From 388507a61df32c0bddf7e61c5da013c3f29d32d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Leo Howell <>
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 16:53:16 +0900
Subject: bitstream -> qr_bitstream

 lpg/libqr/Makefile       |   4 +-
 lpg/libqr/bitstream.c    | 232 -----------------------------------------------
 lpg/libqr/bitstream.h    |  44 ---------
 lpg/libqr/code-common.h  |   2 +-
 lpg/libqr/code-create.c  |  66 +++++++-------
 lpg/libqr/data-common.c  |   4 +-
 lpg/libqr/data-common.h  |   4 +-
 lpg/libqr/data-create.c  |  38 ++++----
 lpg/libqr/data-parse.c   |  52 +++++------
 lpg/libqr/qr-bitstream.c | 232 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lpg/libqr/qr-bitstream.h |  44 +++++++++
 lpg/libqr/rs-encode.c    |  20 ++--
 lpg/libqr/rs.h           |   4 +-
 lpg/libqr/test.c         |   2 +-
 14 files changed, 374 insertions(+), 374 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 lpg/libqr/bitstream.c
 delete mode 100644 lpg/libqr/bitstream.h
 create mode 100644 lpg/libqr/qr-bitstream.c
 create mode 100644 lpg/libqr/qr-bitstream.h

diff --git a/lpg/libqr/Makefile b/lpg/libqr/Makefile
index 1571de4..49f89d4 100644
--- a/lpg/libqr/Makefile
+++ b/lpg/libqr/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-OBJECTS :=      bitstream.o     \
-                code-common.o   \
+OBJECTS :=      code-common.o           \
                 code-create.o   \
                 code-layout.o   \
                 code-parse.o    \
@@ -9,6 +8,7 @@ OBJECTS :=      bitstream.o     \
                 qr-bitmap.o             \
                 qr-bitmap-pbm.o         \
                 qr-bitmap-render.o      \
+                qr-bitstream.o          \
 CFLAGS := -std=c89 -pedantic -I. -Wall
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/bitstream.c b/lpg/libqr/bitstream.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fd58ea3..0000000
--- a/lpg/libqr/bitstream.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
- * It would perhaps be more sensible just to store the bits
- * as an array of char or similar, but this way is more fun.
- * This is a pretty inefficient implementation, althought I
- * suspect that won't be a problem.
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "bitstream.h"
-#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a))
-struct bitstream {
-        size_t pos;    /* bits */
-        size_t count;  /* bits */
-        size_t bufsiz; /* bytes */
-        unsigned char * buffer;
-static size_t bits_to_bytes(size_t bits)
-        return (bits / CHAR_BIT) + (bits % CHAR_BIT != 0);
-static int ensure_available(struct bitstream * stream, size_t bits)
-        size_t need_bits = stream->pos + bits;
-        size_t need_bytes = need_bits / CHAR_BIT + ((need_bits % CHAR_BIT) ? 0 : 1);
-        size_t newsize;
-        if (stream->bufsiz >= need_bytes)
-                return 0;
-        newsize = MAX(stream->bufsiz, 100);
-        while (newsize < need_bytes)
-                newsize *= 2;
-        return bitstream_resize(stream, newsize);
-struct bitstream * bitstream_create(void)
-        struct bitstream * obj;
-        obj = malloc(sizeof(*obj));
-        if (obj) {
-                obj->pos    = 0;
-                obj->count  = 0;
-                obj->bufsiz = 0;
-                obj->buffer = 0;
-        }
-        return obj;
-int bitstream_resize(struct bitstream * stream, size_t bits)
-        size_t newsize;
-        void * newbuf;
-        newsize = bits_to_bytes(bits);
-        newbuf = realloc(stream->buffer, newsize);
-        if (newbuf) {
-                stream->bufsiz = newsize;
-                stream->buffer = newbuf;
-        }
-        return newbuf ? 0 : -1;
-void bitstream_destroy(struct bitstream * stream)
-        free(stream->buffer);
-        free(stream);
-struct bitstream * bitstream_copy(const struct bitstream * src)
-        struct bitstream * ret;
-        ret = bitstream_create();
-        if (!ret)
-                return 0;
-        if (bitstream_resize(ret, src->count) != 0) {
-                free(ret);
-                return 0;
-        }
-        ret->pos   = src->pos;
-        ret->count = src->count;
-        memcpy(ret->buffer, src->buffer, src->bufsiz);
-        return ret;
-void bitstream_seek(struct bitstream * stream, size_t pos)
-        assert(pos <= stream->count);
-        stream->pos = pos;
-size_t bitstream_tell(const struct bitstream * stream)
-        return stream->pos;
-size_t bitstream_remaining(const struct bitstream * stream)
-        return stream->count - stream->pos;
-size_t bitstream_size(const struct bitstream * stream)
-        return stream->count;
-unsigned int bitstream_read(struct bitstream * stream, size_t bits)
-        unsigned int result = 0;
-        unsigned char * byte;
-        size_t bitnum;
-        assert(bitstream_remaining(stream) >= bits);
-        byte = stream->buffer + (stream->pos / CHAR_BIT);
-        bitnum = stream->pos % CHAR_BIT;
