// // fiv.c: fuck-if-I-know-how-to-name-it image browser and viewer // // Copyright (c) 2021 - 2022, Přemysl Eric Janouch // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY // SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "fiv-browser.h" #include "fiv-io.h" #include "fiv-sidebar.h" #include "fiv-thumbnail.h" #include "fiv-view.h" // --- Utilities --------------------------------------------------------------- static void exit_fatal(const gchar *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(1, 2); static void exit_fatal(const gchar *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); gchar *format_nl = g_strdup_printf("%s\n", format); vfprintf(stderr, format_nl, ap); free(format_nl); va_end(ap); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // --- Keyboard shortcuts ------------------------------------------------------ // Fuck XML, this can be easily represented in static structures. // Though it would be nice if the accelerators could be customized. struct key { const char *accelerator; const char *title; }; struct key_group { const char *title; const struct key *keys; }; struct key_section { const char *title; const char *section_name; const struct key_group *groups; }; static struct key help_keys_general[] = { {"F1 question", "Show this list of shortcuts"}, {"F11 f", "Toggle fullscreen view"}, {"d", "Toggle dark theme variant"}, {"q q", "Exit the program"}, {"Escape w", "Exit the program"}, {} }; static struct key_group help_keys_browser[] = { {"General", help_keys_general}, {"View", (struct key[]) { {"F9", "Toggle navigation sidebar"}, {"F5 r r", "Refresh"}, {"h h", "Toggle hiding unsupported files"}, {} }}, {"Navigation", (struct key[]) { {"l", "Open location..."}, {"n", "Open a new window"}, {"Left", "Go back in history"}, {"Right", "Go forward in history"}, {"Up", "Go to parent directory"}, {"Home", "Go home"}, {"Return", "Open selected item"}, {} }}, {} }; static struct key_group help_keys_view[] = { {"General", help_keys_general}, {"View", (struct key[]) { {"F8", "Toggle toolbar"}, {"F5 r r", "Reload"}, {} }}, {"Navigation", (struct key[]) { {"l", "Open location..."}, {"n", "Open a new window"}, {"Left Up Page_Up", "Previous image"}, {"Right Down Page_Down", "Next image"}, {"Return Left", "Return to browser"}, {} }}, {"Zoom", (struct key[]) { {"0", "Set zoom to 100%"}, {"1...9", "Set zoom to N:1"}, {"plus plus", "Zoom in"}, {"minus minus", "Zoom out"}, {"w", "Zoom to fit width if larger"}, {"h", "Zoom to fit height if larger"}, {} }}, {"Orientation", (struct key[]) { {"less", "Rotate anticlockwise"}, {"equal", "Mirror"}, {"greater", "Rotate clockwise"}, {} }}, {"Configuration", (struct key[]) { #ifdef HAVE_LCMS2 {"c", "Toggle color management"}, #endif {"x", "Toggle scale to fit if larger"}, {"i", "Toggle smooth scaling"}, {"t", "Toggle transparency highlighting"}, #ifdef HAVE_JPEG_QS {"e", "Toggle low-quality JPEG enhancement"}, #endif {} }}, {"Control", (struct key[]) { {"bracketleft", "Previous page"}, {"bracketright", "Next page"}, {"braceleft", "Previous frame"}, {"braceright", "Next frame"}, {"space", "Toggle playback"}, {} }}, {"Tools", (struct key[]) { {"p", "Print..."}, {"s", "Save page as..."}, {"s", "Save frame as..."}, {"Return", "Show file information"}, {} }}, {} }; static struct key_section help_keys[] = { {"Browser", "browser", help_keys_browser}, {"View", "view", help_keys_view}, {} }; static GtkWidget * make_key(const struct key *key) { return gtk_widget_new(GTK_TYPE_SHORTCUTS_SHORTCUT, "title", key->title, "shortcut-type", GTK_SHORTCUT_ACCELERATOR, "accelerator", key->accelerator, NULL); } static GtkWidget * make_key_group(const struct key_group *group) { GtkWidget *widget = gtk_widget_new( GTK_TYPE_SHORTCUTS_GROUP, "title", group->title, NULL); for (const struct key *p = group->keys; p->title; p++) gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(widget), make_key(p)); return widget; } static GtkWidget * make_key_section(const struct key_section *section) { GtkWidget *widget = gtk_widget_new(GTK_TYPE_SHORTCUTS_SECTION, "title", section->title, "section-name", section->section_name, NULL); for (const struct key_group *p = section->groups; p->title; p++) gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(widget), make_key_group(p)); return widget; } static GtkWidget * make_key_window(void) { GtkWidget *window = gtk_widget_new(GTK_TYPE_SHORTCUTS_WINDOW, NULL); for (const struct key_section *p = help_keys; p->title; p++) { GtkWidget *section = make_key_section(p); gtk_widget_show_all(section); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), section); } return window; } // --- About ------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { gint cx, cy; cairo_pattern_t *v_pattern; } AboutContext; static void on_about_map(GtkWidget *widget, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { GdkFrameClock *clock = gtk_widget_get_frame_clock(widget); (void) g_signal_connect_swapped( clock, "update", G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_queue_draw), widget); gdk_frame_clock_begin_updating(clock); } static void on_about_unmap(GtkWidget *widget, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { GdkFrameClock *clock = gtk_widget_get_frame_clock(widget); gdk_frame_clock_end_updating(clock); } static gboolean on_about_motion( G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event, gpointer user_data) { AboutContext *ctx = user_data; ctx->cx = event->x; ctx->cy = event->y; return FALSE; } static gboolean on_about_leave(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkWidget *widget, G_GNUC_UNUSED GdkEventCrossing *event, gpointer user_data) { AboutContext *ctx = user_data; ctx->cx = -1; ctx->cy = -1; return FALSE; } enum { ABOUT_SIZE = 48, ABOUT_SCALE = 3, ABOUT_HEIGHT = ABOUT_SIZE * 4 / 3 }; // The mismatching resolution is incidental, and kept for interesting looks. static cairo_pattern_t * make_infinite_v_pattern(void) { cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, ABOUT_SIZE, ABOUT_SIZE); cairo_t *cr = cairo_create(surface); cairo_move_to(cr, 2, 7); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, 44, 0); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, -17, 39); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, -10, 0); cairo_close_path(cr); cairo_pattern_t *gradient = cairo_pattern_create_linear(0, 7, 0, 46); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb(gradient, 1, 1, 0x66 / 255., 0); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb(gradient, 0, 1, 0xaa / 255., 0); cairo_set_source(cr, gradient); cairo_pattern_destroy(gradient); cairo_fill(cr); cairo_destroy(cr); cairo_pattern_t *pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(surface); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); cairo_pattern_set_filter(pattern, CAIRO_FILTER_NEAREST); cairo_matrix_t matrix = {}; cairo_matrix_init_translate(&matrix, ABOUT_SIZE / 2, 0); cairo_pattern_set_matrix(pattern, &matrix); return pattern; } static void draw_ligature(cairo_t *cr) { // Transcribed fiv.svg--it would arguably make more sense to generate // that file and these Cairo instructions from the same source. cairo_move_to(cr, 12.5, 20.5); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, -4, 0); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, 0, +5); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, +4, 0); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, 0, +15); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, 9, 0); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, 0, -15); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, +2, 0); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, 0, -5); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, -2, 0); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, 0, -8); cairo_rel_curve_to(cr, 0, -4, 5, -4, 5, 0); cairo_rel_curve_to(cr, 0, 6, 9, 6, 9, 0); cairo_rel_curve_to(cr, 0, -12, -23, -12, -23, 0); cairo_close_path(cr); cairo_move_to(cr, 26.5, 20.5); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, 9, 0); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, 0, 20); cairo_rel_line_to(cr, -9, 0); cairo_close_path(cr); cairo_path_t *ligature = cairo_copy_path(cr); cairo_save(cr); cairo_clip(cr); // Shadow approximation, given the lack of filters in Cairo. enum { STEPS = 5 }; for (int i = 0; i <= STEPS; i++) { cairo_save(cr); double o = 1. / ABOUT_SCALE + 1. / ABOUT_SCALE * i; cairo_translate(cr, o, o); cairo_append_path(cr, ligature); double v = 1 - (STEPS - i) * 0.075; cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, v, v, v); cairo_fill(cr); cairo_restore(cr); } cairo_restore(cr); cairo_append_path(cr, ligature); cairo_path_destroy(ligature); cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0, 0, 0); cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1); cairo_stroke(cr); } static gboolean on_about_draw(GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr, gpointer user_data) { AboutContext *ctx = user_data; GtkAllocation allocation; gtk_widget_get_allocation(widget, &allocation); GtkStyleContext *style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(widget); gtk_render_background(style, cr, 0, 0, allocation.width, allocation.height); cairo_translate(cr, (allocation.width - ABOUT_SIZE * ABOUT_SCALE) / 2, ABOUT_SIZE * ABOUT_SCALE / 4); cairo_scale(cr, ABOUT_SCALE, ABOUT_SCALE); cairo_save(cr); cairo_translate(cr, ABOUT_SIZE / 2, ABOUT_SIZE / 2); if (ctx->cx >= 0 && ctx->cy >= 0) { gint dx = ctx->cx - allocation.width / 2; gint dy = ctx->cy - ABOUT_SIZE * ABOUT_SCALE * 3 / 4; cairo_rotate(cr, atan2(dy, dx) - M_PI_2); } GdkFrameClock *clock = gtk_widget_get_frame_clock(widget); gint64 t = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time(clock); cairo_translate(cr, 0, (gint64) (t / 4e4) % ABOUT_SIZE); cairo_set_source(cr, ctx->v_pattern); cairo_paint(cr); cairo_translate(cr, ABOUT_SIZE / 2, 14 /* Through trial and error. */); cairo_scale(cr, 1, -1); cairo_set_source(cr, ctx->v_pattern); cairo_paint(cr); cairo_restore(cr); draw_ligature(cr); return TRUE; } static void show_about_dialog(GtkWidget *parent) { GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_widget_new(GTK_TYPE_DIALOG, "use-header-bar", TRUE, "title", "About", "transient-for", parent, "destroy-with-parent", TRUE, NULL); GtkWidget *area = gtk_drawing_area_new(); gtk_style_context_add_class(gtk_widget_get_style_context(area), "view"); gtk_widget_set_size_request( area, ABOUT_SIZE * ABOUT_SCALE * 2, ABOUT_HEIGHT * ABOUT_SCALE); AboutContext ctx = { .cx = -1, .cy = -1, .v_pattern = make_infinite_v_pattern()}; gtk_widget_add_events( area, GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK); g_signal_connect( area, "motion-notify-event", G_CALLBACK(on_about_motion), &ctx); g_signal_connect( area, "leave-notify-event", G_CALLBACK(on_about_leave), &ctx); g_signal_connect(area, "draw", G_CALLBACK(on_about_draw), &ctx); g_signal_connect(area, "map", G_CALLBACK(on_about_map), &ctx); g_signal_connect(area, "unmap", G_CALLBACK(on_about_unmap), &ctx); // The rest is approximately copying GTK+'s own gtkaboutdialog.ui. GtkWidget *name = gtk_label_new(NULL); gtk_label_set_selectable(GTK_LABEL(name), TRUE); gtk_label_set_markup( GTK_LABEL(name), "" PROJECT_NAME " " PROJECT_VERSION); GtkWidget *website = gtk_label_new(NULL); gtk_label_set_selectable(GTK_LABEL(website), TRUE); const char *url = "https://git.janouch.name/p/" PROJECT_NAME; gchar *link = g_strdup_printf("%s", url, url); gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(website), link); g_free(link); GtkWidget *sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_SHADOW_IN); GtkWidget *viewer = gtk_text_view_new(); gtk_text_view_set_editable(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(viewer), FALSE); gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(viewer), FALSE); gtk_text_view_set_left_margin(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(viewer), 8); gtk_text_view_set_right_margin(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(viewer), 8); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(sw), viewer); GBytes *license = g_resources_lookup_data("/LICENSE", G_RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE, NULL); g_return_if_fail(license != NULL); gchar *escaped = g_markup_escape_text(g_bytes_get_data(license, NULL), -1); g_bytes_unref(license); GtkTextBuffer *buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(viewer)); gchar *formatted = g_strdup_printf("%s", escaped); g_free(escaped); GtkTextIter iter = {}; gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter(buffer, &iter); gtk_text_buffer_insert_markup(buffer, &iter, formatted, -1); g_free(formatted); enum { SUBBOX_MARGIN = 12 /* Roughly matches. */ }; GtkWidget *subbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12); gtk_widget_set_margin_start(subbox, SUBBOX_MARGIN); gtk_widget_set_margin_end(subbox, SUBBOX_MARGIN); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(subbox), name, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(subbox), website, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(subbox), sw, TRUE, TRUE, 0); GtkWidget *box = gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), area, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(box), subbox, TRUE, TRUE, SUBBOX_MARGIN); gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), -1, 480); gtk_window_set_geometry_hints(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), NULL, &(GdkGeometry) {.max_width = -1, .max_height = G_MAXSHORT}, GDK_HINT_MAX_SIZE); gtk_widget_grab_focus(viewer); gtk_widget_show_all(dialog); gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)); gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); cairo_pattern_destroy(ctx.v_pattern); } // --- Main -------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO(p): See if it's possible to give separators room to shrink // by some minor amount of pixels, margin-wise. #define B make_toolbar_button #define T make_toolbar_toggle #define TOOLBAR(XX) \ XX(BROWSE, B("view-grid-symbolic", "Browse")) \ XX(FILE_PREVIOUS, B("go-previous-symbolic", "Previous file")) \ XX(FILE_NEXT, B("go-next-symbolic", "Next file")) \ XX(S1, gtk_separator_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)) \ XX(PAGE_FIRST, B("go-top-symbolic", "First page")) \ XX(PAGE_PREVIOUS, B("go-up-symbolic", "Previous page")) \ XX(PAGE_NEXT, B("go-down-symbolic", "Next page")) \ XX(PAGE_LAST, B("go-bottom-symbolic", "Last page")) \ XX(S2, gtk_separator_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)) \ XX(SKIP_BACK, B("media-skip-backward-symbolic", "Rewind playback")) \ XX(SEEK_BACK, B("media-seek-backward-symbolic", "Previous frame")) \ XX(PLAY_PAUSE, B("media-playback-start-symbolic", "Pause")) \ XX(SEEK_FORWARD, B("media-seek-forward-symbolic", "Next frame")) \ XX(S3, gtk_separator_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)) \ XX(MINUS, B("zoom-out-symbolic", "Zoom out")) \ XX(SCALE, gtk_label_new("")) \ XX(PLUS, B("zoom-in-symbolic", "Zoom in")) \ XX(ONE, B("zoom-original-symbolic", "Original size")) \ XX(FIT, T("zoom-fit-best-symbolic", "Scale to fit")) \ XX(S4, gtk_separator_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)) \ /* XX(PIN, B("view-pin-symbolic", "Keep view configuration")) */ \ /* Or perhaps "blur-symbolic", also in the extended set. */ \ XX(COLOR, T("preferences-color-symbolic", "Color management")) \ XX(SMOOTH, T("blend-tool-symbolic", "Smooth scaling")) \ XX(CHECKERBOARD, T("checkerboard-symbolic", "Highlight transparency")) \ XX(ENHANCE, T("heal-symbolic", "Enhance low-quality JPEG")) \ XX(S5, gtk_separator_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)) \ XX(SAVE, B("document-save-as-symbolic", "Save as...")) \ XX(PRINT, B("document-print-symbolic", "Print...")) \ XX(INFO, B("info-symbolic", "Information")) \ XX(S6, gtk_separator_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)) \ XX(LEFT, B("object-rotate-left-symbolic", "Rotate left")) \ XX(MIRROR, B("object-flip-horizontal-symbolic", "Mirror")) \ XX(RIGHT, B("object-rotate-right-symbolic", "Rotate right")) \ XX(S7, gtk_separator_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)) \ /* We are YouTube. */ \ XX(FULLSCREEN, B("view-fullscreen-symbolic", "Fullscreen")) enum { #define XX(id, constructor) TOOLBAR_ ## id, TOOLBAR(XX) #undef XX TOOLBAR_COUNT }; struct { FivIoModel *model; ///< "directory" contents gchar *directory; ///< URI of the currently browsed directory GList *directory_back; ///< History paths as URIs going backwards GList *directory_forward; ///< History paths as URIs going forwards GPtrArray *files; ///< "directory" contents as URIs gchar *uri; ///< Current image URI, if any gint files_index; ///< Where "uri" is within "files" GtkWidget *window; GtkWidget *stack; GtkWidget *browser_paned; GtkWidget *browser_sidebar; GtkWidget *plus; GtkWidget *minus; GtkWidget *funnel; GtkWidget *sort_field[FIV_IO_MODEL_SORT_COUNT]; GtkWidget *sort_direction[2]; GtkWidget *browser_scroller; GtkWidget *browser; GtkWidget *view_box; GtkWidget *view_toolbar; GtkWidget *toolbar[TOOLBAR_COUNT]; GtkWidget *view; } g; static void show_error_dialog(GError *error) { GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new(GTK_WINDOW(g.window), GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE, "%s", error->message); gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)); gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); g_error_free(error); } static void set_window_title(const char *uri) { GFile *file = g_file_new_for_uri(uri); gchar *name = g_file_get_parse_name(file); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(g.window), name); g_free(name); g_object_unref(file); } static void switch_to_browser(void) { set_window_title(g.directory); gtk_stack_set_visible_child(GTK_STACK(g.stack), g.browser_paned); gtk_widget_grab_focus(g.browser); } static void switch_to_view(void) { g_return_if_fail(g.uri != NULL); set_window_title(g.uri); gtk_stack_set_visible_child(GTK_STACK(g.stack), g.view_box); gtk_widget_grab_focus(g.view); } static gchar * parent_uri(GFile *child_file) { GFile *parent = g_file_get_parent(child_file); gchar *parent_uri = g_file_get_uri(parent); g_object_unref(parent); return parent_uri; } static void update_files_index(void) { g.files_index = -1; for (guint i = 0; i < g.files->len; i++) if (!g_strcmp0(g.uri, g_ptr_array_index(g.files, i))) g.files_index = i; } static void load_directory_without_reload(const gchar *uri) { gchar *uri_duplicated = g_strdup(uri); if (g.directory_back && !strcmp(uri, g.directory_back->data)) { // We're going back in history. if (g.directory) { g.directory_forward = g_list_prepend(g.directory_forward, g.directory); g.directory = NULL; } GList *link = g.directory_back; g.directory_back = g_list_remove_link(g.directory_back, link); g_list_free_full(link, g_free); } else if (g.directory_forward && !strcmp(uri, g.directory_forward->data)) { // We're going forward in history. if (g.directory) { g.directory_back = g_list_prepend(g.directory_back, g.directory); g.directory = NULL; } GList *link = g.directory_forward; g.directory_forward = g_list_remove_link(g.directory_forward, link); g_list_free_full(link, g_free); } else if (g.directory && strcmp(uri, g.directory)) { // We're on a new subpath. g_list_free_full(g.directory_forward, g_free); g.directory_forward = NULL; g.directory_back = g_list_prepend(g.directory_back, g.directory); g.directory = NULL; } g_free(g.directory); g.directory = uri_duplicated; } static void load_directory_without_switching(const gchar *uri) { if (uri) { load_directory_without_reload(uri); GtkAdjustment *vadjustment = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(g.browser_scroller)); gtk_adjustment_set_value( vadjustment, gtk_adjustment_get_lower(vadjustment)); } GError *error = NULL; GFile *file = g_file_new_for_uri(g.directory); if (fiv_io_model_open(g.model, file, &error)) { // Handled by the signal callback. } else if (g_error_matches(error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { g_error_free(error); } else { show_error_dialog(error); } g_object_unref(file); } static void load_directory(const gchar *uri) { load_directory_without_switching(uri); // XXX: When something outside the filtered entries is open, the index is // kept at -1, and browsing doesn't work. How to behave here? // Should we add it to the pointer array as an exception? if (uri) { switch_to_browser(); // TODO(p): Rather place it in history. g_clear_pointer(&g.uri, g_free); } } static void on_model_files_changed(FivIoModel *model, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { g_return_if_fail(model == g.model); g_ptr_array_free(g.files, TRUE); g.files = fiv_io_model_get_files(g.model); update_files_index(); gtk_widget_set_sensitive( g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_FILE_PREVIOUS], g.files->len > 1); gtk_widget_set_sensitive( g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_FILE_NEXT], g.files->len > 1); } static