/* * tests/liberty.c * * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2022, Přemysl Eric Janouch * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #define PROGRAM_NAME "test" #define PROGRAM_VERSION "0" #define LIBERTY_WANT_POLLER #define LIBERTY_WANT_ASYNC #include "../liberty.c" // --- Memory ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define KILO 1024 #define MEGA 1048576 static void test_memory (void) { void *m = xmalloc (MEGA); memset (m, 0, MEGA); void *n = xcalloc (KILO, KILO); soft_assert (!memcmp (n, m, MEGA)); m = xrealloc (m, 1024); n = xreallocarray (n, KILO, 1); soft_assert (!memcmp (n, m, KILO)); free (m); free (n); char *s = xstrdup ("test"); char *t = xstrndup ("testing", 4); soft_assert (!strcmp (s, t)); free (s); free (t); } // --- Linked lists ------------------------------------------------------------ struct my_link { LIST_HEADER (struct my_link) int n; }; static struct my_link * make_link (int value) { struct my_link *link = xcalloc (1, sizeof *link); link->n = value; return link; } static void check_linked_list (struct my_link *list, struct my_link **a, int n) { // The linked list must contain items from the array, in that order struct my_link *iter = list; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!a[i]) continue; hard_assert (iter != NULL); soft_assert (iter->n == i); iter = iter->next; } // And nothing more soft_assert (iter == NULL); } static void test_list (void) { struct my_link *list = NULL; struct my_link *a[10]; // Prepare a linked list for (int i = N_ELEMENTS (a); i--; ) { a[i] = make_link (i); LIST_PREPEND (list, a[i]); } // Remove a few entries LIST_UNLINK (list, a[0]); free (a[0]); a[0] = NULL; LIST_UNLINK (list, a[3]); free (a[3]); a[3] = NULL; LIST_UNLINK (list, a[4]); free (a[4]); a[4] = NULL; LIST_UNLINK (list, a[6]); free (a[6]); a[6] = NULL; // Prepend one more item a[0] = make_link (0); LIST_PREPEND (list, a[0]); // Check the contents check_linked_list (list, a, N_ELEMENTS (a)); // Destroy the linked list LIST_FOR_EACH (struct my_link, iter, list) free (iter); } static void test_list_with_tail (void) { struct my_link *list = NULL; struct my_link *tail = NULL; struct my_link *a[10]; // Prepare a linked list for (int i = 0; i < (int) N_ELEMENTS (a); i++) { a[i] = make_link (i); LIST_APPEND_WITH_TAIL (list, tail, a[i]); } // Remove a few entries LIST_UNLINK_WITH_TAIL (list, tail, a[0]); free (a[0]); a[0] = NULL; LIST_UNLINK_WITH_TAIL (list, tail, a[3]); free (a[3]); a[3] = NULL; LIST_UNLINK_WITH_TAIL (list, tail, a[4]); free (a[4]); a[4] = NULL; LIST_UNLINK_WITH_TAIL (list, tail, a[6]); free (a[6]); a[6] = NULL; LIST_UNLINK_WITH_TAIL (list, tail, a[9]); free (a[9]); a[9] = NULL; // Append one more item a[9] = make_link (9); LIST_APPEND_WITH_TAIL (list, tail, a[9]); // Check the contents check_linked_list (list, a, N_ELEMENTS (a)); // Destroy the linked list LIST_FOR_EACH (struct my_link, iter, list) free (iter); } // --- Strings ----------------------------------------------------------------- static void test_strv (void) { struct strv v = strv_make (); strv_append_owned (&v, xstrdup ("xkcd")); strv_reset (&v); const char *a[] = { "123", "456", "a", "bc", "def", "ghij", "klmno", "pqrstu" }; // Add the first two items via another vector struct strv w = strv_make (); strv_append_args (&w, a[0], a[1], NULL); strv_append_vector (&v, w.vector); strv_free (&w); // Add an item and delete it right after strv_append (&v, "test"); strv_remove (&v, v.len - 1); // Add the rest of the list properly for (int i = 2; i < (int) N_ELEMENTS (a); i++) strv_append (&v, a[i]); // Check the contents soft_assert (v.len == N_ELEMENTS (a)); for (int i = 0; i < (int) N_ELEMENTS (a); i++) soft_assert (!strcmp (v.vector[i], a[i])); soft_assert (v.vector[v.len] == NULL); strv_free (&v); } static void test_str (void) { uint8_t x[] = { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44 }; struct str s = str_make (); str_reserve (&s, MEGA); str_append_data (&s, x, sizeof x); str_remove_slice (&s, 4, 4); soft_assert (s.len == 4); struct str t = str_make (); str_append_str (&t, &s); str_append (&t, "abc"); str_append_c (&t, 'd'); str_append_printf (&t, "efg"); char *y = str_steal (&t); soft_assert (!strcmp (y, "\x12\x34\x56\x78" "abcdefg")); free (y); str_reset (&s); str_free (&s); } // --- Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void test_error (void) { const char *m = "something fucked up"; struct error *e = NULL; error_set (&e, "%s", m); struct error *f = NULL; error_propagate (&f, e); soft_assert (f != NULL); soft_assert (!strcmp (f->message, m)); error_free (f); } // --- Hash map ---------------------------------------------------------------- static void free_counter (void *data) { int *counter = data; if (!