-        stream->pos += bits;
-        while (bits-- > 0) {
-                int bit = (*byte >> bitnum++) & 0x1;
-                result = (result << 1) | bit;
-                if (bitnum == CHAR_BIT) {
-                        bitnum = 0;
-                        ++byte;
-                }                
-        }
-        return result;
-void bitstream_unpack(struct bitstream * stream,
-                      unsigned int *     result,
-                      size_t             count,
-                      size_t             bitsize)
-        assert(bitstream_remaining(stream) >= (count * bitsize));
-        while (count--)
-                *(result++) = bitstream_read(stream, bitsize);
-int bitstream_write(struct bitstream * stream,
-                    unsigned int       value,
-                    size_t             bits)
-        unsigned char * byte;
-        size_t bitnum;
-        if (ensure_available(stream, bits) != 0)
-                return -1;
-        byte = stream->buffer + (stream->pos / CHAR_BIT);
-        bitnum = stream->pos % CHAR_BIT;
-        stream->pos += bits;
-        stream->count = stream->pos; /* truncate */
-        while (bits-- > 0) {
-                int bit = (value >> bits) & 0x1;
-                unsigned char mask = 1 << bitnum++;
-                *byte = (*byte & ~mask) | (bit ? mask : 0);
-                if (bitnum == CHAR_BIT) {
-                        bitnum = 0;
-                        ++byte;
-                }
-        }
-        return 0;
-int bitstream_pack(struct bitstream *   stream,
-                   const unsigned int * values,
-                   size_t               count,
-                   size_t               bitsize)
-        if (ensure_available(stream, count * bitsize) != 0)
-                return -1;
-        while (count--)
-                bitstream_write(stream, *(values++), bitsize);
-        return 0;
-int bitstream_cat(struct bitstream * dest, const struct bitstream * src)
-        size_t count = bitstream_size(src);
-        size_t srcpos;
-        if (ensure_available(dest, count) != 0)
-                return -1;
-        srcpos = bitstream_tell(src);
-        bitstream_seek((struct bitstream *)src, 0);
-        /* uint must be at least 16 bits */
-        for (; count >= 16; count -= 16)
-                bitstream_write(
-                        dest,
-                        bitstream_read((struct bitstream *)src, 16),
-                        16);
-        if (count > 0)
-                bitstream_write(
-                        dest,
-                        bitstream_read((struct bitstream *)src, count),
-                        count);
-        bitstream_seek((struct bitstream *)src, srcpos);
-        return 0;
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/bitstream.h b/lpg/libqr/bitstream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 12412bc..0000000
--- a/lpg/libqr/bitstream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#include <stddef.h>
- * Note: when writing / reading multiple bits, the
- * _most_ significant bits come first in the stream.
- * (That is, the order you would naturally write the
- * number in binary)
- */
-struct bitstream;
-struct bitstream * bitstream_create(void);
-int                bitstream_resize(struct bitstream *, size_t bits);
-void               bitstream_destroy(struct bitstream *);
-struct bitstream * bitstream_copy(const struct bitstream *);
-void bitstream_seek(struct bitstream *, size_t pos);
-size_t bitstream_tell(const struct bitstream *);
-size_t bitstream_remaining(const struct bitstream *);
-size_t bitstream_size(const struct bitstream *);
-unsigned int bitstream_read(struct bitstream *, size_t bits);
-void bitstream_unpack(struct bitstream *,
-                      unsigned int * result,
-                      size_t         count,
-                      size_t         bitsize);
-int bitstream_write(struct bitstream *,
-                    unsigned int value,
-                    size_t       bits);
-int bitstream_pack(struct bitstream *,
-                   const unsigned int * values,
-                   size_t               count,
-                   size_t               bitsize);
-int bitstream_cat(struct bitstream *, const struct bitstream * src);
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/code-common.h b/lpg/libqr/code-common.h
index fce8dce..cf96217 100644
--- a/lpg/libqr/code-common.h
+++ b/lpg/libqr/code-common.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #define CODE_COMMON_H
 #include <qr/code.h>
-#include "bitstream.h"
+#include "qr-bitstream.h"
 #include "qr-bitmap.h"
 struct qr_code {
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/code-create.c b/lpg/libqr/code-create.c
index 5c0f2b7..c6451ac 100644
--- a/lpg/libqr/code-create.c
+++ b/lpg/libqr/code-create.c
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
 #define MIN(a, b) ((b) < (a) ? (b) : (a))
 #include <stdio.h>
-static void x_dump(struct bitstream * bits)
