# vim: noet ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: project('fiv', 'c', default_options : ['c_std=gnu99', 'warning_level=2'], version : '1.0.0', meson_version : '>=0.57') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') add_project_arguments( cc.get_supported_arguments('-Wno-cast-function-type'), language : 'c') # This, annoyingly, enables the leak sanitizer by default, # which requires some tuning to not stand in the way. # Use -Db_sanitize=address,undefined and adjust LSAN_OPTIONS yourself. #if get_option('buildtype').startswith('debug') # flags = cc.get_supported_arguments('-fsanitize=address,undefined') # add_project_arguments(flags, language : ['c']) # add_project_link_arguments(flags, language : ['c']) #endif win32 = host_machine.system() == 'windows' # The likelihood of this being installed is nearly zero. Enable the wrap. libjpegqs = dependency('libjpegqs', required : get_option('libjpegqs'), allow_fallback : true) lcms2 = dependency('lcms2', required : get_option('lcms2')) # Note that only libraw_r is thread-safe, but we'll just run it out-of process. libraw = dependency('libraw', required : get_option('libraw')) # This is a direct runtime dependency, but its usage may be disabled for images. librsvg = dependency('librsvg-2.0', required : get_option('librsvg')) xcursor = dependency('xcursor', required : get_option('xcursor')) libheif = dependency('libheif', required : get_option('libheif')) libtiff = dependency('libtiff-4', required : get_option('libtiff')) # This is a direct dependency of GTK+, but its usage may be disabled for images. gdkpixbuf = dependency('gdk-pixbuf-2.0', required : get_option('gdk-pixbuf')) dependencies = [ dependency('gtk+-3.0'), dependency('pixman-1'), dependency('epoxy'), dependency('libjpeg'), dependency('libturbojpeg'), dependency('libwebp'), dependency('libwebpdemux'), dependency('libwebpdecoder', required : false), dependency('libwebpmux'), # Wuffs is included as a submodule. lcms2, libjpegqs, libraw, librsvg, xcursor, libheif, libtiff, cc.find_library('m', required : false), ] # As of writing, no pkg-config file is produced, and the plugin is not installed # by default. The library can be built statically, but it's a bit of a hassle. have_lcms2_fast_float = false if not get_option('lcms2fastfloat').disabled() lcms2ff = dependency('lcms2_fast_float', required : false) if not lcms2ff.found() lcms2ff = cc.find_library( 'lcms2_fast_float', required : get_option('lcms2fastfloat')) if lcms2ff.found() and not cc.has_header('lcms2_fast_float.h') error('lcms2_fast_float.h not found') endif endif if lcms2ff.found() dependencies += lcms2ff have_lcms2_fast_float = true endif endif # As of writing, the API is unstable, and no pkg-config file is produced. # Trying to wrap Cargo in Meson is a recipe for pain, so no version pinning. have_resvg = false if not get_option('resvg').disabled() resvg = dependency('resvg', required : false) if not resvg.found() resvg = cc.find_library('resvg', required : get_option('resvg')) if resvg.found() and not cc.has_header('resvg.h') error('resvg.h not found') endif endif if resvg.found() dependencies += resvg have_resvg = true endif endif # XXX: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/825 docdir = get_option('datadir') / 'doc' / meson.project_name() application_ns = 'name.janouch.' application_url = 'https://janouch.name/p/' + meson.project_name() conf = configuration_data() conf.set_quoted('PROJECT_NAME', meson.project_name()) conf.set_quoted('PROJECT_VERSION', '@VCS_TAG@') conf.set_quoted('PROJECT_NS', application_ns) conf.set_quoted('PROJECT_URL', application_url) conf.set_quoted('PROJECT_DOCDIR', get_option('prefix') / docdir) if win32 conf.set_quoted('PROJECT_DOCDIR', docdir) endif conf.set('HAVE_JPEG_QS', libjpegqs.found()) conf.set('HAVE_LCMS2', lcms2.found()) conf.set('HAVE_LCMS2_FAST_FLOAT', have_lcms2_fast_float) conf.set('HAVE_LIBRAW', libraw.found()) conf.set('HAVE_RESVG', have_resvg) conf.set('HAVE_LIBRSVG', librsvg.found()) conf.set('HAVE_XCURSOR', xcursor.found()) conf.set('HAVE_LIBHEIF', libheif.found()) conf.set('HAVE_LIBTIFF', libtiff.found()) conf.set('HAVE_GDKPIXBUF', gdkpixbuf.found()) config = vcs_tag( command : ['git', 'describe', '--always', '--dirty=+'], input : configure_file(output : 'config.h.in', configuration : conf), output : 