/* * liberty-xdg.c: the ultimate C unlibrary: freedesktop.org specifications * * Copyright (c) 2023 - 2024, Přemysl Eric Janouch * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ // This files assumes you've already included liberty.c. #ifdef LIBERTY_XDG_WANT_X11 #include #include #include #endif // LIBERTY_XDG_WANT_X11 // --- XSettings --------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef LIBERTY_XDG_WANT_X11 struct xdg_xsettings_setting { enum xdg_xsettings_type { XDG_XSETTINGS_INTEGER, XDG_XSETTINGS_STRING, XDG_XSETTINGS_COLOR, } type; ///< What's stored in the union uint32_t serial; ///< Serial of the last change union { int32_t integer; struct str string; struct { uint16_t red, green, blue, alpha; } color; }; }; static void xdg_xsettings_setting_destroy (struct xdg_xsettings_setting *self) { if (self->type == XDG_XSETTINGS_STRING) str_free (&self->string); free (self); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - struct xdg_xsettings { struct str_map settings; ///< Name -> xdg_xsettings_setting }; static void xdg_xsettings_free (struct xdg_xsettings *self) { str_map_free (&self->settings); } static struct xdg_xsettings xdg_xsettings_make (void) { return (struct xdg_xsettings) { .settings = str_map_make ((str_map_free_fn) xdg_xsettings_setting_destroy), }; } static void xdg_xsettings_update (struct xdg_xsettings *self, Display *dpy) { // TODO: We're supposed to lock the server. // TODO: We're supposed to trap X errors. char *selection = xstrdup_printf ("_XSETTINGS_S%d", DefaultScreen (dpy)); Window owner = XGetSelectionOwner (dpy, XInternAtom (dpy, selection, True)); free (selection); if (!owner) return; Atom actual_type = None; int actual_format = 0; unsigned long nitems = 0, bytes_after = 0; unsigned char *buffer = NULL; Atom xsettings = XInternAtom (dpy, "_XSETTINGS_SETTINGS", True); int status = XGetWindowProperty (dpy, owner, xsettings, 0L, LONG_MAX, False, xsettings, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &buffer); if (status != Success || !buffer) return; if (actual_type != xsettings || actual_format != 8 || nitems < 12) goto fail; const struct peeker *peeker = NULL; if (buffer[0] == LSBFirst) peeker = &peeker_le; else if (buffer[0] == MSBFirst) peeker = &peeker_be; else goto fail; // We're ignoring the serial for now. uint32_t n_settings = peeker->u32 (buffer + 8); size_t offset = 12; struct str name = str_make (); struct xdg_xsettings_setting *setting = xcalloc (1, sizeof *setting); while (n_settings--) { if (nitems < offset + 4) goto fail_item; setting->type = buffer[offset]; uint16_t name_len = peeker->u16 (buffer + offset + 2); offset += 4; if (nitems < offset + name_len) goto fail_item; str_append_data (&name, buffer + offset, name_len); offset += ((name_len + 3) & ~3); if (nitems < offset + 4) goto fail_item; setting->serial = peeker->u32 (buffer + offset); offset += 4; switch (setting->type) { case XDG_XSETTINGS_INTEGER: if (nitems < offset + 4) goto fail_item; setting->integer = (int32_t) peeker->u32 (buffer + offset); offset += 4; break; case XDG_XSETTINGS_STRING: { if (nitems < offset + 4) goto fail_item; uint32_t value_len = peeker->u32 (buffer + offset); offset += 4; if (nitems < offset + value_len) goto fail_item; setting->string = str_make (); str_append_data (&setting->string, buffer + offset, value_len); offset += ((value_len + 3) & ~3); break; } case XDG_XSETTINGS_COLOR: if (nitems < offset + 8) goto fail_item; setting->color.red = peeker->u16 (buffer + offset); setting->color.green = peeker->u16 (buffer + offset + 2); setting->color.blue = peeker->u16 (buffer + offset + 4); setting->color.alpha = peeker->u16 (buffer + offset + 6); offset += 8; break; default: goto fail_item; } // TODO(p): Change detection, by comparing existence and serials. str_map_set (&self->settings, name.str, setting); setting = xcalloc (1, sizeof *setting); str_reset (&name); } fail_item: xdg_xsettings_setting_destroy (setting); str_free (&name); fail: XFree (buffer); } #endif // LIBERTY_XDG_WANT_X11 // --- Desktop file parser ----------------------------------------------------- // Useful for parsing desktop-file-spec, icon-theme-spec, trash-spec, // mime-apps-spec. This code is not designed for making changes to the files. struct desktop_file { struct str_map groups; ///< Group name → Key → Value }; static void desktop_file_free_group (void *value) { str_map_free (value); free (value); } static void desktop_file_free (struct desktop_file *self) { str_map_free (&self->groups); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - static void desktop_file_parse_line (struct desktop_file *self, char **group_name, const char *line, const char *end) { struct str_map *group = NULL; if (*group_name) group = str_map_find (&self->groups, *group_name); if (*line == '[') { bool ok = *--end == ']'; for (const char *p = ++line; ok && p != end; p++) ok = (unsigned char) *p >= 32 && (unsigned char) *p <= 127 && *p != '[' && *p != ']'; if (!ok) { cstr_set (group_name, NULL); print_debug ("invalid desktop file group header"); return; } cstr_set (group_name, xstrndup (line, end - line)); if (str_map_find (&self->groups, *group_name)) { print_debug ("duplicate desktop file group: %s", *group_name); return; } group = xcalloc (1, sizeof *group); *group = str_map_make (free); str_map_set (&self->groups, *group_name, group); return; } if (!group) { print_debug ("unexpected desktop file entry outside of a group"); return; } const char *key_end = line; while (key_end != end && (isalnum_ascii (*key_end) || *key_end == '-')) key_end++; // We could validate these further, but we just search in them anyway. if (key_end != end && *key_end == '[') { while (++key_end != end && *key_end != ']') ; if (key_end != end && *key_end == ']') key_end++; } const char *value = key_end; while (value != end && *value == ' ') value++; if (value == end || *value++ != '=') { print_debug ("invalid desktop file entry"); return; } while (value != end && *value == ' ') value++; char *key = xstrndup (line, key_end - line); if (str_map_find (group, key)) print_debug ("duplicate desktop file entry for: %s", key); else str_map_set (group, key, xstrndup (value, end - value)); free (key); } static struct desktop_file desktop_file_make (const char *data, size_t len) { struct desktop_file self = (struct desktop_file) { .groups = str_map_make (desktop_file_free_group) }; char *group_name = NULL; const char *p = data, *data_end = p + len; while (p != data_end) { const char *line = p, *line_end = line; while (line_end != data_end && *line_end != '\n') line_end++; if ((p = line_end) != data_end && *p == '\n') p++; if (line != line_end && *line != '#') desktop_file_parse_line (&self, &group_name, line, line_end); } free (group_name); return self; } static const char * desktop_file_get (struct desktop_file *self, const char *group, const char *key) { // TODO(p): Ideally, also implement localised keys. struct str_map *group_map = str_map_find (&self->groups, group); if (!group_map) return NULL; return str_map_find (group_map, key); } static struct strv desktop_file_unescape (const char *value, bool is_list) { struct strv result = strv_make (); struct str s = str_make (); // XXX: The unescaping behaviour is underspecified. // It might make sense to warn about unrecognised escape sequences. bool escape = false; for (const char *p = value; *p; p++) { if (escape) { switch (*p) { break; case 's': str_append_c (&s, ' '); break; case 'n': str_append_c (&s, '\n'); break; case 't': str_append_c (&s, '\t'); break; case 'r': str_append_c (&s, '\r'); break; default: str_append_c (&s, *p); } } else if (*p == '\\' && p[1]) escape = true; else if (*p == ';' && is_list) { strv_append_owned (&result, str_steal (&s)); s = str_make (); } else str_append_c (&s, *p); } if (!is_list || s.len != 0) strv_append_owned (&result, str_steal (&s)); else str_free (&s); return result; } static char * desktop_file_get_string (struct desktop_file *self, const char *group, const char *key) { const char *value = desktop_file_get (self, group, key); if (!value) return NULL; struct strv values = desktop_file_unescape (value, false /* is_list */); char *unescaped = strv_steal (&values, 0); strv_free (&values); return unescaped; } static struct strv desktop_file_get_stringv (struct desktop_file *self, const char *group, const char *key) { const char *value = desktop_file_get (self, group, key); if (!value) return strv_make (); return desktop_file_unescape (value, true /* is_list */); } static bool desktop_file_get_bool (struct desktop_file *self, const char *group, const char *key) { const char *value = desktop_file_get (self, group, key); if (!value) return false; // Let's be compatible with pre-1.0 files when it costs us so little. if (!strcmp (value, "true") || !strcmp (value, "1")) return true; if (!strcmp (value, "false") || !strcmp (value, "0")) return false; print_debug ("invalid desktop file boolean for '%s': %s", key, value); return false; } // Nothing uses the "numeric" type. // "icon-theme-spec" uses "integer" and doesn't say what it is. static long desktop_file_get_integer (struct desktop_file *self, const char *group, const char *key) { const char *value = desktop_file_get (self, group, key); if (!value) return 0; char *end = NULL; long parsed = (errno = 0, strtol (value, &end, 10)); if (errno != 0 || *end) print_debug ("invalid desktop file integer for '%s': %s", key, value); return parsed; } // --- Icon themes ------------------------------------------------------------- // This implements part of the Icon Theme Specification. struct icon_theme_icon { uint32_t width; ///< Width of argb in pixels uint32_t height; ///< Height of argb in pixels uint32_t argb[]; ///< ARGB32 data, unassociated alpha }; static void icon_theme_open_on_error (png_structp pngp, const char *error) { print_debug ("%s: %s", (const char *) png_get_error_ptr (pngp), error); png_longjmp (pngp, 1); } static void icon_theme_open_on_warning (png_structp pngp, const char *warning) { (void) pngp; (void) warning; // Fuck your "gamma value does not match libpng estimate". } // For simplicity, only support PNG icons, using the most popular library. static struct icon_theme_icon * icon_theme_open (const char *path) { volatile png_bytep buffer = NULL; volatile png_bytepp row_pointers = NULL; struct icon_theme_icon *volatile result = NULL; FILE *fp = fopen (path, "rb"); if (!fp) { if (errno != ENOENT) print_debug ("%s: %s", path, strerror (errno)); return NULL; } // The simplified and high-level APIs aren't powerful enough. png_structp pngp = png_create_read_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, (png_voidp) path, icon_theme_open_on_error, icon_theme_open_on_warning); png_infop infop = png_create_info_struct (pngp); if (!infop) { print_debug ("%s: %s", path, strerror (errno)); goto fail; } if (setjmp (png_jmpbuf (pngp))) goto fail; png_init_io (pngp, fp); png_read_info (pngp, infop); // Asking for at least 8-bit channels. This call is a superset of: // - png_set_palette_to_rgb(), // - png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(), // - png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8(). png_set_expand (pngp); // Reduce the possibilities further to RGB or RGBA... png_set_gray_to_rgb (pngp); // ...and /exactly/ 8-bit channels. // Alternatively, use png_set_expand_16() above to obtain 16-bit channels. png_set_scale_16 (pngp); // PNG uses RGBA order, let's change that to ARGB (both in memory order). // This doesn't change a row's `color_type` in png_do_read_filler(), // and the following transformation thus ignores it. png_set_add_alpha (pngp, 0xFFFF, PNG_FILLER_BEFORE); png_set_swap_alpha (pngp); (void) png_set_interlace_handling (pngp); png_read_update_info (pngp, infop); if (png_get_bit_depth (pngp, infop) != 8 || png_get_channels (pngp, infop) != 4 || png_get_color_type (pngp, infop) != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA) png_error (pngp, "result not A8R8G8B8"); size_t row_bytes = png_get_rowbytes (pngp, infop); size_t height = png_get_image_height (pngp, infop); buffer = xcalloc (row_bytes, height); row_pointers = xcalloc (height, sizeof buffer); for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) row_pointers[y] = buffer + y * row_bytes; png_read_image (pngp, row_pointers); result = xcalloc (1, sizeof *result + row_bytes * height); result->width = png_get_image_width (pngp, infop); result->height = height; uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *) result->argb, *src = (uint32_t *) buffer; for (size_t pixels = result->width * result->height; pixels--; ) *dst++ = ntohl (*src++); fail: free (buffer); free (row_pointers); png_destroy_read_struct (&pngp, &infop, NULL); fclose (fp); return result; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - struct icon_theme_find_context { struct strv base; ///< Base directories struct str_map visited; ///< Cycle prevention ARRAY (struct icon_theme_icon *, icons) }; static void icon_theme_find__fallback (struct icon_theme_find_context *ctx, const char *name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->base.len; i++) { char *path = xstrdup_printf ("%s/%s.png", ctx->base.vector[i], name); struct icon_theme_icon *icon = icon_theme_open (path); free (path); if (icon) { ARRAY_RESERVE (ctx->icons, 1); ctx->icons[ctx->icons_len++] = icon; return; } } } static struct desktop_file icon_theme_find__index (struct icon_theme_find_context *ctx, const char *theme) { struct str data = str_make (); for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->base.len; i++) { struct error *e = NULL; char *path = xstrdup_printf ("%s/%s/index.theme", ctx->base.vector[i], theme); read_file (path, &data, &e); free (path); if (!e) break; if (errno != ENOENT) print_debug ("%s", e->message); error_free (e); } struct desktop_file index = desktop_file_make (data.str, data.len); str_free (&data); return index; } static void icon_theme_find__named (struct icon_theme_find_context *ctx, const char *theme, const char *name) { // Either a cycle, or a common ancestor of inherited themes, which is valid. if (str_map_find (&ctx->visited, theme)) return; str_map_set (&ctx->visited, theme, (void *) (intptr_t) 1); struct desktop_file index = icon_theme_find__index (ctx, theme); char *directories = desktop_file_get_string (&index, "Icon Theme", "Directories"); if (!directories) goto out; // NOTE: The sizes are not deduplicated, and priorities are uncertain. struct strv dirs = strv_make (); cstr_split (directories, ",", true, &dirs); free (directories); for (size_t d = 0; d < dirs.len; d++) { // The hicolor icon theme stuffs everything in Directories. if (desktop_file_get (&index, dirs.vector[d], "Scale") && desktop_file_get_integer (&index, dirs.vector[d], "Scale") != 1) continue; for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->base.len; i++) { char *path = xstrdup_printf ("%s/%s/%s/%s.png", ctx->base.vector[i], theme, dirs.vector[d], name); struct icon_theme_icon *icon = icon_theme_open (path); free (path); if (icon) { ARRAY_RESERVE (ctx->icons, 1); ctx->icons[ctx->icons_len++] = icon; break; } } } strv_free (&dirs); if (ctx->icons_len) goto out; char *inherits = desktop_file_get_string (&index, "Icon Theme", "Inherits"); if (inherits) { struct strv parents = strv_make (); cstr_split (inherits, ",", true, &parents); free (inherits); for (size_t i = 0; i < parents.len; i++) { icon_theme_find__named (ctx, parents.vector[i], name); if (ctx->icons_len) break; } strv_free (&parents); } out: desktop_file_free (&index); } /// Return all base directories appropriate for icon search. static struct strv icon_theme_get_base_directories (void) { struct strv dirs = strv_make (); struct str icons = str_make (); (void) str_append_env_path (&icons, "HOME", false); str_append (&icons, "/.icons"); strv_append_owned (&dirs, str_steal (&icons)); // Note that we use XDG_CONFIG_HOME as well, which might be intended. struct strv xdg = strv_make (); get_xdg_data_dirs (&xdg); for (size_t i = 0; i < xdg.len; i++) strv_append_owned (&dirs, xstrdup_printf ("%s/icons", xdg.vector[i])); strv_free (&xdg); strv_append (&dirs, "/usr/share/pixmaps"); return dirs; } static int icon_theme_find__compare (const void *a, const void *b) { const struct icon_theme_icon **ia = (const struct icon_theme_icon **) a; const struct icon_theme_icon **ib = (const struct icon_theme_icon **) b; double pa = (double) (*ia)->width * (*ia)->height; double pb = (double) (*ib)->width * (*ib)->height; return (pa > pb) - (pa < pb); } /// Return all sizes of the named icon. When the theme name is not NULL, /// use it as the preferred theme. Always consult fallbacks locations. /// Ignore icon scales other than 1. static struct icon_theme_icon ** icon_theme_find (const char *theme, const char *name, size_t *len) { struct icon_theme_find_context ctx = {}; ctx.base = icon_theme_get_base_directories (); ctx.visited = str_map_make (NULL); ARRAY_INIT (ctx.icons); if (theme) icon_theme_find__named (&ctx, theme, name); if (!ctx.icons_len) icon_theme_find__named (&ctx, "hicolor", name); if (!ctx.icons_len) icon_theme_find__fallback (&ctx, name); strv_free (&ctx.base); str_map_free (&ctx.visited); ARRAY_RESERVE (ctx.icons, 1); ctx.icons[ctx.icons_len] = NULL; if (!ctx.icons_len) { free (ctx.icons); return NULL; } qsort (ctx.icons, ctx.icons_len, sizeof *ctx.icons, icon_theme_find__compare); *len = ctx.icons_len; return ctx.icons; } static void icon_theme_free (struct icon_theme_icon **icons) { for (struct icon_theme_icon **p = icons; *p; p++) free (*p); free (icons); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #ifdef LIBERTY_XDG_WANT_X11 static void icon_theme_set_window_icon (Display *dpy, Window window, const char *theme, const char *name) { size_t icons_len = 0; struct icon_theme_icon **icons = icon_theme_find (theme, name, &icons_len); if (!icons) return; size_t n = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < icons_len; i++) n += 2 + icons[i]->width * icons[i]->height; unsigned long *data = xcalloc (n, sizeof *data), *p = data; for (size_t i = 0; i < icons_len; i++) { *p++ = icons[i]->width; *p++ = icons[i]->height; uint32_t *q = icons[i]->argb; for (size_t k = icons[i]->width * icons[i]->height; k--; ) *p++ = *q++; } XChangeProperty (dpy, window, XInternAtom (dpy, "_NET_WM_ICON", False), XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (const unsigned char *) data, n); free (data); icon_theme_free (icons); } #endif // LIBERTY_XDG_WANT_X11