+static void x_dump(struct qr_bitstream * bits)
         size_t i, n;
-        bitstream_seek(bits, 0);
-        n = bitstream_size(bits);
+        qr_bitstream_seek(bits, 0);
+        n = qr_bitstream_size(bits);
         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-                printf("%d", bitstream_read(bits, 1));
+                printf("%d", qr_bitstream_read(bits, 1));
                 if (i % 8 == 7)
                         printf(" ");
                 if ((i+1) % (7 * 8) == 0)
@@ -67,19 +67,19 @@ static void draw_fixed_bits(struct qr_code * code)
         /* XXX: alignment pattern */
-static int pad_data(struct bitstream * bits, size_t limit)
+static int pad_data(struct qr_bitstream * bits, size_t limit)
         /* This function is not very nice. Sorry. */
         size_t count, n;
-        assert(bitstream_size(bits) <= limit);
+        assert(qr_bitstream_size(bits) <= limit);
-        if (bitstream_resize(bits, limit) != 0)
+        if (qr_bitstream_resize(bits, limit) != 0)
                 return -1;
-        n = bitstream_size(bits);
-        bitstream_seek(bits, n);
+        n = qr_bitstream_size(bits);
+        qr_bitstream_seek(bits, n);
         count = limit - n;
         /* First append the terminator (0000) if possible,
@@ -89,42 +89,42 @@ static int pad_data(struct bitstream * bits, size_t limit)
         if (n != 0)
                 n = 8 - n;
         n = MIN(count, n + 4);
-        bitstream_write(bits, 0, n);
+        qr_bitstream_write(bits, 0, n);
         count -= n;
         assert(count % 8 == 0); /* since data codewords are 8 bits */
         /* Finally pad with the repeating sequence 11101100 00010001 */
         while (count >= 16) {
-                bitstream_write(bits, 0xEC11, 16);
+                qr_bitstream_write(bits, 0xEC11, 16);
                 count -= 16;
         if (count > 0) {
                 assert(count == 8);
-                bitstream_write(bits, 0xEC, 8);
+                qr_bitstream_write(bits, 0xEC, 8);
         return 0;
-static struct bitstream * make_data(int                format,
+static struct qr_bitstream * make_data(int                format,
                                     enum qr_ec_level   ec,
-                                    struct bitstream * data)
+                                    struct qr_bitstream * data)
         const size_t total_bits = code_total_capacity(format);
         const size_t total_words = total_bits / 8;
         size_t block_count, data_words, rs_words;
         size_t i;
-        struct bitstream * dcopy = 0;
-        struct bitstream * out = 0;
-        struct bitstream ** blocks = 0;
+        struct qr_bitstream * dcopy = 0;
+        struct qr_bitstream * out = 0;
+        struct qr_bitstream ** blocks = 0;
         /* Set up the output stream */
-        out = bitstream_create();
+        out = qr_bitstream_create();
         if (!out)
                 return 0;
-        if (bitstream_resize(out, total_bits) != 0)
+        if (qr_bitstream_resize(out, total_bits) != 0)
                 goto fail;
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ static struct bitstream * make_data(int                format,
         assert(data_words + rs_words == total_words);
         /* Make a copy of the data and pad it */
-        dcopy = bitstream_copy(data);
+        dcopy = qr_bitstream_copy(data);
         if (!dcopy)
                 goto fail;
@@ -154,14 +154,14 @@ static struct bitstream * make_data(int                format,
                 goto fail;
         /* Generate RS codewords */
-        bitstream_seek(dcopy, 0);
+        qr_bitstream_seek(dcopy, 0);
         puts("Generate RS blocks:");
         for (i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) {
                 /* XXX: some blocks may be longer */
                 blocks[i] = rs_generate_words(dcopy, data_words, rs_words);
                 if (!blocks[i]) {
                         while (i--)
-                                bitstream_destroy(blocks[i]);
+                                qr_bitstream_destroy(blocks[i]);
                         blocks = 0;
                         goto fail;
@@ -171,25 +171,25 @@ static struct bitstream * make_data(int                format,
         /* Finally, write everything out in the correct order */
         /* XXX: need to handle multiple blocks */
-        bitstream_cat(out, dcopy);
-        bitstream_cat(out, blocks[0]);
-        bitstream_write(out, 0, total_bits - total_words * 8);
+        qr_bitstream_cat(out, dcopy);
+        qr_bitstream_cat(out, blocks[0]);
+        qr_bitstream_write(out, 0, total_bits - total_words * 8);
         puts("Final bitstream:");
         if (blocks) {
                 while (block_count--)
-                       bitstream_destroy(blocks[block_count]);
+                       qr_bitstream_destroy(blocks[block_count]);
         if (dcopy)
-                bitstream_destroy(dcopy);
+                qr_bitstream_destroy(dcopy);
