_valid = 1; termios.c_iflag &= ~(IXON|INLCR|ICRNL); termios.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO|ISIG); tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &termios); } } return tk; } termkey_t *termkey_new(int fd, int flags) { return termkey_new_full(fd, flags, 256, 50); } void termkey_free(termkey_t *tk) { free(tk->buffer); tk->buffer = NULL; free(tk->keynames); tk->keynames = NULL; free(tk->csifuncs); tk->csifuncs = NULL; free(tk); } void termkey_destroy(termkey_t *tk) { if(tk->restore_termios_valid) tcsetattr(tk->fd, TCSANOW, &tk->restore_termios); termkey_free(tk); } void termkey_setwaittime(termkey_t *tk, int msec) { tk->waittime = msec; } int termkey_getwaittime(termkey_t *tk) { return tk->waittime; } static inline void eatbytes(termkey_t *tk, size_t count) { if(count >= tk->buffcount) { tk->buffstart = 0; tk->buffcount = 0; return; } tk->buffstart += count; tk->buffcount -= count; size_t halfsize = tk->buffsize / 2; if(tk->buffstart > halfsize) { memcpy(tk->buffer, tk->buffer + halfsize, halfsize); tk->buffstart -= halfsize; } } #define UTF8_INVALID 0xFFFD static int utf8_seqlen(int codepoint) { if(codepoint < 0x0000080) return 1; if(codepoint < 0x0000800) return 2; if(codepoint < 0x0010000) return 3; if(codepoint < 0x0200000) return 4; if(codepoint < 0x4000000) return 5; return 6; } static void fill_utf8(termkey_key *key) { int codepoint = key->code.codepoint; int nbytes = utf8_seqlen(codepoint); key->utf8[nbytes] = 0; // This is easier done backwards int b = nbytes; while(b > 1) { b--; key->utf8[b] = 0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3f); codepoint >>= 6; } switch(nbytes) { case 1: key->utf8[0] = (codepoint & 0x7f); break; case 2: key->utf8[0] = 0xc0 | (codepoint & 0x1f); break; case 3: key->utf8[0] = 0xe0 | (codepoint & 0x0f); break; case 4: key->utf8[0] = 0xf0 | (codepoint & 0x07); break; case 5: key->utf8[0] = 0xf8 | (codepoint & 0x03); break; case 6: key->utf8[0] = 0xfc | (codepoint & 0x01); break; } } static inline void do_codepoint(termkey_t *tk, int codepoint, termkey_key *key) { if(codepoint < 0x20) { // C0 range key->code.codepoint = 0; key->modifiers = 0; if(!(tk->flags & TERMKEY_FLAG_NOINTERPRET) && tk->c0[codepoint].sym != TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN) { key->code.sym = tk->c0[codepoint].sym; key->modifiers |= tk->c0[codepoint].modifier_set; } if(!key->code.sym) { key->type = TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE; key->code.codepoint = codepoint + 0x40; key->modifiers = TERMKEY_KEYMOD_CTRL; } else { key->type = TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM; } } else if(codepoint == 0x20 && !(tk->flags & TERMKEY_FLAG_NOINTERPRET)) { // ASCII space key->type = TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM; key->code.sym = TERMKEY_SYM_SPACE; key->modifiers = 0; } else if(codepoint == 0x7f && !(tk->flags & TERMKEY_FLAG_NOINTERPRET)) { // ASCII DEL key->type = TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM; key->code.sym = TERMKEY_SYM_DEL; key->modifiers = 0; } else if(codepoint >= 0x20 && codepoint < 0x80) { // ASCII lowbyte range key->type = TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE; key->code.codepoint = codepoint; key->modifiers = 0; } else if(codepoint >= 0x80 && codepoint < 0xa0) { // UTF-8 never starts with a C1 byte. So we can be sure of these key->type = TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE; key->code.codepoint = codepoint - 0x40; key->modifiers = TERMKEY_KEYMOD_CTRL|TERMKEY_KEYMOD_ALT; } else { // UTF-8 codepoint key->type = TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE; key->code.codepoint = codepoint; key->modifiers = 0; } if(key->type == TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE) fill_utf8(key); } #define CHARAT(i) (tk->buffer[tk->buffstart + (i)]) static termkey_result getkey_csi(termkey_t *tk, size_t introlen, termkey_key *key) { size_t csi_end = introlen; while(csi_end < tk->buffcount) { if(CHARAT(csi_end) >= 0x40 && CHARAT(csi_end) < 0x80) break; csi_end++; } if(csi_end >= tk->buffcount) { if(tk->waittime) return TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN; do_codepoint(tk, '[', key); key->modifiers |= TERMKEY_KEYMOD_ALT; eatbytes(tk, introlen); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } unsigned char cmd = CHARAT(csi_end); int arg[16]; char present = 0; int args = 0; size_t p = introlen; // Now attempt to parse out up number;number;... separated values while(p < csi_end) { unsigned char c = CHARAT(p); if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { if(!present) { arg[args] = c - '0'; present = 1; } else { arg[args] = (arg[args] * 10) + c - '0'; } } else if(c == ';') { if(!present) arg[args] = -1; present = 0; args++; if(args > 16) break; } p++; } if(!present) arg[args] = -1; args++; eatbytes(tk, csi_end + 1); if(args > 1 && arg[1] != -1) key->modifiers = arg[1] - 1; else key->modifiers = 0; if(cmd == '~') { key->type = TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM; if(arg[0] == 27) { int mod = key->modifiers; do_codepoint(tk, arg[2], key); key->modifiers |= mod; } else if(arg[0] >= 0 && arg[0] < tk->ncsifuncs) { key->type = tk->csifuncs[arg[0]].type; key->code.sym = tk->csifuncs[arg[0]].sym; key->modifiers &= ~(tk->csifuncs[arg[0]].modifier_mask); key->modifiers |= tk->csifuncs[arg[0]].modifier_set; } else key->code.sym = TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN; if(key->code.sym == TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN) fprintf(stderr, "CSI function key %d\n", arg[0]); } else { // We know from the logic above that cmd must be >= 0x40 and < 0x80 key->type = tk->csi_ss3s[cmd - 0x40].type; key->code.sym = tk->csi_ss3s[cmd - 0x40].sym; key->modifiers &= ~(tk->csi_ss3s[cmd - 0x40].modifier_mask); key->modifiers |= tk->csi_ss3s[cmd - 0x40].modifier_set; if(key->code.sym == TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN) fprintf(stderr, "CSI arg1=%d arg2=%d cmd=%c\n", arg[0], arg[1], cmd); } return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } static termkey_result getkey_ss3(termkey_t *tk, size_t introlen, termkey_key *key) { if(tk->buffcount < introlen + 1) { if(tk->waittime) return TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN; do_codepoint(tk, 'O', key); key->modifiers |= TERMKEY_KEYMOD_ALT; eatbytes(tk, tk->buffcount); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } unsigned char cmd = CHARAT(introlen); eatbytes(tk, introlen + 1); if(cmd < 0x40 || cmd >= 0x80) return TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN; key->type = tk->csi_ss3s[cmd - 0x40].type; key->code.sym = tk->csi_ss3s[cmd - 0x40].sym; key->modifiers = tk->csi_ss3s[cmd - 0x40].modifier_set; if(key->code.sym == TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN) { if(tk->flags & TERMKEY_FLAG_CONVERTKP && tk->ss3_kpalts[cmd - 0x40]) { key->type = TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE; key->code.codepoint = tk->ss3_kpalts[cmd - 0x40]; key->modifiers = 0; key->utf8[0] = key->code.codepoint; key->utf8[1] = 