#!/bin/sh -xe cd "$(dirname "$0")" make gallery target=/tmp/G input=/tmp/G/Test rm -rf $target mkdir -p $target $input/Test $input/Empty gen() { magick "$@"; sha1=$(sha1sum "$(eval echo \$\{$#\})" | cut -d' ' -f1); } gen wizard: $input/wizard.webp gen -seed 10 -size 256x256 plasma:fractal \ $input/Test/dhash.jpg gen -seed 10 -size 256x256 plasma:fractal \ $input/Test/dhash.png sha1duplicate=$sha1 cp $input/Test/dhash.png \ $input/Test/multiple-paths.png gen -seed 15 -size 256x256 plasma:fractal \ $input/Test/excluded.png gen -seed 20 -size 160x128 plasma:fractal \ -bordercolor transparent -border 64 \ $input/Test/transparent-wide.png gen -seed 30 -size 1024x256 plasma:fractal \ -alpha set -channel A -evaluate multiply 0.2 \ $input/Test/translucent-superwide.png gen -size 96x96 -delay 10 -loop 0 \ -seed 111 plasma:fractal \ -seed 222 plasma:fractal \ -seed 333 plasma:fractal \ -seed 444 plasma:fractal \ -seed 555 plasma:fractal \ -seed 666 plasma:fractal \ $input/Test/animation-small.gif sha1animated=$sha1 gen $input/Test/animation-small.gif \ $input/Test/video.mp4 ./gallery init $target ./gallery sync -exclude '/excluded[.]' $target $input "$@" ./gallery thumbnail $target ./gallery dhash $target ./gallery tag $target test "Test space" <<-END $sha1duplicate foo 1.0 $sha1duplicate bar 0.5 $sha1animated foo 0.8 END # TODO: Test all the various possible sync transitions. mv $input/Test $input/Plasma ./gallery sync -exclude '/excluded[.]' $target $input ./gallery web $target :8080 & web=$! trap "kill $web; wait $web" EXIT INT TERM sleep 0.25 call() (curl http://localhost:8080/api/$1 -X POST --data-binary @-) # TODO: Verify that things are how we expect them to be. echo '{"path":"'"$(basename "$input")"'"}' | call browse echo '{}' | call tags echo '{}' | call duplicates echo '{}' | call orphans echo '{"sha1":"'"$sha1duplicate"'"}' | call info echo '{"sha1":"'"$sha1duplicate"'"}' | call similar