         return out;
-        bitstream_destroy(out);
+        qr_bitstream_destroy(out);
         out = 0;
         goto exit;
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ struct qr_code * qr_code_create(enum qr_ec_level       ec,
                                 const struct qr_data * data)
         struct qr_code * code;
-        struct bitstream * bits = 0;
+        struct qr_bitstream * bits = 0;
         struct qr_iterator * layout;
         size_t dim;
@@ -224,14 +224,14 @@ struct qr_code * qr_code_create(enum qr_ec_level       ec,
         if (!layout)
                 goto fail;
-        bitstream_seek(bits, 0);
-        while (bitstream_remaining(bits) >= 8)
-                qr_layout_write(layout, bitstream_read(bits, 8));
+        qr_bitstream_seek(bits, 0);
+        while (qr_bitstream_remaining(bits) >= 8)
+                qr_layout_write(layout, qr_bitstream_read(bits, 8));
         if (bits)
-                bitstream_destroy(bits);
+                qr_bitstream_destroy(bits);
         return code;
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/data-common.c b/lpg/libqr/data-common.c
index 123e5c4..c64527a 100644
--- a/lpg/libqr/data-common.c
+++ b/lpg/libqr/data-common.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <qr/data.h>
-#include "bitstream.h"
+#include "qr-bitstream.h"
 #include "data-common.h"
 const enum qr_data_type QR_TYPE_CODES[16] = {
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ const enum qr_data_type QR_TYPE_CODES[16] = {
 void qr_free_data(struct qr_data * data)
-        bitstream_destroy(data->bits);
+        qr_bitstream_destroy(data->bits);
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/data-common.h b/lpg/libqr/data-common.h
index d5f6e45..1522b09 100644
--- a/lpg/libqr/data-common.h
+++ b/lpg/libqr/data-common.h
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 #include <qr/data.h>
-#include "bitstream.h"
+#include "qr-bitstream.h"
 struct qr_data {
         int                format; /* 1 ~ 40 */
-        struct bitstream * bits;
+        struct qr_bitstream * bits;
         size_t             offset;
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/data-create.c b/lpg/libqr/data-create.c
index 2910997..a918413 100644
--- a/lpg/libqr/data-create.c
+++ b/lpg/libqr/data-create.c
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <qr/data.h>
-#include "bitstream.h"
+#include "qr-bitstream.h"
 #include "data-common.h"
 static void write_type_and_length(struct qr_data *  data,
                                   enum qr_data_type type,
                                   size_t            length)
-        (void)bitstream_write(data->bits, QR_TYPE_CODES[type], 4);
-        (void)bitstream_write(data->bits, length,
+        (void)qr_bitstream_write(data->bits, QR_TYPE_CODES[type], 4);
+        (void)qr_bitstream_write(data->bits, length,
                 get_size_field_length(data->format, type));
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ static struct qr_data * encode_numeric(struct qr_data * data,
                                        const char *     input,
                                        size_t           length)
-        struct bitstream * stream = data->bits;
+        struct qr_bitstream * stream = data->bits;
         size_t bits;
         bits = 4 + get_size_field_length(data->format, QR_DATA_NUMERIC)
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ static struct qr_data * encode_numeric(struct qr_data * data,
                 bits += 7;
         stream = data->bits;
-        if (bitstream_resize(stream,
-                        bitstream_size(stream) + bits) != 0)
+        if (qr_bitstream_resize(stream,
+                        qr_bitstream_size(stream) + bits) != 0)
                 return 0;
         write_type_and_length(data, QR_DATA_NUMERIC, length);
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ static struct qr_data * encode_numeric(struct qr_data * data,
                 x = (input[0] - '0') * 100
                   + (input[1] - '0') * 10
                   + (input[2] - '0');
-                bitstream_write(stream, x, 10);
+                qr_bitstream_write(stream, x, 10);
                 input += 3;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ static struct qr_data * encode_numeric(struct qr_data * data,
                         x = x * 10 + (*input - '0');
-                bitstream_write(stream, x, length == 2 ? 7 : 4);
+                qr_bitstream_write(stream, x, length == 2 ? 7 : 4);
         return data;
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ static struct qr_data * encode_alpha(struct qr_data * data,
                                      const char *     input,
                                      size_t           length)
-        struct bitstream * stream = data->bits;
+        struct qr_bitstream * stream = data->bits;
         size_t bits;
         bits = 4 + get_size_field_length(data->format, QR_DATA_ALPHA)