0; return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } key->type = tk->ss3s[cmd - 0x40].type; key->code.sym = tk->ss3s[cmd - 0x40].sym; key->modifiers = tk->ss3s[cmd - 0x40].modifier_set; } if(key->code.sym == TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN) fprintf(stderr, "SS3 %c (0x%02x)\n", cmd, cmd); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } termkey_result termkey_getkey(termkey_t *tk, termkey_key *key) { if(tk->buffcount == 0) return tk->is_closed ? TERMKEY_RES_EOF : TERMKEY_RES_NONE; // Now we're sure at least 1 byte is valid unsigned char b0 = CHARAT(0); if(b0 == 0x1b) { if(tk->buffcount == 1) { // This might be an press, or it may want to be part of a longer // sequence if(tk->waittime) return TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN; do_codepoint(tk, b0, key); eatbytes(tk, 1); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } unsigned char b1 = CHARAT(1); if(b1 == '[') return getkey_csi(tk, 2, key); if(b1 == 'O') return getkey_ss3(tk, 2, key); if(b1 == 0x1b) { do_codepoint(tk, b0, key); eatbytes(tk, 1); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } tk->buffstart++; termkey_result metakey_result = termkey_getkey(tk, key); switch(metakey_result) { case TERMKEY_RES_KEY: key->modifiers |= TERMKEY_KEYMOD_ALT; tk->buffstart--; eatbytes(tk, 1); break; case TERMKEY_RES_NONE: case TERMKEY_RES_EOF: case TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN: break; } return metakey_result; } else if(b0 == 0x8f) { return getkey_ss3(tk, 1, key); } else if(b0 == 0x9b) { return getkey_csi(tk, 1, key); } else if(b0 < 0xa0) { // Single byte C0, G0 or C1 - C1 is never UTF-8 initial byte do_codepoint(tk, b0, key); eatbytes(tk, 1); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } else if(tk->flags & TERMKEY_FLAG_UTF8) { // Some UTF-8 int nbytes; int codepoint; key->type = TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE; key->modifiers = 0; if(b0 < 0xc0) { // Starts with a continuation byte - that's not right do_codepoint(tk, UTF8_INVALID, key); eatbytes(tk, 1); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } else if(b0 < 0xe0) { nbytes = 2; codepoint = b0 & 0x1f; } else if(b0 < 0xf0) { nbytes = 3; codepoint = b0 & 0x0f; } else if(b0 < 0xf8) { nbytes = 4; codepoint = b0 & 0x07; } else if(b0 < 0xfc) { nbytes = 5; codepoint = b0 & 0x03; } else if(b0 < 0xfe) { nbytes = 6; codepoint = b0 & 0x01; } else { do_codepoint(tk, UTF8_INVALID, key); eatbytes(tk, 1); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } if(tk->buffcount < nbytes) return tk->waittime ? TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN : TERMKEY_RES_NONE; for(int b = 1; b < nbytes; b++) { unsigned char cb = CHARAT(b); if(cb < 0x80 || cb >= 0xc0) { do_codepoint(tk, UTF8_INVALID, key); eatbytes(tk, b - 1); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } codepoint <<= 6; codepoint |= cb & 0x3f; } // Check for overlong sequences if(nbytes > utf8_seqlen(codepoint)) codepoint = UTF8_INVALID; // Check for UTF-16 surrogates or invalid codepoints if((codepoint >= 0xD800 && codepoint <= 0xDFFF) || codepoint == 0xFFFE || codepoint == 0xFFFF) codepoint = UTF8_INVALID; do_codepoint(tk, codepoint, key); eatbytes(tk, nbytes); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } else { // Non UTF-8 case - just report the raw byte key->type = TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE; key->code.codepoint = b0; key->modifiers = 0; key->utf8[0] = key->code.codepoint; key->utf8[1] = 0; eatbytes(tk, 1); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } return TERMKEY_SYM_NONE; } termkey_result termkey_getkey_force(termkey_t *tk, termkey_key *key) { int old_waittime = tk->waittime; tk->waittime = 0; termkey_result ret = termkey_getkey(tk, key); tk->waittime = old_waittime; return ret; } termkey_result termkey_waitkey(termkey_t *tk, termkey_key *key) { while(1) { termkey_result ret = termkey_getkey(tk, key); switch(ret) { case TERMKEY_RES_KEY: case TERMKEY_RES_EOF: return ret; case TERMKEY_RES_NONE: termkey_advisereadable(tk); break; case TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN: { struct pollfd fd; fd.fd = tk->fd; fd.events = POLLIN; int pollres = poll(&fd, 1, tk->waittime); if(pollres == 0) return termkey_getkey_force(tk, key); termkey_advisereadable(tk); } break; } } /* UNREACHABLE */ } void termkey_pushinput(termkey_t *tk, unsigned char *input, size_t inputlen) { if(tk->buffstart + tk->buffcount + inputlen > tk->buffsize) { while(tk->buffstart + tk->buffcount + inputlen > tk->buffsize) tk->buffsize *= 2; unsigned char *newbuffer = realloc(tk->buffer, tk->buffsize); tk->buffer = newbuffer; } // Not strcpy just in case of NUL bytes memcpy(tk->buffer + tk->buffstart + tk->buffcount, input, inputlen); tk->buffcount += inputlen; } termkey_result termkey_advisereadable(termkey_t *tk) { unsigned char buffer[64]; // Smaller than the default size size_t len = read(tk->fd, buffer, sizeof buffer); if(len == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) return TERMKEY_RES_NONE; else if(len < 1) { tk->is_closed = 1; return TERMKEY_RES_NONE; } else { termkey_pushinput(tk, buffer, len); return TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN; } } termkey_keysym termkey_register_keyname(termkey_t *tk, termkey_keysym sym, const char *name) { if(!sym) sym = tk->nkeynames; if(sym >= tk->nkeynames) { const char **new_keynames = realloc(tk->keynames, sizeof(new_keynames[0]) * (sym + 1)); tk->keynames = new_keynames; // Fill in the hole for(int i = tk->nkeynames; i < sym; i++) tk->keynames[i] = NULL; tk->nkeynames = sym + 1; } tk->keynames[sym] = name; return sym; } const char *termkey_get_keyname(termkey_t *tk, termkey_keysym sym) { if(sym == TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN) return "UNKNOWN"; if(sym < tk->nkeynames) return tk->keynames[sym]; return "UNKNOWN"; } termkey_keysym termkey_register_c0(termkey_t *tk, termkey_keysym sym, unsigned char ctrl, const char *name) { return termkey_register_c0_full(tk, sym, 0, 0, ctrl, name); } termkey_keysym termkey_register_c0_full(termkey_t *tk, termkey_keysym sym, int modifier_set, int modifier_mask, unsigned char ctrl, const char *name) { if(ctrl >= 0x20) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot register C0 key at ctrl 0x%02x - out of bounds\n", ctrl); return -1; } if(name) sym = termkey_register_keyname(tk, sym, name); tk->c0[ctrl].sym = sym; tk->c0[ctrl].modifier_set = modifier_set; tk->c0[ctrl].modifier_mask = modifier_mask; return sym; } termkey_keysym termkey_register_csi_ss3(termkey_t *tk, termkey_type type, termkey_keysym sym, unsigned char cmd, const char *name) { return termkey_register_csi_ss3_full(tk, type, sym, 0, 0, cmd, name); } termkey_keysym termkey_register_csi_ss3_full(termkey_t *tk, termkey_type type, termkey_keysym sym, int modifier_set, int modifier_mask, unsigned char cmd, const char *name) { if(cmd < 0x40 || cmd >= 0x80) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot register CSI/SS3 key at cmd 0x%02x - out of bounds\n", cmd); return -1; } if(name) sym = termkey_register_keyname(tk, sym, name); tk->csi_ss3s[cmd - 0x40].type = type; tk->csi_ss3s[cmd - 0x40].sym = sym; tk->csi_ss3s[cmd - 0x40].modifier_set = modifier_set; tk->csi_ss3s[cmd - 0x40].modifier_mask = modifier_mask; return sym; } termkey_keysym termkey_register_ss3kpalt(termkey_t *tk, termkey_type type, termkey_keysym sym, unsigned char cmd, const char *name, char kpalt) { return termkey_register_ss3kpalt_full(tk, type, sym, 0, 0, cmd, name, kpalt); } termkey_keysym termkey_register_ss3kpalt_full(termkey_t *tk, termkey_type type, termkey_keysym sym, int modifier_set, int modifier_mask, unsigned char cmd, const char *name, char kpalt) { if(cmd < 0x40 || cmd >= 0x80) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot register SS3 key at cmd 0x%02x - out of bounds\n", cmd); return -1; } if(name) sym = termkey_register_keyname(tk, sym, name); tk->ss3s[cmd - 0x40].type = type; tk->ss3s[cmd - 0x40].sym = sym; tk->ss3s[cmd - 0x40].modifier_set = modifier_set; tk->ss3s[cmd - 0x40].modifier_mask = modifier_mask; tk->ss3_kpalts[cmd - 0x40] = kpalt; return sym; } termkey_keysym termkey_register_csifunc(termkey_t *tk, termkey_type type, termkey_keysym sym, int number, const char *name) { return termkey_register_csifunc_full(tk, type, sym, 0, 0, number, name); } termkey_keysym termkey_register_csifunc_full(termkey_t *tk, termkey_type type, termkey_keysym sym, int modifier_set, int modifier_mask, int number, const char *name) { if(name) sym = termkey_register_keyname(tk, sym, name); if(number >= tk->ncsifuncs) { struct keyinfo *new_csifuncs = realloc(tk->csifuncs, sizeof(new_csifuncs[0]) * (number + 1)); tk->csifuncs = new_csifuncs; // Fill in the hole for(int i = tk->ncsifuncs; i < number; i++) tk->csifuncs[i].sym = TERMKEY_SYM_UNKNOWN; tk->ncsifuncs = number + 1; } tk->csifuncs[number].type = type; tk->csifuncs[number].sym = sym; tk->csifuncs[number].modifier_set = modifier_set; tk->csifuncs[number].modifier_mask = modifier_mask; return sym; } size_t termkey_snprint_key(termkey_t *tk, char *buffer, size_t len, termkey_key *key, termkey_format format) { size_t pos = 0; size_t l; int longmod = format & TERMKEY_FORMAT_LONGMOD; if(format & TERMKEY_FORMAT_CARETCTRL) { if(key->type == TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE && key->modifiers == TERMKEY_KEYMOD_CTRL && key->code.number >= '@' && key->code.number <= '_') { l = snprintf(buffer + pos, len - pos, "^"); if(l <= 0) return pos; pos += l; goto do_codepoint; } } if(key->modifiers & TERMKEY_KEYMOD_CTRL) { l = snprintf(buffer + pos, len - pos, longmod ? "Ctrl-" : "C-"); if(l <= 0) return pos; pos += l; } if(key->modifiers & TERMKEY_KEYMOD_ALT) { int altismeta = format & TERMKEY_FORMAT_ALTISMETA; l = snprintf(buffer + pos, len - pos, longmod ? ( altismeta ? "Meta-" : "Alt-" ) : ( altismeta ? "M-" : "A-" )); if(l <= 0) return pos; pos += l; } if(key->modifiers & TERMKEY_KEYMOD_SHIFT) { l = snprintf(buffer + pos, len - pos, longmod ? "Shift-" : "S-"); if(l <= 0) return pos; pos += l; } do_codepoint: switch(key->type) { case TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE: l = snprintf(buffer + pos, len - pos, "%s", key->utf8); break; case TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM: l = snprintf(buffer + pos, len - pos, "%s", termkey_get_keyname(tk, key->code.sym)); break; case TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION: l = snprintf(buffer + pos, len - pos, "F%d", key->code.number); break; } if(l <= 0) return pos; pos += l; return pos; }