'config.h', ) rc = [] if win32 windows = import('windows') rsvg_convert = find_program('rsvg-convert') icotool = find_program('icotool') # Meson is brain-dead and retarded, so these PNGs cannot be installed, # only because they must all have the same name when installed. # The largest size is mainly for an appropriately sized Windows icon. icon_png_list = [] foreach size : ['16', '32', '48', '256'] icon_dimensions = size + 'x' + size icon_png_list += custom_target(icon_dimensions + ' icon', input : 'fiv.svg', output : 'fiv.' + icon_dimensions + '.png', command : [rsvg_convert, '--output', '@OUTPUT@', '--width', size, '--height', size, '@INPUT@']) endforeach icon_ico = custom_target('fiv.ico', output : 'fiv.ico', input : icon_png_list, command : [icotool, '-c', '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']) rc += windows.compile_resources('fiv.rc', depends : icon_ico) endif gnome = import('gnome') gresources = gnome.compile_resources('resources', 'resources/resources.gresource.xml', source_dir : 'resources', c_name : 'resources', ) tiff_tables = custom_target('tiff-tables.h', output : 'tiff-tables.h', input : 'tiff-tables.db', # Meson 0.56 chokes on files() as well as on a relative path. command : [meson.current_source_dir() / 'tiff-tables.awk', '@INPUT@'], capture : true, ) desktops = ['fiv.desktop', 'fiv-browse.desktop'] iolib = static_library('fiv-io', 'fiv-io.c', 'fiv-io-cmm.c', 'xdg.c', tiff_tables, config, dependencies : dependencies).extract_all_objects(recursive : true) exe = executable('fiv', 'fiv.c', 'fiv-view.c', 'fiv-context-menu.c', 'fiv-browser.c', 'fiv-sidebar.c', 'fiv-thumbnail.c', 'fiv-collection.c', 'fiv-io-model.c', gresources, rc, config, objects : iolib, dependencies : dependencies, install : true, win_subsystem : 'windows', ) desktops += 'fiv-jpegcrop.desktop' jpegcrop = executable('fiv-jpegcrop', 'fiv-jpegcrop.c', rc, config, install : true, dependencies : [ dependency('gtk+-3.0'), dependency('libturbojpeg'), ], win_subsystem : 'windows', ) if get_option('tools').enabled() # libjq has only received a pkg-config file in version 1.7. # libjq >= 1.6 is required. tools_dependencies = [ cc.find_library('jq'), dependency('libpng'), dependency('libraw')] tools_c_args = cc.get_supported_arguments( '-Wno-unused-function', '-Wno-unused-parameter') foreach tool : ['info', 'pnginfo', 'rawinfo', 'hotpixels'] executable(tool, 'tools/' + tool + '.c', tiff_tables, dependencies : tools_dependencies, c_args: tools_c_args) endforeach executable('benchmark-raw', 'tools/benchmark-raw.c', objects : iolib, dependencies : dependencies + tools_dependencies) if gdkpixbuf.found() executable('benchmark-io', 'tools/benchmark-io.c', objects : iolib, dependencies : [dependencies, gdkpixbuf]) endif endif # Copying the files to the build directory makes GSettings find them in devenv. gsettings_schemas = ['fiv.gschema.xml'] foreach schema : gsettings_schemas configure_file( input : schema, output : application_ns + schema, copy : true, install: true, install_dir : get_option('datadir') / 'glib-2.0' / 'schemas') endforeach # For the purposes of development: make the program find its GSettings schemas. gnome.compile_schemas(depend_files : files(gsettings_schemas)) gnome.post_install(glib_compile_schemas : true, gtk_update_icon_cache : true) # Meson is broken on Windows and removes the backslashes, so this ends up empty. symbolics = run_command(find_program('sed', required : false, disabler : true), '-n', 's@.*>\\([^<>]*[.]svg\\)<.*@resources/\\1@p', configure_file( input : 'resources/resources.gresource.xml', output : 'resources.gresource.xml.stamp', copy : true, ), capture : true, check : true).stdout().strip() # Validate various files, if there are tools around to do it. xmls = ['fiv.svg', 'fiv.manifest', 'resources/resources.gresource.xml'] + \ gsettings_schemas if symbolics != '' xmls += symbolics.split('\n') endif xmlwf = find_program('xmlwf', required : false, disabler : true) xmllint = find_program('xmllint', required : false, disabler : true) foreach xml : xmls test('xmlwf ' + xml, xmlwf, args : files(xml)) test('xmllint ' + xml, xmllint, args : ['--noout', files(xml)]) endforeach dfv = find_program('desktop-file-validate', required : false, disabler : true) foreach desktop : desktops test(desktop, dfv, args : files(desktop)) endforeach # Finish the