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ static struct qr_data * encode_alpha(struct qr_data * data,
                  + 6 * (length % 2);
         stream = data->bits;
-        if (bitstream_resize(stream,
-                        bitstream_size(stream) + bits) != 0)
+        if (qr_bitstream_resize(stream,
+                        qr_bitstream_size(stream) + bits) != 0)
                 return 0;
         write_type_and_length(data, QR_DATA_ALPHA, length);
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ static struct qr_data * encode_alpha(struct qr_data * data,
                         return 0;
                 x = c1 * 45 + c2;
-                bitstream_write(stream, x, 11);
+                qr_bitstream_write(stream, x, 11);
         if (length > 0) {
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ static struct qr_data * encode_alpha(struct qr_data * data,
                 if (c < 0)
                         return 0;
-                bitstream_write(stream, c, 6);
+                qr_bitstream_write(stream, c, 6);
         return data;
@@ -147,21 +147,21 @@ static struct qr_data * encode_8bit(struct qr_data * data,
                                     const char *     input,
                                     size_t           length)
-        struct bitstream * stream = data->bits;
+        struct qr_bitstream * stream = data->bits;
         size_t bits;
         bits = 4 + get_size_field_length(data->format, QR_DATA_8BIT)
                  + 8 * length;
         stream = data->bits;
-        if (bitstream_resize(stream,
-                        bitstream_size(stream) + bits) != 0)
+        if (qr_bitstream_resize(stream,
+                        qr_bitstream_size(stream) + bits) != 0)
                 return 0;
         write_type_and_length(data, QR_DATA_8BIT, length);
         while (length--)
-                bitstream_write(stream, *input++, 8);
+                qr_bitstream_write(stream, *input++, 8);
         return data;
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ struct qr_data * qr_create_data(int               format,
                 return 0;
         data->format = format;
-        data->bits   = bitstream_create();
+        data->bits   = qr_bitstream_create();
         data->offset = 0;
         if (data->bits) {
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ struct qr_data * qr_create_data(int               format,
                 if (!ret) {
-                        bitstream_destroy(data->bits);
+                        qr_bitstream_destroy(data->bits);
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/data-parse.c b/lpg/libqr/data-parse.c
index 9129ed7..d497bdf 100644
--- a/lpg/libqr/data-parse.c
+++ b/lpg/libqr/data-parse.c
@@ -3,18 +3,18 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <qr/data.h>
-#include "bitstream.h"
+#include "qr-bitstream.h"
 #include "data-common.h"
-static enum qr_data_type read_data_type(struct bitstream * stream)
+static enum qr_data_type read_data_type(struct qr_bitstream * stream)
         const size_t length = 4;
         unsigned int type;
-        if (bitstream_remaining(stream) < length)
+        if (qr_bitstream_remaining(stream) < length)
                 return QR_DATA_INVALID;
-        type = bitstream_read(stream, length);
+        type = qr_bitstream_read(stream, length);
         assert(type < 16);
         return QR_TYPE_CODES[type];
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_numeric(const struct qr_data * data,
                                        char **                output,
                                        size_t *               length)
-        struct bitstream * stream;
+        struct qr_bitstream * stream;
         size_t field_len, bits;
 	unsigned int digits;
 	unsigned int chunk;
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_numeric(const struct qr_data * data,
         buffer = 0;
         field_len = get_size_field_length(data->format, QR_DATA_NUMERIC);
-        if (bitstream_remaining(stream) < field_len)
+        if (qr_bitstream_remaining(stream) < field_len)
                 goto invalid;
-	digits = bitstream_read(stream, field_len);
+	digits = qr_bitstream_read(stream, field_len);
 	bits = (digits / 3) * 10;
 	if (digits % 3 == 1)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_numeric(const struct qr_data * data,
 	else if (digits % 3 == 2)
 		bits += 7;
-	if (bitstream_remaining(stream) < bits)
+	if (qr_bitstream_remaining(stream) < bits)
 		goto invalid;
 	buffer = malloc(digits + 1);
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_numeric(const struct qr_data * data,
 	p = buffer;
 	for (; bits >= 10; bits -= 10) {
-		chunk = bitstream_read(stream, 10);
+		chunk = qr_bitstream_read(stream, 10);
                 if (chunk >= 1000)
                         goto invalid;
 		sprintf(p, "%03u", chunk);
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_numeric(const struct qr_data * data,
         if (bits > 0) {
