#include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <assert.h> #include <qr/bitmap.h> #include <qr/bitstream.h> #include <qr/code.h> #include <qr/common.h> #include <qr/data.h> #include <qr/layout.h> #include "constants.h" #include "galois.h" #define MIN(a, b) ((b) < (a) ? (b) : (a)) static int mask_data(struct qr_code * code); static int score_mask(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp); static int score_runs(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp, int base); static int count_2blocks(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp); static int count_locators(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp); static int calc_bw_balance(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp); static int get_px(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp, int x, int y); static int get_mask(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp, int x, int y); static int draw_format(struct qr_bitmap * bmp, struct qr_code * code, enum qr_ec_level ec, int mask); static int calc_format_bits(enum qr_ec_level ec, int mask); static long calc_version_bits(int version); #include <stdio.h> static void x_dump(struct qr_bitstream * bits) { size_t i, n; qr_bitstream_seek(bits, 0); n = qr_bitstream_size(bits); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { fprintf(stderr, "%d", qr_bitstream_read(bits, 1)); if (i % 8 == 7) fputc(' ', stderr); if ((i+1) % (7 * 8) == 0) fputc('\n', stderr); } fputc('\n', stderr); } static void setpx(struct qr_bitmap * bmp, int x, int y) { size_t off = y * bmp->stride + x / CHAR_BIT; unsigned char bit = 1 << (x % CHAR_BIT); bmp->bits[off] |= bit; } static void draw_locator(struct qr_bitmap * bmp, int x, int y) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { setpx(bmp, x + i, y + 0); setpx(bmp, x + 6, y + i); setpx(bmp, x + i + 1, y + 6); setpx(bmp, x, y + i + 1); } for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) setpx(bmp, x + 2 + i % 3, y + 2 + i / 3); } static int draw_functional(struct qr_code * code, enum qr_ec_level ec, unsigned int mask) { struct qr_bitmap * bmp; int dim = qr_code_width(code); int i; int x, y; int am_side; bmp = qr_bitmap_create(dim, dim, 0); if (!bmp) return -1; /* Locator pattern */ draw_locator(bmp, 0, 0); draw_locator(bmp, 0, dim - 7); draw_locator(bmp, dim - 7, 0); /* Timing pattern */ for (i = 8; i < dim - 8; i += 2) { setpx(bmp, i, 6); setpx(bmp, 6, i); } /* Alignment pattern */ am_side = code->version > 1 ? (code->version / 7) + 2 : 0; for (y = 0; y < am_side; ++y) { const int * am_pos = QR_ALIGNMENT_LOCATION[code->version - 1]; for (x = 0; x < am_side; ++x) { if ((x == 0 && y == 0) || (x == 0 && y == am_side - 1) || (x == am_side - 1 && y == 0)) continue; for (i = -2; i < 2; ++i) { setpx(bmp, am_pos[x] + i, am_pos[y] - 2); setpx(bmp, am_pos[x] + 2, am_pos[y] + i); setpx(bmp, am_pos[x] - i, am_pos[y] + 2); setpx(bmp, am_pos[x] - 2, am_pos[y] - i); } setpx(bmp, am_pos[x], am_pos[y]); } } /* Format info */ setpx(bmp, 8, dim - 8); if (draw_format(bmp, code, ec, mask) != 0) return -1; /* Merge data */ qr_bitmap_merge(bmp, code->modules); qr_bitmap_destroy(code->modules); code->modules = bmp; return 0; } static int pad_data(struct qr_bitstream * bits, size_t limit) { /* This function is not very nice. Sorry. */ size_t count, n; assert(qr_bitstream_size(bits) <= limit); if (qr_bitstream_resize(bits, limit) != 0) return -1; n = qr_bitstream_size(bits); qr_bitstream_seek(bits, n); count = limit - n; /* First append the terminator (0000) if possible, * and pad with zeros up to an 8-bit boundary */ n = (n + 4) % 8; if (n != 0) n = 8 - n; n = MIN(count, n + 4); qr_bitstream_write(bits, 0, n); count -= n; assert(count % 8 == 0); /* since data codewords are 8 bits */ /* Finally pad with the repeating sequence 11101100 00010001 */ while (count >= 16) { qr_bitstream_write(bits, 0xEC11, 16); count -= 16; } if (count > 0) { assert(count == 8); qr_bitstream_write(bits, 0xEC, 8); } return 0; } static struct qr_bitstream * make_data(int version, enum qr_ec_level ec, struct qr_bitstream * data) { const size_t total_bits = qr_code_total_capacity(version); const