sensei-raw-ctl This program makes it possible to change the configuration of your SteelSeries Sensei Raw mouse from within Linux, *BSD or any other POSIX-compatible system supported by libusb. Run `sensei-raw-ctl --help' or `man sensei-raw-ctl' for usage information. If you don't fancy command line tools, there's also a basic GTK+ frontend available. On Ubuntu and its derivates, you should be able to find it in your System Settings. Supported devices ================= - SteelSeries Sensei Raw - SteelSeries Call of Duty: Black Ops II Installation ============ Build dependencies: cmake >= 2.8.5, help2man, libusb >= 1.0, gtk+ >= 3.0 (optional) $ git clone git:// $ cd sensei-raw-ctl $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr # make install Note that there's no "make uninstall" and the GUI needs to be installed in the right location to work correctly. If you don't want the GUI frontend, append -DBUILD_GUI=NO to the cmake command. The GUI also isn't going to be built if you don't have the GTK+ 3 development packages installed, if your distribution has any. For Debian-based distros, you can do the following instead of the last step: $ fakeroot cpack -G DEB # dpkg -i sensei-raw-ctl-*.deb