-                chunk = bitstream_read(stream, bits);
+                chunk = qr_bitstream_read(stream, bits);
                 if (chunk >= (bits >= 7 ? 100 : 10))
                         goto invalid;
                 sprintf(p, "%0*u", bits >= 7 ? 2 : 1, chunk);
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_alpha(const struct qr_data * data,
         static const char charset[45] =
                 "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $%*+-./:";
-        struct bitstream * stream;
+        struct qr_bitstream * stream;
         size_t field_len, bits;
 	unsigned int chars;
 	unsigned int chunk;
@@ -94,16 +94,16 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_alpha(const struct qr_data * data,
         buffer = 0;
         field_len = get_size_field_length(data->format, QR_DATA_ALPHA);
-        if (bitstream_remaining(stream) < field_len)
+        if (qr_bitstream_remaining(stream) < field_len)
                 goto invalid;
-	chars = bitstream_read(stream, field_len);
+	chars = qr_bitstream_read(stream, field_len);
 	bits = (chars / 2) * 11;
 	if (chars % 2 == 1)
 		bits += 6;
-	if (bitstream_remaining(stream) < bits)
+	if (qr_bitstream_remaining(stream) < bits)
 		goto invalid;
 	buffer = malloc(chars + 1);
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_alpha(const struct qr_data * data,
 	for (; bits >= 11; bits -= 11) {
                 unsigned int c1, c2;
-		chunk = bitstream_read(stream, 11);
+		chunk = qr_bitstream_read(stream, 11);
                 c1 = chunk / 45;
                 c2 = chunk % 45;
                 if (c1 >= 45)
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_alpha(const struct qr_data * data,
         if (bits > 0) {
-                chunk = bitstream_read(stream, bits);
+                chunk = qr_bitstream_read(stream, bits);
                 if (chunk >= 45)
                         goto invalid;
                 *p = charset[chunk];
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_8bit(const struct qr_data * data,
                                     char **                output,
                                     size_t *               length)
-        struct bitstream * stream;
+        struct qr_bitstream * stream;
         size_t field_len;
 	unsigned int bytes;
 	char * p;
@@ -151,12 +151,12 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_8bit(const struct qr_data * data,
         stream = data->bits;
         field_len = get_size_field_length(data->format, QR_DATA_8BIT);
-        if (bitstream_remaining(stream) < field_len)
+        if (qr_bitstream_remaining(stream) < field_len)
                 return QR_DATA_INVALID;
-	bytes = bitstream_read(stream, field_len);
+	bytes = qr_bitstream_read(stream, field_len);
-	if (bitstream_remaining(stream) < bytes * 8)
+	if (qr_bitstream_remaining(stream) < bytes * 8)
 		return QR_DATA_INVALID;
 	*output = malloc(bytes + 1);
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_8bit(const struct qr_data * data,
         *length = bytes;
         while (bytes-- > 0)
-                *p++ = bitstream_read(stream, 8);
+                *p++ = qr_bitstream_read(stream, 8);
         *p = '\0';
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ static enum qr_data_type parse_kanji(const struct qr_data * data,
 enum qr_data_type qr_get_data_type(const struct qr_data * data)
-        bitstream_seek(data->bits, data->offset);
+        qr_bitstream_seek(data->bits, data->offset);
         return read_data_type(data->bits);
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ int qr_get_data_length(const struct qr_data * data)
         size_t field_len;
         enum qr_data_type type;
-        bitstream_seek(data->bits, data->offset);
+        qr_bitstream_seek(data->bits, data->offset);
         type = read_data_type(data->bits);
@@ -208,17 +208,17 @@ int qr_get_data_length(const struct qr_data * data)
                 return -1;
-        if (bitstream_remaining(data->bits) < field_len)
+        if (qr_bitstream_remaining(data->bits) < field_len)
                 return -1;
-        return (int) bitstream_read(data->bits, field_len);
+        return (int) qr_bitstream_read(data->bits, field_len);
 enum qr_data_type qr_parse_data(const struct qr_data * input,
                                 char **                output,
                                 size_t *               length)
-        bitstream_seek(input->bits, input->offset);
+        qr_bitstream_seek(input->bits, input->offset);
         switch (read_data_type(input->bits)) {
         case QR_DATA_NUMERIC:
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/qr-bitstream.c b/lpg/libqr/qr-bitstream.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3df2549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpg/libqr/qr-bitstream.c
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ * It would perhaps be more sensible just to store the bits
+ * as an array of char or similar, but this way is more fun.
