/* * tests/proto.c * * Copyright (c) 2015, PÅ™emysl Janouch * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #define PROGRAM_NAME "test" #define PROGRAM_VERSION "0" #define LIBERTY_WANT_SSL #define LIBERTY_WANT_PROTO_IRC #define LIBERTY_WANT_PROTO_HTTP #define LIBERTY_WANT_PROTO_SCGI #define LIBERTY_WANT_PROTO_FASTCGI #define LIBERTY_WANT_PROTO_WS #include "../liberty.c" // --- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------- static void test_irc (void) { struct irc_message msg; irc_parse_message (&msg, "@first=a\\:\\s\\r\\n\\\\;2nd " ":srv hi there :good m8 :how are you?"); struct str_map_iter iter; str_map_iter_init (&iter, &msg.tags); soft_assert (msg.tags.len == 2); char *value; while ((value = str_map_iter_next (&iter))) { if (!strcmp (iter.link->key, "first")) soft_assert (!strcmp (value, "a; \r\n\\")); else if (!strcmp (iter.link->key, "2nd")) soft_assert (!strcmp (value, "")); else soft_assert (!"found unexpected message tag"); } soft_assert (!strcmp (msg.prefix, "srv")); soft_assert (!strcmp (msg.command, "hi")); soft_assert (msg.params.len == 2); soft_assert (!strcmp (msg.params.vector[0], "there")); soft_assert (!strcmp (msg.params.vector[1], "good m8 :how are you?")); irc_free_message (&msg); const char *n[2] = { "[fag]^", "{FAG}~" }; soft_assert (!irc_strcmp (n[0], n[1])); char a[irc_strxfrm (NULL, n[0], 0)]; irc_strxfrm (a, n[0], sizeof a); char b[irc_strxfrm (NULL, n[1], 0)]; irc_strxfrm (b, n[1], sizeof b); soft_assert (!strcmp (a, b)); // TODO: more tests } static void test_http_parser (void) { struct str_map parameters; str_map_init (¶meters); parameters.key_xfrm = tolower_ascii_strxfrm; char *type = NULL; char *subtype = NULL; soft_assert (http_parse_media_type ("TEXT/html; CHARset=\"utf\\-8\"", &type, &subtype, ¶meters)); soft_assert (!strcasecmp_ascii (type, "text")); soft_assert (!strcasecmp_ascii (subtype, "html")); soft_assert (parameters.len == 1); soft_assert (!strcmp (str_map_find (¶meters, "charset"), "utf-8")); str_map_free (¶meters); struct http_protocol *protocols; soft_assert (http_parse_upgrade ("websocket, HTTP/2.0, , ", &protocols)); soft_assert (!strcmp (protocols->name, "websocket")); soft_assert (!protocols->version); soft_assert (!strcmp (protocols->next->name, "HTTP")); soft_assert (!strcmp (protocols->next->version, "2.0")); soft_assert (!protocols->next->next); LIST_FOR_EACH (struct http_protocol, iter, protocols) http_protocol_destroy (iter); } static bool test_scgi_parser_on_headers_read (void *user_data) { struct scgi_parser *parser = user_data; soft_assert (parser->headers.len == 4); soft_assert (!strcmp (str_map_find (&parser->headers, "CONTENT_LENGTH"), "27")); soft_assert (!strcmp (str_map_find (&parser->headers, "SCGI"), "1")); soft_assert (!strcmp (str_map_find (&parser->headers, "REQUEST_METHOD"), "POST")); soft_assert (!strcmp (str_map_find (&parser->headers, "REQUEST_URI"), "/deepthought")); return true; } static bool test_scgi_parser_on_content (void *user_data, const void *data, size_t len) { (void) user_data; soft_assert (!strncmp (data, "What is the answer to life?", len)); return true; } static void test_scgi_parser (void) { struct scgi_parser parser; scgi_parser_init (&parser); parser.on_headers_read = test_scgi_parser_on_headers_read; parser.on_content = test_scgi_parser_on_content; parser.user_data = &parser; // This is an example straight from the specification const char example[] = "70:" "CONTENT_LENGTH" "\0" "27" "\0" "SCGI" "\0" "1" "\0" "REQUEST_METHOD" "\0" "POST" "\0" "REQUEST_URI" "\0" "/deepthought" "\0" "," "What is the answer to life?"; soft_assert (scgi_parser_push (&parser, example, sizeof example, NULL)); scgi_parser_free (&parser); } static bool test_websockets_on_frame_header (void *user_data, const struct ws_parser *self) { (void) user_data; soft_assert (self->is_fin); soft_assert (self->is_masked); soft_assert (self->opcode == WS_OPCODE_TEXT); return true; } static bool test_websockets_on_frame (void *user_data, const struct ws_parser *self) { (void) user_data; soft_assert (self->input.len == self->payload_len); soft_assert (!strncmp (self->input.str, "Hello", self->input.len)); return true; } static void test_websockets (void) { char *accept = ws_encode_response_key ("dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ=="); soft_assert (!strcmp (accept, "s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=")); free (accept); struct ws_parser parser; ws_parser_init (&parser); parser.on_frame_header = test_websockets_on_frame_header; parser.on_frame = test_websockets_on_frame; parser.user_data = &parser; const char frame[] = "\x81\x85\x37\xfa\x21\x3d\x7f\x9f\x4d\x51\x58"; soft_assert (ws_parser_push (&parser, frame, sizeof frame - 1)); ws_parser_free (&parser); } // --- Main -------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct test test; test_init (&test, argc, argv); test_add_simple (&test, "/irc", NULL, test_irc); test_add_simple (&test, "/http-parser", NULL, test_http_parser); test_add_simple (&test, "/scgi-parser", NULL, test_scgi_parser); test_add_simple (&test, "/websockets", NULL, test_websockets); // TODO: test FastCGI return test_run (&test); }