nncmpp ====== 'nncmpp' is yet another MPD client. It is in effect a simplified TUI version of Sonata. I had already written a lot of the required code before, so I had the perfect opportunity to get rid of the unmaintained Python application and make the first TUI client that doesn't feel awkward to use. If it's not obvious enough, the name is a pun on all those ridiculous client names, and should be pronounced as "nincompoop". Features -------- Currently it's under development and doesn't do much else than show the status. Since I only use the filesystem browsing mode, that's also the only thing I care to implement. Anything else will have to be user-contributed while I focus on things that aren't worthless to me. Packages -------- Regular releases are sporadic. git master should be stable enough. You can get a package with the latest development version from Archlinux's AUR, or from openSUSE Build Service for the rest of mainstream distributions. Consult the list of repositories and their respective links at: https://build.opensuse.org/project/repositories/home:pjanouch:git Building and Running -------------------- Build dependencies: CMake, pkg-config, help2man, liberty (included), termo (included) + Runtime dependencies: ncursesw, libunistring, cURL $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/pjanouch/nncmpp.git $ mkdir nncmpp/build $ cd nncmpp/build $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug $ make To install the application, you can do either the usual: # make install Or you can try telling CMake to make a package for you. For Debian it is: $ cpack -G DEB # dpkg -i nncmpp-*.deb Note that for versions of CMake before 2.8.9, you need to prefix `cpack` with `fakeroot` or file ownership will end up wrong. Having the program installed, create a configuration file and run it. Configuration ------------- Create _~/.config/nncmpp/nncmpp.conf_ with contents like the following: .... settings = { address = "localhost" password = "" root = "~/Music" } colors = { header = "" highlight = "bold" elapsed = "reverse" remains = "ul" tab_bar = "reverse" tab_active = "ul" even = "" odd = "" selection = "reverse" scrollbar = "" } streams = { "dnbradio.com" = "http://www.dnbradio.com/hi.m3u" "BassDrive.com" = "http://bassdrive.com/v2/streams/BassDrive.pls" } .... Terminal caveats ---------------- This application aspires to be as close to a GUI as possible. It expects you to use the mouse (though it's not required). Terminals are, however, somewhat tricky to get consistent results on, so be aware of the following: - use a UTF-8 locale to get finer resolution progress bars and scrollbars - Xterm needs `XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true` for the default bindings to work - urxvt's 'vtwheel' plugin sabotages scrolling Contributing and Support ------------------------ Use this project's GitHub to report any bugs, request features, or submit pull requests. If you want to discuss this project, or maybe just hang out with the developer, feel free to join me at irc://irc.janouch.name, channel #dev. License ------- 'nncmpp' is written by Přemysl Janouch . You may use the software under the terms of the ISC license, the text of which is included within the package, or, at your option, you may relicense the work under the MIT or the Modified BSD License, as listed at the following site: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html