+ * This is a pretty inefficient implementation, althought I
+ * suspect that won't be a problem.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "qr-bitstream.h"
+#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
+#define MIN(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a))
+struct qr_bitstream {
+        size_t pos;    /* bits */
+        size_t count;  /* bits */
+        size_t bufsiz; /* bytes */
+        unsigned char * buffer;
+static size_t bits_to_bytes(size_t bits)
+        return (bits / CHAR_BIT) + (bits % CHAR_BIT != 0);
+static int ensure_available(struct qr_bitstream * stream, size_t bits)
+        size_t need_bits = stream->pos + bits;
+        size_t need_bytes = need_bits / CHAR_BIT + ((need_bits % CHAR_BIT) ? 0 : 1);
+        size_t newsize;
+        if (stream->bufsiz >= need_bytes)
+                return 0;
+        newsize = MAX(stream->bufsiz, 100);
+        while (newsize < need_bytes)
+                newsize *= 2;
+        return qr_bitstream_resize(stream, newsize);
+struct qr_bitstream * qr_bitstream_create(void)
+        struct qr_bitstream * obj;
+        obj = malloc(sizeof(*obj));
+        if (obj) {
+                obj->pos    = 0;
+                obj->count  = 0;
+                obj->bufsiz = 0;
+                obj->buffer = 0;
+        }
+        return obj;
+int qr_bitstream_resize(struct qr_bitstream * stream, size_t bits)
+        size_t newsize;
+        void * newbuf;
+        newsize = bits_to_bytes(bits);
+        newbuf = realloc(stream->buffer, newsize);
+        if (newbuf) {
+                stream->bufsiz = newsize;
+                stream->buffer = newbuf;
+        }
+        return newbuf ? 0 : -1;
+void qr_bitstream_destroy(struct qr_bitstream * stream)
+        free(stream->buffer);
+        free(stream);
+struct qr_bitstream * qr_bitstream_copy(const struct qr_bitstream * src)
+        struct qr_bitstream * ret;
+        ret = qr_bitstream_create();
+        if (!ret)
+                return 0;
+        if (qr_bitstream_resize(ret, src->count) != 0) {
+                free(ret);
+                return 0;
+        }
+        ret->pos   = src->pos;
+        ret->count = src->count;
+        memcpy(ret->buffer, src->buffer, src->bufsiz);
+        return ret;
+void qr_bitstream_seek(struct qr_bitstream * stream, size_t pos)
+        assert(pos <= stream->count);
+        stream->pos = pos;
+size_t qr_bitstream_tell(const struct qr_bitstream * stream)
+        return stream->pos;
+size_t qr_bitstream_remaining(const struct qr_bitstream * stream)
+        return stream->count - stream->pos;
+size_t qr_bitstream_size(const struct qr_bitstream * stream)
+        return stream->count;
+unsigned int qr_bitstream_read(struct qr_bitstream * stream, size_t bits)
+        unsigned int result = 0;
+        unsigned char * byte;
+        size_t bitnum;
+        assert(qr_bitstream_remaining(stream) >= bits);
+        byte = stream->buffer + (stream->pos / CHAR_BIT);
+        bitnum = stream->pos % CHAR_BIT;
+        stream->pos += bits;
+        while (bits-- > 0) {
+                int bit = (*byte >> bitnum++) & 0x1;
+                result = (result << 1) | bit;
+                if (bitnum == CHAR_BIT) {
+                        bitnum = 0;
+                        ++byte;
+                }                
+        }
+        return result;
+void qr_bitstream_unpack(struct qr_bitstream * stream,
+                      unsigned int *     result,
+                      size_t             count,
+                      size_t             bitsize)
+        assert(qr_bitstream_remaining(stream) >= (count * bitsize));
+        while (count--)
+                *(result++) = qr_bitstream_read(stream, bitsize);
+int qr_bitstream_write(struct qr_bitstream * stream,
+                    unsigned int       value,
+                    size_t             bits)
+        unsigned char * byte;
+        size_t bitnum;
+        if (ensure_available(stream, bits) != 0)
+                return -1;
+        byte = stream->buffer + (stream->pos / CHAR_BIT);
+        bitnum = stream->pos % CHAR_BIT;
+        stream->pos += bits;
+        stream->count = stream->pos; /* truncate */
+        while (bits-- > 0) {
+                int bit = (value >> bits) & 0x1;
+                unsigned char mask = 1 << bitnum++;
+                *byte = (*byte & ~mask) | (bit ? mask : 0);
+                if (bitnum == CHAR_BIT) {
+                        bitnum = 0;
+                        ++byte;
+                }
+        }
+        return 0;
+int qr_bitstream_pack(struct qr_bitstream *   stream,
+                   const unsigned int * values,
+                   size_t               count,
+                   size_t               bitsize)
+        if (ensure_available(stream, count * bitsize) != 0)
+                return -1;
+        while (count--)
+                qr_bitstream_write(stream, *(values++), bitsize);
+        return 0;
+int qr_bitstream_cat(struct qr_bitstream * dest, const struct qr_bitstream * src)
+        size_t count = qr_bitstream_size(src);
+        size_t srcpos;
+        if (ensure_available(dest, count) != 0)
+                return -1;
+        srcpos = qr_bitstream_tell(src);
+        qr_bitstream_seek((struct qr_bitstream *)src, 0);
+        /* uint must be at least 16 bits */
+        for (; count >= 16; count -= 16)
+                qr_bitstream_write(
+                        dest,
+                        qr_bitstream_read((struct qr_bitstream *)src, 16),
+                        16);
+        if (count > 0)
+                qr_bitstream_write(
+                        dest,
+                        qr_bitstream_read((struct qr_bitstream *)src, count),
+                        count);
+        qr_bitstream_seek((struct qr_bitstream *)src, srcpos);
+        return 0;
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/qr-bitstream.h b/lpg/libqr/qr-bitstream.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..298e53b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpg/libqr/qr-bitstream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include <stddef.h>
+ * Note: when writing / reading multiple bits, the
+ * _most_ significant bits come first in the stream.