installation. install_data('fiv.svg', install_dir : get_option('datadir') / 'icons/hicolor/scalable/apps') install_subdir('docs', install_dir : docdir, strip_directory : true) if not win32 asciidoctor = find_program('asciidoctor', required : false) a2x = find_program('a2x', required : false) if not asciidoctor.found() and not a2x.found() warning('Neither asciidoctor nor a2x were found, ' + 'falling back to a substandard manual page generator') endif foreach page : [meson.project_name()] man_capture = false if asciidoctor.found() command = [asciidoctor, '-b', 'manpage', '-a', 'release-version=' + meson.project_version(), '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'] elif a2x.found() command = [a2x, '--doctype', 'manpage', '--format', 'manpage', '-a', 'release-version=' + meson.project_version(), '-D', '@OUTDIR@', '@INPUT@'] else command = ['env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'asciidoc-release-version=' + meson.project_version(), 'awk', '-f', files('submodules/liberty/tools/asciiman.awk'), '@INPUT@'] man_capture = true endif custom_target('manpage for ' + page, input : 'docs' / page + '.adoc', output : page + '.1', capture : man_capture, command : command, install : true, install_dir : get_option('mandir') / 'man1') endforeach foreach desktop : desktops install_data(desktop, rename : application_ns + desktop, install_dir : get_option('datadir') / 'applications') endforeach # TODO(p): Consider moving this to /usr/share or /usr/lib. install_data('fiv-reverse-search', install_dir : get_option('bindir')) # As usual, handling generated files in Meson is a fucking pain. updatable_desktops = [application_ns + 'fiv.desktop'] foreach name, uri : { 'Google' : 'https://lens.google.com/uploadbyurl?url=', 'Bing' : 'https://www.bing.com/images/searchbyimage?cbir=sbi&imgurl=', 'Yandex' : 'https://yandex.com/images/search?rpt=imageview&url=', 'TinEye' : 'https://tineye.com/search?url=', 'SauceNAO' : 'https://saucenao.com/search.php?url=', 'IQDB' : 'https://iqdb.org/?url=', } desktop = 'fiv-reverse-search-' + name.to_lower() + '.desktop' updatable_desktops += application_ns + desktop test(desktop, dfv, args : configure_file( input : 'fiv-reverse-search.desktop.in', output : application_ns + desktop, configuration : {'NAME' : name, 'URL' : uri}, install : true, install_dir : get_option('datadir') / 'applications', )) endforeach # With gdk-pixbuf, fiv.desktop depends on currently installed modules; # the package manager needs to be told to run this script as necessary. dynamic_desktops = gdkpixbuf.found() updater = configure_file( input : 'fiv-update-desktop-files.in', output : 'fiv-update-desktop-files', configuration : { 'FIV' : get_option('prefix') / get_option('bindir') / exe.name(), 'DESKTOPDIR' : get_option('prefix') / get_option('datadir') / 'applications', 'DESKTOPS' : ' \\\n\t'.join(updatable_desktops), }, install : dynamic_desktops, install_dir : get_option('bindir')) if not meson.is_cross_build() meson.add_install_script(updater, skip_if_destdir : dynamic_desktops) endif # Quick and dirty package generation, lacking dependencies. packaging = configuration_data({ 'name' : meson.project_name(), 'version' : meson.project_version(), 'summary' : 'Image viewer', 'author' : 'Přemysl Eric Janouch', }) subdir('submodules/liberty/meson/packaging') elif meson.is_cross_build() # Note that even compiling /from within MSYS2/ can still be a cross-build. msys2_root = meson.get_external_property('msys2_root') meson.add_install_script('msys2-install.sh', msys2_root) wxs = configure_file( input : 'fiv.wxs.in', output : 'fiv.wxs', configuration : configuration_data({ 'ProjectName' : meson.project_name(), 'ProjectVersion' : meson.project_version(), 'ProjectURL' : application_url, }), ) msi = meson.project_name() + '-' + meson.project_version() + \ '-' + host_machine.cpu() + '.msi' custom_target('package', output : msi, command : [meson.current_source_dir() / 'msys2-package.sh', host_machine.cpu(), msi, wxs], env : ['MESON_BUILD_ROOT=' + meson.current_build_dir(), 'MESON_SOURCE_ROOT=' + meson.current_source_dir()], console : true, build_always_stale : true, build_by_default : false, ) # This is the minimum to run targets from msys2-configure.sh builds. meson.add_devenv({ 'WINEPATH' : msys2_root / 'bin', 'XDG_DATA_DIRS' : msys2_root / 'share', }) endif