--*counter) free (data); } static int * make_counter (void) { int *counter = xmalloc (sizeof *counter); *counter = 1; return counter; } static int * ref_counter (int *counter) { (*counter)++; return counter; } static void test_str_map (void) { // Put two reference counted objects in the map under case-insensitive keys struct str_map m = str_map_make (free_counter); m.key_xfrm = tolower_ascii_strxfrm; int *a = make_counter (); int *b = make_counter (); str_map_set (&m, "abc", ref_counter (a)); soft_assert (str_map_find (&m, "ABC") == a); soft_assert (!str_map_find (&m, "DEFghi")); str_map_set (&m, "defghi", ref_counter (b)); soft_assert (str_map_find (&m, "ABC") == a); soft_assert (str_map_find (&m, "DEFghi") == b); // Check that we can iterate over both of them struct str_map_iter iter = str_map_iter_make (&m); bool met_a = false; bool met_b = false; void *iter_data; while ((iter_data = str_map_iter_next (&iter))) { if (iter_data == a) { soft_assert (!met_a); met_a = true; } if (iter_data == b) { soft_assert (!met_b); met_b = true; } soft_assert (met_a || met_b); } soft_assert (met_a && met_b); // Remove one of the keys str_map_set (&m, "abc", NULL); soft_assert (!str_map_find (&m, "ABC")); soft_assert (str_map_find (&m, "DEFghi") == b); str_map_free (&m); // Check that the objects have been destroyed exactly once soft_assert (*a == 1); soft_assert (*b == 1); free_counter (a); free_counter (b); // Iterator test with a high number of items m = str_map_make (free); for (size_t i = 0; i < 100 * 100; i++) { char *x = xstrdup_printf ("%zu", i); str_map_set (&m, x, x); } struct str_map_unset_iter unset_iter = str_map_unset_iter_make (&m); while ((str_map_unset_iter_next (&unset_iter))) { unsigned long x; hard_assert (xstrtoul (&x, unset_iter.link->key, 10)); if (x >= 100) str_map_set (&m, unset_iter.link->key, NULL); } str_map_unset_iter_free (&unset_iter); soft_assert (m.len == 100); str_map_free (&m); } static void test_utf8 (void) { const char *full = "\xc5\x99", *partial = full, *empty = full; soft_assert (utf8_decode (&full, 2) == 0x0159); soft_assert (utf8_decode (&partial, 1) == -2); soft_assert (utf8_decode (&empty, 0) == -1); const char valid_1[] = "2H₂ + O₂ ⇌ 2H₂O, R = 4.7 kΩ, ⌀ 200 mm"; const char valid_2[] = "\xf0\x93\x82\xb9"; const char invalid_1[] = "\xf0\x90\x28\xbc"; const char invalid_2[] = "\xc0\x80"; soft_assert ( utf8_validate (valid_1, sizeof valid_1)); soft_assert ( utf8_validate (valid_2, sizeof valid_2)); soft_assert (!utf8_validate (invalid_1, sizeof invalid_1)); soft_assert (!utf8_validate (invalid_2, sizeof invalid_2)); struct utf8_iter iter = utf8_iter_make ("fóọ"); size_t ch_len; hard_assert (utf8_iter_next (&iter, &ch_len) == 'f' && ch_len == 1); hard_assert (utf8_iter_next (&iter, &ch_len) == 0x00F3 && ch_len == 2); hard_assert (utf8_iter_next (&iter, &ch_len) == 0x1ECD && ch_len == 3); } static void test_base64 (void) { char data[65]; for (size_t i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS (data); i++) data[i] = i; struct str encoded = str_make (); struct str decoded = str_make (); base64_encode (data, sizeof data, &encoded); soft_assert (base64_decode (encoded.str, false, &decoded)); soft_assert (decoded.len == sizeof data); soft_assert (!memcmp (decoded.str, data, sizeof data)); str_free (&encoded); str_free (&decoded); } // --- Asynchronous jobs ------------------------------------------------------- struct test_async_data { struct async_manager manager; ///< Async manager struct async_getaddrinfo *gai; ///< Address resolution job struct async_getnameinfo *gni; ///< Name resolution job struct async