size_t total_data = QR_DATA_WORD_COUNT[version - 1][ec ^ 0x1]; int block_count[2], data_length[2], ec_length[2]; int total_blocks; size_t i, w; struct qr_bitstream * dcopy = 0; struct qr_bitstream * out = 0; struct qr_bitstream ** blocks = 0; /* Set up the output stream */ out = qr_bitstream_create(); if (!out) return 0; if (qr_bitstream_resize(out, total_bits) != 0) goto fail; qr_get_rs_block_sizes(version, ec, block_count, data_length, ec_length); total_blocks = block_count[0] + block_count[1]; /* Make a copy of the data and pad it */ dcopy = qr_bitstream_dup(data); if (!dcopy) goto fail; if (pad_data(dcopy, total_data * QR_WORD_BITS) != 0) goto fail; fputs("Pad data:\n", stderr); x_dump(dcopy); /* Make space for the RS blocks */ blocks = malloc(total_blocks * sizeof(*blocks)); if (!blocks) goto fail; for (i = 0; i < total_blocks; ++i) blocks[i] = NULL; /* Generate RS codewords */ qr_bitstream_seek(dcopy, 0); fputs("Generate RS blocks:\n", stderr); for (i = 0; i < total_blocks; ++i) { int type = (i >= block_count[0]); blocks[i] = rs_generate_words(dcopy, data_length[type], ec_length[type]); if (!blocks[i]) { while (i--) qr_bitstream_destroy(blocks[i]); free(blocks); blocks = 0; goto fail; } x_dump(blocks[i]); } /* Finally, write everything out in the correct order */ assert(block_count[1] == 0 || data_length[1] >= data_length[0]); for (w = 0; w < data_length[block_count[1] ? 1 : 0]; ++w) { for (i = (w >= data_length[0] ? block_count[0] : 0); i < total_blocks; ++i) { long di = w + i * data_length[0] + (i > block_count[0] ? (i - block_count[0]) * (data_length[1] - data_length[0]) : 0); qr_bitstream_seek(dcopy, di * QR_WORD_BITS); qr_bitstream_copy(out, dcopy, QR_WORD_BITS); } } for (i = 0; i < total_blocks; ++i) qr_bitstream_seek(blocks[i], 0); assert(block_count[1] == 0 || ec_length[1] == ec_length[0]); for (w = 0; w < ec_length[0]; ++w) for (i = 0; i < total_blocks; ++i) qr_bitstream_copy(out, blocks[i], QR_WORD_BITS); qr_bitstream_write(out, 0, total_bits % QR_WORD_BITS); fputs("Final bitstream:\n", stderr); x_dump(out); exit: if (blocks) { while (total_blocks--) qr_bitstream_destroy(blocks[total_blocks]); free(blocks); } if (dcopy) qr_bitstream_destroy(dcopy); return out; fail: qr_bitstream_destroy(out); out = 0; goto exit; } struct qr_code * qr_code_create(const struct qr_data * data) { struct qr_code * code; struct qr_bitstream * bits = 0; struct qr_iterator * layout; int mask; size_t dim; code = malloc(sizeof(*code)); if (!code) return 0; code->version = data->version; dim = qr_code_width(code); code->modules = qr_bitmap_create(dim, dim, 1); if (!code->modules) goto fail; bits = make_data(data->version, data->ec, data->bits); if (!bits) goto fail; qr_layout_init_mask(code); layout = qr_layout_begin(code); if (!layout) goto fail; qr_bitstream_seek(bits, 0); while (qr_bitstream_remaining(bits) >= QR_WORD_BITS) qr_layout_write(layout, qr_bitstream_read(bits, QR_WORD_BITS)); qr_layout_end(layout); mask = mask_data(code); if (mask < 0) goto fail; if (draw_functional(code, data->ec, mask) != 0) goto fail; exit: if (bits) qr_bitstream_destroy(bits); return code; fail: qr_code_destroy(code); code = 0; goto exit; } static int mask_data(struct qr_code * code) { struct qr_bitmap * mask, * test; int selected, score; int i, best; mask = 0; /* Generate bitmap for each mask and evaluate */ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { test = qr_bitmap_clone(code->modules); if (!test) { qr_bitmap_destroy(mask); return -1; } qr_mask_apply(test, i); score = score_mask(test); fprintf(stderr, "mask %d scored %d\n", i, score); if (!mask || score < best) { best = score; selected = i; qr_bitmap_destroy(mask); mask = test; } else { qr_bitmap_destroy(test); } } fprintf(stderr, "Selected mask %d (%d)\n", selected, best); qr_bitmap_destroy(code->modules); code->modules = mask; return selected; } static int score_mask(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp) { const int N[4] = { 3, 3, 40, 10 }; int score = 0; score += score_runs(bmp, N[0]); score += N[1] * count_2blocks(bmp); score += N[2] * count_locators(bmp); score += N[3] * ((abs(calc_bw_balance(bmp) - 50) + 4) / 