diff options
authorPřemysl Eric Janouch <>2020-09-05 04:30:13 +0200
committerPřemysl Eric Janouch <>2020-09-05 04:36:43 +0200
commitd57a8bd3c7be5fdf3282d6d45c8dea1d50f3fac1 (patch)
parent2962a644da2faef651e5878090f2357e4f0fd13b (diff)
Improve AsciiDoc compatibility
I need two renderers to work: hswg/libasciidoc and asciidoctor in man page mode (and ideally in HTML as well). That should be covered now. The triple-plus thing was the first thing that showed good results, after trying backslashes, single-plus quoting and [] after ://. The change of the source code block kind could be considered as unification. I'm combining tabs with spaces within one document though, and I should get rid of the tabs in the rest of it then...
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/json-rpc-shell.adoc b/json-rpc-shell.adoc
index 20b1f8c..c7dab10 100644
--- a/json-rpc-shell.adoc
+++ b/json-rpc-shell.adoc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
:doctype: manpage
-:man manual: json-rpc-shell Manual
-:man source: json-rpc-shell {release-version}
+:manmanual: json-rpc-shell Manual
+:mansource: json-rpc-shell {release-version}
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Synopsis
The _ENDPOINT_ must be either an HTTP or a WebSocket URL, with or without TLS
-(i.e. one of the _http://_, _https://_, _ws://_, _wss://_ schemas).
+(i.e. one of the _+++http+++://_, _+++https+++://_, _ws://_, _wss://_ schemas).
*json-rpc-shell* will use it to send any JSON-RPC 2.0 requests you enter on its
command line. The server's response will be parsed and validated, stripping it
@@ -133,40 +133,34 @@ distribution of this program (public services are hard to find):
Pretty-printing and Manual IDs
-$ json-rpc-shell -p ws://localhost:1234
-json-rpc> date 1
- "year": 2020,
- "month": 9,
- "day": 5,
- "hours": 2,
- "minutes": 23,
- "seconds": 51
+ $ json-rpc-shell -p ws://localhost:1234
+ json-rpc> date 1
+ {
+ "year": 2020,
+ "month": 9,
+ "day": 5,
+ "hours": 2,
+ "minutes": 23,
+ "seconds": 51
+ }
Notification With a Parameter
Notifications never produce a response, not even when the method is not known
to the server:
-$ json-rpc-shell ws://localhost:1234
-json-rpc> notify {"events": ["conquest", "war", "famine", "death"]}
+ $ json-rpc-shell ws://localhost:1234
+ json-rpc> notify {"events": ["conquest", "war", "famine", "death"]}
+ [Notification]
Piping In and Out
GNU Readline always repeats the prompt, which makes this a bit less useful
for invoking from other programs:
-$ echo 'ping | jq ascii_upcase' | json-rpc-shell -a ws://localhost:1234
-json-rpc> ping | jq ascii_upcase
+ $ echo 'ping | jq ascii_upcase' | json-rpc-shell -a ws://localhost:1234
+ json-rpc> ping | jq ascii_upcase
+ "PONG"
Reporting Bugs