+ * (That is, the order you would naturally write the
+ * number in binary)
+ */
+struct qr_bitstream;
+struct qr_bitstream * qr_bitstream_create(void);
+int                qr_bitstream_resize(struct qr_bitstream *, size_t bits);
+void               qr_bitstream_destroy(struct qr_bitstream *);
+struct qr_bitstream * qr_bitstream_copy(const struct qr_bitstream *);
+void qr_bitstream_seek(struct qr_bitstream *, size_t pos);
+size_t qr_bitstream_tell(const struct qr_bitstream *);
+size_t qr_bitstream_remaining(const struct qr_bitstream *);
+size_t qr_bitstream_size(const struct qr_bitstream *);
+unsigned int qr_bitstream_read(struct qr_bitstream *, size_t bits);
+void qr_bitstream_unpack(struct qr_bitstream *,
+                      unsigned int * result,
+                      size_t         count,
+                      size_t         bitsize);
+int qr_bitstream_write(struct qr_bitstream *,
+                    unsigned int value,
+                    size_t       bits);
+int qr_bitstream_pack(struct qr_bitstream *,
+                   const unsigned int * values,
+                   size_t               count,
+                   size_t               bitsize);
+int qr_bitstream_cat(struct qr_bitstream *, const struct qr_bitstream * src);
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/rs-encode.c b/lpg/libqr/rs-encode.c
index 1e6c6bf..42b404f 100644
--- a/lpg/libqr/rs-encode.c
+++ b/lpg/libqr/rs-encode.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "bitstream.h"
+#include "qr-bitstream.h"
 #include "rs.h"
 static unsigned int gf_mult(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
@@ -46,23 +46,23 @@ static unsigned int * make_generator(int k)
         return g;
-struct bitstream * rs_generate_words(struct bitstream * data,
+struct qr_bitstream * rs_generate_words(struct qr_bitstream * data,
                                      size_t data_words,
                                      size_t rs_words)
-        struct bitstream * ec = 0;
+        struct qr_bitstream * ec = 0;
         unsigned int * b = 0;
         unsigned int * g;
         size_t n = rs_words;
         int i, r;
-        assert(bitstream_remaining(data) >= data_words * 8);
+        assert(qr_bitstream_remaining(data) >= data_words * 8);
-        ec = bitstream_create();
+        ec = qr_bitstream_create();
         if (!ec)
                 return 0;
-        if (bitstream_resize(ec, n * 8) != 0)
+        if (qr_bitstream_resize(ec, n * 8) != 0)
                 goto fail;
         b = calloc(n, sizeof(*b));
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ struct bitstream * rs_generate_words(struct bitstream * data,
                 goto fail;
         /* First, prepare the registers (b) with data bits */
-        bitstream_seek(data, 0);
+        qr_bitstream_seek(data, 0);
         for (i = 0; i < data_words; ++i) {
-                unsigned int x = b[n-1] ^ bitstream_read(data, 8);
+                unsigned int x = b[n-1] ^ qr_bitstream_read(data, 8);
                 for (r = n-1; r > 0; --r)
                         b[r] = b[r-1] ^ gf_mult(g[r], x);
                 b[0] = gf_mult(g[0], x);
@@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ struct bitstream * rs_generate_words(struct bitstream * data,
         /* Read off the registers */
         for (r = 0; r < n; ++r)
-                bitstream_write(ec, b[(n-1)-r], 8);
+                qr_bitstream_write(ec, b[(n-1)-r], 8);
         return ec;
-        bitstream_destroy(ec);
+        qr_bitstream_destroy(ec);
         return 0;
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/rs.h b/lpg/libqr/rs.h
index e640044..c87d852 100644
--- a/lpg/libqr/rs.h
+++ b/lpg/libqr/rs.h
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #ifndef RS_H
 #define RS_H
-#include "bitstream.h"
+#include "qr-bitstream.h"
-struct bitstream * rs_generate_words(struct bitstream * data,
+struct qr_bitstream * rs_generate_words(struct qr_bitstream * data,
                                      size_t data_words,
                                      size_t rs_words);
diff --git a/lpg/libqr/test.c b/lpg/libqr/test.c
index 035908b..4e288af 100644
--- a/lpg/libqr/test.c
+++ b/lpg/libqr/test.c
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include <qr/code.h>
 #include <qr/data.h>
-#include "bitstream.h"
+#include "qr-bitstream.h"
 #include "code-common.h"
 int main() {
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2