5); return score; } static int score_runs(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp, int base) { /* Runs of 5+n bits -> N[0] + i */ int x, y, flip; int score = 0; int count, last; for (flip = 0; flip <= 1; ++flip) { for (y = 0; y < bmp->height; ++y) { count = 0; for (x = 0; x < bmp->width; ++x) { int mask, bit; if (flip) { mask = get_mask(bmp, y, x); bit = get_mask(bmp, y, x); } else { mask = get_mask(bmp, x, y); bit = get_px(bmp, x, y); } if (mask && (count == 0 || !!bit == !!last)) { ++count; last = bit; } else { if (count >= 5) score += base + count - 5; count = 0; } } } } return score; } static int count_2blocks(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp) { /* Count the number of 2x2 blocks (on or off) */ int x, y; int count = 0; /* Slow and stupid */ for (y = 0; y < bmp->height - 1; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < bmp->width - 1; ++x) { if (get_mask(bmp, x, y) && get_mask(bmp, x+1, y) && get_mask(bmp, x, y+1) && get_mask(bmp, x+1, y+1)) { int v[4]; v[0] = get_px(bmp, x, y); v[1] = get_px(bmp, x+1, y); v[2] = get_px(bmp, x, y+1); v[3] = get_px(bmp, x+1, y+1); if (!(v[0] || v[1] || v[2] || v[3]) || (v[0] && v[1] && v[2] && v[3])) { ++count; } } } } return count; } static int count_locators(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp) { /* 1:1:3:1:1 patterns -> N[2] */ int x, y, flip; int count = 0; for (flip = 0; flip <= 1; ++flip) { for (y = 0; y < bmp->height - 7; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < bmp->width - 7; ++x) { int bits[7]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) if (!(flip ? get_mask(bmp, y, x+i) : get_mask(bmp, x+i, y))) continue; for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) bits[i] = flip ? get_px(bmp, y, x+i) : get_px(bmp, x+i, y); if (!bits[0]) for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) bits[i] = !bits[i]; if ( bits[0] && !bits[1] && bits[2] && bits[3] && bits[4] && !bits[5] && bits[6]) ++count; } } } return count; } static int calc_bw_balance(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp) { /* Calculate the proportion (in percent) of "on" bits */ int x, y; unsigned char bit; long on, total; assert(bmp->mask); /* we only need this case */ on = total = 0; for (y = 0; y < bmp->height; ++y) { size_t off = y * bmp->stride; unsigned char * bits = bmp->bits + off; unsigned char * mask = bmp->mask + off; for (x = 0; x < bmp->width / CHAR_BIT; ++x, ++bits, ++mask) { for (bit = 1; bit; bit <<= 1) { int m = *mask & bit; total += !!m; on += !!(*bits & m); } } } return (on * 100) / total; } static int get_px(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp, int x, int y) { size_t off = y * bmp->stride + x / CHAR_BIT; unsigned char bit = 1 << (x % CHAR_BIT); return bmp->bits[off] & bit; } static int get_mask(const struct qr_bitmap * bmp, int x, int y) { size_t off = y * bmp->stride + x / CHAR_BIT; unsigned char bit = 1 << (x % CHAR_BIT); return bmp->mask[off] & bit; } static int draw_format(struct qr_bitmap * bmp, struct qr_code * code, enum qr_ec_level ec, int mask) { int i; size_t dim; long bits; dim = bmp->width; bits = calc_format_bits(ec, mask); if (bits < 0) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (bits & 0x1) { setpx(bmp, 8, i + (i > 5)); setpx(bmp, dim - 1 - i, 8); } bits >>= 1; } for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (bits & 0x1) { setpx(bmp, 8, dim - 7 + i); setpx(bmp, 6 - i + (i == 0), 8); } bits >>= 1; } if (code->version >= 7) { bits = calc_version_bits(code->version); for (i = 0; i < 18; ++i) { if (bits & 0x1) { int a = i % 3, b = i / 3; setpx(bmp, dim - 11 + a, b); setpx(bmp, b, dim - 11 + a); } bits >>= 1; } } return 0; } static int calc_format_bits(enum qr_ec_level ec, int mask) { int bits; bits = (ec & 0x3) << 3 | (mask & 0x7); /* Compute (15, 5) BCH code */ bits <<= 15 - 5; bits |= (unsigned int)gf_residue(bits, QR_FORMAT_POLY); bits ^= QR_FORMAT_MASK; return bits; } static long calc_version_bits(int version) { long bits; bits = version & 0x3F; /* (18, 6) BCH code */ bits <<= 18 - 6; bits |= gf_residue(bits, QR_VERSION_POLY); fprintf(stderr, "version bits: %lx\n", bits); return bits; }