busyloop; ///< Busy job for cancellation bool finished; ///< End of test indicator }; static void on_getnameinfo (int err, char *host, char *service, void *user_data) { (void) host; (void) service; hard_assert (!err); struct test_async_data *data = user_data; data->gni = NULL; async_cancel (&data->busyloop); } static void on_getaddrinfo (int err, struct addrinfo *results, void *user_data) { hard_assert (!err); struct test_async_data *data = user_data; data->gai = NULL; data->gni = async_getnameinfo (&data->manager, results->ai_addr, results->ai_addrlen, 0); data->gni->dispatcher = on_getnameinfo; data->gni->user_data = data; freeaddrinfo (results); } static void on_busyloop_execute (struct async *async) { (void) async; while (true) sleep (1); } static void on_busyloop_destroy (struct async *async) { CONTAINER_OF (async, struct test_async_data, busyloop)->finished = true; } static void test_async (void) { struct test_async_data data; memset (&data, 0, sizeof data); data.manager = async_manager_make (); data.busyloop = async_make (&data.manager); data.busyloop.execute = on_busyloop_execute; data.busyloop.destroy = on_busyloop_destroy; async_run (&data.busyloop); struct addrinfo hints; memset (&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; // Localhost should be network-independent and instantaneous data.gai = async_getaddrinfo (&data.manager, "", "22", &hints); data.gai->dispatcher = on_getaddrinfo; data.gai->user_data = &data; struct pollfd pfd = { .events = POLLIN, .fd = data.manager.finished_pipe[0] }; // Eventually the busyloop should get cancelled and stop the loop while (!data.finished) { hard_assert (poll (&pfd, 1, 1000) == 1); async_manager_dispatch (&data.manager); } soft_assert (!data.gai); soft_assert (!data.gni); async_manager_free (&data.manager); } // --- Connector --------------------------------------------------------------- // This also happens to test a large part of the poller implementation #include struct test_connector_fixture { const char *host; ///< The host we're listening on int port; ///< The port we're listening on int listening_fd; ///< Listening FD struct poller poller; ///< Poller struct poller_fd listening_event; ///< Listening event bool quitting; ///< Quit signal for the event loop }; static void test_connector_on_client (const struct pollfd *pfd, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; int fd = accept (pfd->fd, NULL, NULL); if (fd == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR || errno == ECONNABORTED) return; exit_fatal ("%s: %s", "accept", strerror (errno)); } const char message[] = "Hello!\n"; (void) write (fd, message, strlen (message)); xclose (fd); } static bool test_connector_try_bind (struct test_connector_fixture *self, const char *host, int port) { struct sockaddr_in sin; sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons ((self->port = port)); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr ((self->host = host)); int fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd < 0) return true; int yes = 1; (void) setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof yes); if (bind (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof sin) || listen (fd, 10)) { xclose (fd); return false; } self->listening_fd = fd; return true; } static void test_connector_fixture_init (const void *user_data, struct test_connector_fixture *self) { (void) user_data; // Find a free port on localhost in the user range and bind to it for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) if (test_connector_try_bind (self, "", 1024 + i)) break; if (!self->listening_fd) exit_fatal ("cannot bind to localhost"); // Make it so that we immediately accept all connections poller_init (&self->poller); self->listening_event = poller_fd_make (&self->poller, self->listening_fd); self->listening_event.dispatcher = test_connector_on_client; self->listening_event.user_data = (poller_fd_fn) self; poller_fd_set (&self->listening_event, POLLIN); } static void test_connector_fixture_free (const void *user_data, struct test_connector_fixture *self) { (void) user_data; poller_free (&self->poller); xclose (self->listening_fd); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - static void test_connector_on_connected (void *user_data, int socket, const char *hostname) { struct test_connector_fixture *self = user_data; hard_assert (!strcmp (hostname, self->host)); xclose (socket); self->quitting = true; } static void test_connector_on_failure (void *user_data) { (void) user_data; exit_fatal ("failed to connect to the prepared port"); } static void test_connector_on_connecting (void *user_data, const char *address) { (void) user_data; print_debug ("connecting to %s", address); } static void test_connector_on_error (void *user_data, const char *error) { (void) user_data; print_debug ("%s: %s", "connecting failed", error); } static void test_connector (const void *user_data, struct test_connector_fixture *self) { (void) user_data; print_debug ("final target is %s:%d", self->host, self->port); struct connector connector; connector_init (&connector, &self->poller); connector.on_connecting = test_connector_on_connecting; connector.on_error = test_connector_on_error; connector.on_connected = test_connector_on_connected; connector.on_failure = test_connector_on_failure; connector.user_data = self; connector_add_target (&connector, ":D", "nonsense"); char *port = xstrdup_printf ("%d", self->port); connector_add_target (&connector, self->host, port); free (port); while (!self->quitting) poller_run (&self->poller); connector_free (&connector); } // --- Configuration ----------------------------------------------------------- static void on_test_config_foo_change (struct config_item *item) { *(bool *) item->user_data = item->value.boolean; } static bool test_config_validate_nonnegative (const struct config_item *item, struct error **e) { if (item->type == CONFIG_ITEM_NULL) return true; hard_assert (item->type == CONFIG_ITEM_INTEGER); if (item->value.integer >= 0) return true; error_set (e, "must be non-negative"); return false; } static const struct config_schema g_config_test[] = { { .name = "foo", .comment = "baz", .type = CONFIG_ITEM_BOOLEAN, .default_ = "off", .on_change = on_test_config_foo_change }, { .name = "bar", .type = CONFIG_ITEM_INTEGER, .validate = test_config_validate_nonnegative, .default_ = "1" }, { .name = "123", .type = CONFIG_ITEM_STRING, .default_ = "\"qux\\x01`\" \"\"`a`" }, {} }; static void test_config_load (struct config_item *subtree, void *user_data) { config_schema_apply_to_object (g_config_test, subtree, user_data); } static void test_config (void) { struct config config = config_make (); bool b = true; config_register_module (&config, "top", test_config_load, &b); config_load (&config, config_item_object ()); config_schema_call_changed (config.root); hard_assert (b == false); struct config_item *invalid = config_item_integer (-1); hard_assert (!config_item_set_from (config_item_get (config.root, "top.bar", NULL), invalid, NULL)); config_item_destroy (invalid); hard_assert (!strcmp ("qux\001`a", config_item_get (config.root, "top.123", NULL)->value.string.str)); struct str s = str_make (); config_item_write (config.root, true, &s); print_debug ("%s", s.str); struct config_item *parsed = config_item_parse (s.str, s.len, false, NULL); hard_assert (parsed); config_item_destroy (parsed); str_free (&s); config_free (&config); } // --- Main -------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct test test; test_init (&test, argc, argv); test_add_simple (&test, "/memory", NULL, test_memory); test_add_simple (&test, "/list", NULL, test_list); test_add_simple (&test, "/list-with-tail", NULL, test_list_with_tail); test_add_simple (&test, "/strv", NULL, test_strv); test_add_simple (&test, "/str", NULL, test_str); test_add_simple (&test, "/error", NULL, test_error); test_add_simple (&test, "/str-map", NULL, test_str_map); test_add_simple (&test, "/utf-8", NULL, test_utf8); test_add_simple (&test, "/base64", NULL, test_base64); test_add_simple (&test, "/async", NULL, test_async); test_add_simple (&test, "/config", NULL, test_config); test_add (&test, "/connector", struct test_connector_fixture, NULL, test_connector_fixture_init, test_connector, test_connector_fixture_free); // TODO: write tests for the rest of the library return test_run (&test); }