void on_filtering_toggled(GtkToggleButton *button, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { gboolean active = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(button); g_object_set(g.model, "filtering", active, NULL); } static void on_sort_field(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkMenuItem *item, gpointer data) { g_object_set(g.model, "sort-field", (gint) (intptr_t) data, NULL); } static void on_sort_direction(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkMenuItem *item, gpointer data) { g_object_set(g.model, "sort-descending", (gboolean) (intptr_t) data, NULL); } static void open(const gchar *uri) { GFile *file = g_file_new_for_uri(uri); GError *error = NULL; if (!fiv_view_open(FIV_VIEW(g.view), uri, &error)) { const char *path = g_file_peek_path(file); // TODO(p): Use g_file_info_get_display_name(). gchar *base = g_filename_display_basename(path ? path : uri); g_object_unref(file); g_prefix_error(&error, "%s: ", base); show_error_dialog(error); g_free(base); return; } gtk_recent_manager_add_item(gtk_recent_manager_get_default(), uri); g_list_free_full(g.directory_forward, g_free); g.directory_forward = NULL; g_free(g.uri); g.uri = g_strdup(uri); // So that load_directory() itself can be used for reloading. gchar *parent = parent_uri(file); if (!g.files->len /* hack to always load the directory after launch */ || !g.directory || strcmp(parent, g.directory)) load_directory_without_switching(parent); else update_files_index(); g_free(parent); switch_to_view(); } static GtkWidget * create_open_dialog(void) { GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new("Open file", GTK_WINDOW(g.window), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, "_Cancel", GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, "_Open", GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); gtk_file_chooser_set_local_only(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), FALSE); GtkFileFilter *filter = gtk_file_filter_new(); for (const char **p = fiv_io_supported_media_types; *p; p++) gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type(filter, *p); #ifdef HAVE_GDKPIXBUF gtk_file_filter_add_pixbuf_formats(filter); #endif // HAVE_GDKPIXBUF gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "Supported images"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), filter); GtkFileFilter *all_files = gtk_file_filter_new(); gtk_file_filter_set_name(all_files, "All files"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(all_files, "*"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), all_files); return dialog; } static void on_open(void) { static GtkWidget *dialog; if (!dialog) dialog = create_open_dialog(); // Apparently, just keeping the dialog around doesn't mean // that it will remember its last location. (void) gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder_uri( GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), g.directory); // The default is local-only, single item. switch (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))) { gchar *uri; case GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT: uri = gtk_file_chooser_get_uri(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog)); open(uri); g_free(uri); break; case GTK_RESPONSE_NONE: dialog = NULL; return; } gtk_widget_hide(dialog); } static void on_previous(void) { if (g.files_index >= 0) { int previous = (g.files->len + g.files_index - 1) % g.files->len; open(g_ptr_array_index(g.files, previous)); } } static void on_next(void) { if (g.files_index >= 0) { int next = (g.files_index + 1) % g.files->len; open(g_ptr_array_index(g.files, next)); } } static void spawn_uri(const char *uri) { char *argv[] = {PROJECT_NAME, (char *) uri, NULL}; GError *error = NULL; g_spawn_async( NULL, argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, &error); g_clear_error(&error); } static void on_item_activated(G_GNUC_UNUSED FivBrowser *browser, GFile *location, GtkPlacesOpenFlags flags, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data) { gchar *uri = g_file_get_uri(location); if (flags == GTK_PLACES_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW) spawn_uri(uri); else open(uri); g_free(uri); } static void open_any_file(GFile *file, gboolean force_browser); static void on_mounted_enclosing(GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { GFile *file = G_FILE(source_object); GError *error = NULL; if (!g_file_mount_enclosing_volume_finish(file, res, &error)) show_error_dialog(error); else open_any_file(file, FALSE); } static void open_any_file(GFile *file, gboolean force_browser) { GFileType type = g_file_query_file_type(file, G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE, NULL); if (type == G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN && G_FILE_GET_IFACE(file)->mount_enclosing_volume) { // TODO(p): At least provide some kind of indication. GMountOperation *op = gtk_mount_operation_new(GTK_WINDOW(g.window)); g_file_mount_enclosing_volume(file, G_MOUNT_MOUNT_NONE, op, NULL, on_mounted_enclosing, NULL); g_object_unref(op); return; } gchar *uri = g_file_get_uri(file); if (type == G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { errno = ENOENT; show_error_dialog(g_error_new(G_FILE_ERROR, g_file_error_from_errno(errno), "%s: %s", uri, g_strerror(errno))); } else if (type == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { load_directory(uri); } else if (force_browser) { // GNOME, e.g., invokes this as a hint to focus the particular file. gchar *parent = parent_uri(file); load_directory(parent); g_free(parent); fiv_browser_select(FIV_BROWSER(g.browser), uri); } else { open(uri); } g_free(uri); } static void on_open_location(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkPlacesSidebar *sidebar, GFile *location, GtkPlacesOpenFlags flags, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { gchar *uri = g_file_get_uri(location); if (flags & GTK_PLACES_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW) spawn_uri(uri); else open_any_file(location, FALSE); g_free(uri); } static void on_toolbar_zoom(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data) { FivThumbnailSize size = FIV_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_COUNT; g_object_get(g.browser, "thumbnail-size", &size, NULL); size += (gintptr) user_data; g_return_if_fail(size >= FIV_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_MIN && size <= FIV_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_MAX); g_object_set(g.browser, "thumbnail-size", size, NULL); } static void on_notify_thumbnail_size( GObject *object, GParamSpec *param_spec, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { FivThumbnailSize size = 0; g_object_get(object, g_param_spec_get_name(param_spec), &size, NULL); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.plus, size < FIV_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_MAX); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.minus, size > FIV_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_MIN); } static void on_notify_filtering( GObject *object, GParamSpec *param_spec, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { gboolean b = FALSE; g_object_get(object, g_param_spec_get_name(param_spec), &b, NULL); gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(g.funnel), b); } static void on_notify_sort_field( GObject *object, GParamSpec *param_spec, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { gint field = -1; g_object_get(object, g_param_spec_get_name(param_spec), &field, NULL); gtk_check_menu_item_set_active( GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(g.sort_field[field]), TRUE); } static void on_notify_sort_descending( GObject *object, GParamSpec *param_spec, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { gboolean b = FALSE; g_object_get(object, g_param_spec_get_name(param_spec), &b, NULL); gtk_check_menu_item_set_active( GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(g.sort_direction[b]), TRUE); } static void toggle_fullscreen(void) { if (gdk_window_get_state(gtk_widget_get_window(g.window)) & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN) gtk_window_unfullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(g.window)); else gtk_window_fullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(g.window)); } static void on_window_state_event(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventWindowState *event, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { if (!(event->changed_mask & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN)) return; const char *name = (event->new_window_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN) ? "view-restore-symbolic" : "view-fullscreen-symbolic"; GtkButton *button = GTK_BUTTON(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_FULLSCREEN]); GtkImage *image = GTK_IMAGE(gtk_button_get_image(button)); gtk_image_set_from_icon_name(image, name, GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON); } static void on_help_destroyed(GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget **storage) { g_return_if_fail(*storage == window); *storage = NULL; } static void show_help_shortcuts(void) { static GtkWidget *window; if (!window) { window = make_key_window(); g_signal_connect( window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(on_help_destroyed), &window); } g_object_set(window, "section-name", gtk_stack_get_visible_child(GTK_STACK(g.stack)) == g.view_box ? "view" : "browser", NULL); gtk_widget_show(window); } // Cursor keys, e.g., simply cannot be bound through accelerators // (and GtkWidget::keynav-failed would arguably be an awful solution). // // GtkBindingSets can be added directly through GtkStyleContext, // but that would still require setting up action signals on the widget class, // which is extremely cumbersome. GtkWidget::move-focus has no return value, // so we can't override that and abort further handling. // // Therefore, bind directly to keypresses. Order can be fine-tuned with // g_signal_connect{,after}(), or overriding the handler and either tactically // chaining up or using gtk_window_propagate_key_event(). static gboolean on_key_press(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data) { switch (event->state & gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask()) { case GDK_MOD1_MASK | GDK_SHIFT_MASK: if (event->keyval == GDK_KEY_D) { GtkSettings *settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); const char *property = "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme"; gboolean set = FALSE; g_object_get(settings, property, &set, NULL); g_object_set(settings, property, !set, NULL); } break; case GDK_CONTROL_MASK: case GDK_CONTROL_MASK | GDK_SHIFT_MASK: switch (event->keyval) { case GDK_KEY_h: gtk_button_clicked(GTK_BUTTON(g.funnel)); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_l: fiv_sidebar_show_enter_location(FIV_SIDEBAR(g.browser_sidebar)); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_n: spawn_uri(g.directory); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_o: on_open(); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_q: case GDK_KEY_w: gtk_widget_destroy(g.window); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_question: show_help_shortcuts(); return TRUE; } break; case GDK_MOD1_MASK: switch (event->keyval) { case GDK_KEY_Left: if (gtk_stack_get_visible_child(GTK_STACK(g.stack)) == g.view_box) switch_to_browser(); else if (g.directory_back) load_directory(g.directory_back->data); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_Right: if (g.directory_forward) load_directory(g.directory_forward->data); else if (g.uri) switch_to_view(); return TRUE; } break; case GDK_SHIFT_MASK: switch (event->keyval) { case GDK_KEY_F1: show_about_dialog(g.window); return TRUE; } break; case 0: switch (event->keyval) { case GDK_KEY_Escape: case GDK_KEY_q: gtk_widget_destroy(g.window); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_o: on_open(); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_F1: show_help_shortcuts(); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_F9: gtk_widget_set_visible(g.browser_sidebar, !gtk_widget_is_visible(g.browser_sidebar)); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_F11: case GDK_KEY_f: toggle_fullscreen(); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static gboolean on_key_press_view(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data) { switch (event->state & gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask()) { case 0: switch (event->keyval) { case GDK_KEY_F8: gtk_widget_set_visible(g.view_toolbar, !gtk_widget_is_visible(g.view_toolbar)); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_Left: case GDK_KEY_Up: case GDK_KEY_Page_Up: on_previous(); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_Right: case GDK_KEY_Down: case GDK_KEY_Page_Down: on_next(); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_Return: switch_to_browser(); fiv_browser_select(FIV_BROWSER(g.browser), g.uri); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static gboolean on_key_press_browser_paned(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data) { // TODO(p): Consider replicating more GtkFileChooserWidget bindings. switch (event->state & gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask()) { case GDK_CONTROL_MASK: switch (event->keyval) { case GDK_KEY_r: load_directory(NULL); return TRUE; } break; case GDK_MOD1_MASK: switch (event->keyval) { case GDK_KEY_Up: { GFile *directory = g_file_new_for_uri(g.directory); gchar *parent = parent_uri(directory); g_object_unref(directory); load_directory(parent); g_free(parent); return TRUE; } case GDK_KEY_Home: { gchar *uri = g_filename_to_uri(g_get_home_dir(), NULL, NULL); load_directory(uri); g_free(uri); return TRUE; } } break; case 0: switch (event->keyval) { case GDK_KEY_h: gtk_button_clicked(GTK_BUTTON(g.funnel)); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_F5: case GDK_KEY_r: load_directory(NULL); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static gboolean on_button_press_view(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event) { if ((event->state & gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask())) return FALSE; switch (event->button) { case 8: // back switch_to_browser(); return TRUE; case GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY: if (event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) { toggle_fullscreen(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; default: return FALSE; } } static gboolean on_button_press_browser_paned( G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event) { if ((event->state & gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask())) return FALSE; switch (event->button) { case 8: // back if (g.directory_back) load_directory(g.directory_back->data); return TRUE; case 9: // forward if (g.directory_forward) load_directory(g.directory_forward->data); else if (g.uri) switch_to_view(); return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } static GtkWidget * make_toolbar_button(const gchar *symbolic, const gchar *tooltip) { GtkWidget *button = gtk_button_new(); gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(button), gtk_image_new_from_icon_name(symbolic, GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(button, tooltip); gtk_widget_set_focus_on_click(button, FALSE); gtk_style_context_add_class( gtk_widget_get_style_context(button), GTK_STYLE_CLASS_FLAT); return button; } static GtkWidget * make_toolbar_toggle(const gchar *symbolic, const gchar *tooltip) { GtkWidget *button = gtk_toggle_button_new(); gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(button), gtk_image_new_from_icon_name(symbolic, GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(button, tooltip); gtk_widget_set_focus_on_click(button, FALSE); gtk_style_context_add_class( gtk_widget_get_style_context(button), GTK_STYLE_CLASS_FLAT); return button; } static void on_view_actions_changed(void) { gboolean has_image = FALSE, can_animate = FALSE; gboolean has_previous = FALSE, has_next = FALSE; g_object_get(g.view, "has-image", &has_image, "can-animate", &can_animate, "has-previous-page", &has_previous, "has-next-page", &has_next, NULL); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_PAGE_FIRST], has_previous); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_PAGE_PREVIOUS], has_previous); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_PAGE_NEXT], has_next); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_PAGE_LAST], has_next); // We don't want these to flash during playback. gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SKIP_BACK], can_animate); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SEEK_BACK], can_animate); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_PLAY_PAUSE], can_animate); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SEEK_FORWARD], can_animate); // Note that none of the following should be visible with no image. gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_MINUS], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SCALE], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_PLUS], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_ONE], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_FIT], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_COLOR], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SMOOTH], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_CHECKERBOARD], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_ENHANCE], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SAVE], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_PRINT], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_INFO], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_LEFT], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_MIRROR], has_image); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_RIGHT], has_image); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - static void on_notify_view_scale( GObject *object, GParamSpec *param_spec, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { double scale = 0; g_object_get(object, g_param_spec_get_name(param_spec), &scale, NULL); gchar *scale_str = g_strdup_printf("%.0f%%", round(scale * 100)); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SCALE]), scale_str); g_free(scale_str); // FIXME: The label doesn't immediately assume its new width. } static void on_notify_view_playing( GObject *object, GParamSpec *param_spec, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { gboolean b = FALSE; g_object_get(object, g_param_spec_get_name(param_spec), &b, NULL); const char *name = b ? "media-playback-pause-symbolic" : "media-playback-start-symbolic"; GtkButton *button = GTK_BUTTON(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_PLAY_PAUSE]); GtkImage *image = GTK_IMAGE(gtk_button_get_image(button)); gtk_image_set_from_icon_name(image, name, GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON); } static void on_notify_view_boolean( GObject *object, GParamSpec *param_spec, gpointer user_data) { gboolean b = FALSE; g_object_get(object, g_param_spec_get_name(param_spec), &b, NULL); gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(user_data), b); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - static void on_toolbar_view_toggle(GtkToggleButton *button, const char *property) { g_object_set(g.view, property, gtk_toggle_button_get_active(button), NULL); } static void toolbar_toggler(int index, const char *property) { g_signal_connect(g.toolbar[index], "toggled", G_CALLBACK(on_toolbar_view_toggle), (gpointer) property); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - static void on_toolbar_view_command(intptr_t command) { fiv_view_command(FIV_VIEW(g.view), command); } static void toolbar_command(int index, FivViewCommand command) { g_signal_connect_swapped(g.toolbar[index], "clicked", G_CALLBACK(on_toolbar_view_command), (void *) (intptr_t) command); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - static void toolbar_connect(int index, GCallback callback) { g_signal_connect_swapped(g.toolbar[index], "clicked", callback, NULL); } // TODO(p): The text and icons should be faded, unless the mouse cursor is // on the toolbar. However, GtkEventBox is of no use, because either buttons // steal our {enter,leave}-notify-events, or we steal all their input. // Not even connecting to these signals on children works, insensitive buttons // will not trigger anything. // TODO(p): The toolbar should not be visible in fullscreen, or should show up // only when the cursor reaches the top of the screen. Translucency sounds // like a good mechanism here. Presumably, GtkOverlay could be used for this, // but it faces the same problem as above--the input model sucks. // TODO(p): Simply hide it in fullscreen and add a replacement context menu. static GtkWidget * make_view_toolbar(void) { #define XX(id, constructor) g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_ ## id] = constructor; TOOLBAR(XX) #undef XX gtk_widget_set_margin_start(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SCALE], 5); gtk_widget_set_margin_end(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SCALE], 5); // So that the width doesn't jump around in the usual zoom range. // Ideally, we'd measure the widest digit and use width(NNN%). gtk_label_set_width_chars(GTK_LABEL(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SCALE]), 5); gtk_widget_set_halign(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SCALE], GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); // GtkStatusBar solves a problem we do not have here. GtkWidget *view_toolbar = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); gtk_widget_set_name(view_toolbar, "toolbar"); GtkBox *box = GTK_BOX(view_toolbar); // Exploring different versions of awkward layouts. for (int i = 0; i <= TOOLBAR_S1; i++) gtk_box_pack_start(box, g.toolbar[i], FALSE, FALSE, 0); for (int i = TOOLBAR_COUNT; --i >= TOOLBAR_S7; ) gtk_box_pack_end(box, g.toolbar[i], FALSE, FALSE, 0); GtkWidget *center = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); for (int i = TOOLBAR_S1; ++i < TOOLBAR_S7; ) gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(center), g.toolbar[i], FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_set_center_widget(box, center); toolbar_connect(TOOLBAR_BROWSE, G_CALLBACK(switch_to_browser)); toolbar_connect(TOOLBAR_FILE_PREVIOUS, G_CALLBACK(on_previous)); toolbar_connect(TOOLBAR_FILE_NEXT, G_CALLBACK(on_next)); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_PAGE_FIRST, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_PAGE_FIRST); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_PAGE_PREVIOUS, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_PAGE_PREVIOUS); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_PAGE_NEXT, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_PAGE_NEXT); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_PAGE_LAST, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_PAGE_LAST); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_SKIP_BACK, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_FRAME_FIRST); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_SEEK_BACK, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_FRAME_PREVIOUS); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_PLAY_PAUSE, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_TOGGLE_PLAYBACK); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_SEEK_FORWARD, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_FRAME_NEXT); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_MINUS, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_ZOOM_OUT); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_PLUS, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_ZOOM_IN); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_ONE, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_ZOOM_1); toolbar_toggler(TOOLBAR_FIT, "scale-to-fit"); toolbar_toggler(TOOLBAR_COLOR, "enable-cms"); toolbar_toggler(TOOLBAR_SMOOTH, "filter"); toolbar_toggler(TOOLBAR_CHECKERBOARD, "checkerboard"); toolbar_toggler(TOOLBAR_ENHANCE, "enhance"); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_PRINT, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_PRINT); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_SAVE, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_SAVE_PAGE); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_INFO, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_INFO); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_LEFT, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_ROTATE_LEFT); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_MIRROR, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_MIRROR); toolbar_command(TOOLBAR_RIGHT, FIV_VIEW_COMMAND_ROTATE_RIGHT); toolbar_connect(TOOLBAR_FULLSCREEN, G_CALLBACK(toggle_fullscreen)); g_signal_connect(g.view, "notify::scale", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_view_scale), NULL); g_signal_connect(g.view, "notify::playing", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_view_playing), NULL); g_signal_connect(g.view, "notify::scale-to-fit", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_view_boolean), g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_FIT]); g_signal_connect(g.view, "notify::enable-cms", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_view_boolean), g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_COLOR]); g_signal_connect(g.view, "notify::filter", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_view_boolean), g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_SMOOTH]); g_signal_connect(g.view, "notify::checkerboard", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_view_boolean), g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_CHECKERBOARD]); g_signal_connect(g.view, "notify::enhance", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_view_boolean), g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_ENHANCE]); g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(g.view), "scale"); g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(g.view), "playing"); g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(g.view), "scale-to-fit"); g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(g.view), "enable-cms"); g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(g.view), "filter"); g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(g.view), "checkerboard"); g_object_notify(G_OBJECT(g.view), "enhance"); #ifndef HAVE_LCMS2 gtk_widget_set_no_show_all(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_COLOR], TRUE); #endif #ifndef HAVE_JPEG_QS gtk_widget_set_no_show_all(g.toolbar[TOOLBAR_ENHANCE], TRUE); #endif GCallback callback = G_CALLBACK(on_view_actions_changed); g_signal_connect(g.view, "notify::has-image", callback, NULL); g_signal_connect(g.view, "notify::can-animate", callback, NULL); g_signal_connect(g.view, "notify::has-previous-page", callback, NULL); g_signal_connect(g.view, "notify::has-next-page", callback, NULL); callback(); return view_toolbar; } static GtkWidget * make_browser_sidebar(FivIoModel *model) { GtkWidget *sidebar = fiv_sidebar_new(model); g_signal_connect(sidebar, "open-location", G_CALLBACK(on_open_location), NULL); g.plus = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name("zoom-in-symbolic", GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g.plus, "Larger thumbnails"); g_signal_connect(g.plus, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(on_toolbar_zoom), (gpointer) +1); g.minus = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name("zoom-out-symbolic", GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g.minus, "Smaller thumbnails"); g_signal_connect(g.minus, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(on_toolbar_zoom), (gpointer) -1); GtkWidget *zoom_group = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); gtk_style_context_add_class( gtk_widget_get_style_context(zoom_group), GTK_STYLE_CLASS_LINKED); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(zoom_group), g.plus, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(zoom_group), g.minus, FALSE, FALSE, 0); g.funnel = gtk_toggle_button_new(); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(g.funnel), gtk_image_new_from_icon_name("funnel-symbolic", GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g.funnel, "Hide unsupported files"); g_signal_connect(g.funnel, "toggled", G_CALLBACK(on_filtering_toggled), NULL); GtkWidget *menu = gtk_menu_new(); g.sort_field[0] = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(NULL, "By _Name"); g.sort_field[1] = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic( gtk_radio_menu_item_get_group(GTK_RADIO_MENU_ITEM(g.sort_field[0])), "By _Modification Time"); for (int i = FIV_IO_MODEL_SORT_MIN; i <= FIV_IO_MODEL_SORT_MAX; i++) { g_signal_connect(g.sort_field[i], "activate", G_CALLBACK(on_sort_field), (void *) (intptr_t) i); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), g.sort_field[i]); } g.sort_direction[0] = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(NULL, "_Ascending"); g.sort_direction[1] = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic( gtk_radio_menu_item_get_group(GTK_RADIO_MENU_ITEM(g.sort_direction[0])), "_Descending"); g_signal_connect(g.sort_direction[0], "activate", G_CALLBACK(on_sort_direction), (void *) 0); g_signal_connect(g.sort_direction[1], "activate", G_CALLBACK(on_sort_direction), (void *) 1); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), gtk_separator_menu_item_new()); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), g.sort_direction[0]); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), g.sort_direction[1]); gtk_widget_show_all(menu); GtkWidget *sort = gtk_menu_button_new(); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(sort, "Sort order"); gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(sort), gtk_image_new_from_icon_name( "view-sort-ascending-symbolic", GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)); gtk_menu_button_set_popup(GTK_MENU_BUTTON(sort), menu); GtkWidget *model_group = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); gtk_style_context_add_class( gtk_widget_get_style_context(model_group), GTK_STYLE_CLASS_LINKED); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(model_group), g.funnel, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(model_group), sort, FALSE, FALSE, 0); GtkBox *toolbar = fiv_sidebar_get_toolbar(FIV_SIDEBAR(sidebar)); gtk_box_pack_start(toolbar, zoom_group, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(toolbar, model_group, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_set_halign(GTK_WIDGET(toolbar), GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); g_signal_connect(g.browser, "notify::thumbnail-size", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_thumbnail_size), NULL); g_signal_connect(model, "notify::filtering", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_filtering), NULL); g_signal_connect(model, "notify::sort-field", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_sort_field), NULL); g_signal_connect(model, "notify::sort-descending", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_sort_descending), NULL); on_toolbar_zoom(NULL, (gpointer) 0); gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(g.funnel), TRUE); // TODO(p): Invoke sort configuration notifications explicitly. return sidebar; } // This is incredibly broken https://stackoverflow.com/a/51054396/76313 // thus resolving the problem using overlaps. // We're trying to be universal for light and dark themes both. It's hard. static const char stylesheet[] = "@define-color fiv-tile @content_view_bg; \ @define-color fiv-semiselected \ mix(@theme_selected_bg_color, @content_view_bg, 0.5); \ fiv-view, fiv-browser { background: @content_view_bg; } \ placessidebar.fiv .toolbar { padding: 2px 6px; } \ placessidebar.fiv box > separator { margin: 4px 0; } \ #toolbar button { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } \ #toolbar > button:first-child { padding-left: 4px; } \ #toolbar > button:last-child { padding-right: 4px; } \ #toolbar separator { \ background: mix(@insensitive_fg_color, \ @insensitive_bg_color, 0.4); margin: 6px 8px; \ } \ fiv-browser { padding: 5px; } \ fiv-browser.item { \ /* For non-symbolic, color is applied to the glowing margin. */ \ color: mix(#000, @content_view_bg, 0.625); margin: 8px; \ border: 2px solid #fff; \ } \ fiv-browser.item, fiv-view.checkerboard { \ background: @theme_bg_color; background-image: \ linear-gradient(45deg, @fiv-tile 26%, transparent 26%), \ linear-gradient(-45deg, @fiv-tile 26%, transparent 26%), \ linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 74%, @fiv-tile 74%), \ linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 74%, @fiv-tile 74%); \ background-size: 40px 40px; \ background-position: 0 0, 0 20px, 20px -20px, -20px 0px; \ } \ fiv-browser.item:selected { \ color: @theme_selected_bg_color; \ border-color: @theme_selected_bg_color; \ } \ fiv-browser.item:selected:not(:focus) { \ color: @fiv-semiselected; \ border-color: @fiv-semiselected; \ } \ fiv-browser.item:backdrop:not(:selected) { \ color: mix(#000, @content_view_bg, 0.875); \ border-color: mix(#fff, @content_view_bg, 0.5); \ } \ fiv-browser.item.symbolic, \ fiv-browser.item.symbolic:selected, \ fiv-browser.item.symbolic:backdrop { \ color: shade(@theme_bg_color, 0.875); \ border-color: transparent; \ } \ fiv-browser.item.symbolic { \ background-blend-mode: color; \ background: @theme_bg_color; background-image: none; \ } \ fiv-browser.item.symbolic:selected { \ color: @theme_selected_bg_color; background-image: linear-gradient(0, \ @theme_selected_bg_color, @theme_selected_bg_color); \ } \ fiv-browser.item.symbolic:selected:not(:focus) { \ color: @fiv-semiselected; background-image: linear-gradient(0, \ @fiv-semiselected, @fiv-semiselected); \ } \ .fiv-information label { padding: 0 4px; }"; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { gboolean show_version = FALSE, show_supported_media_types = FALSE, browse = FALSE; gchar **path_args = NULL, *thumbnail_size = NULL; const GOptionEntry options[] = { {G_OPTION_REMAINING, 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY, &path_args, NULL, "[FILE | DIRECTORY]"}, {"list-supported-media-types", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAIN, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &show_supported_media_types, "Output supported media types and exit", NULL}, {"browse", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAIN, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &browse, "Start in filesystem browsing mode", NULL}, {"thumbnail", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAIN, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &thumbnail_size, "Generate thumbnails for an image, up to the given size", "SIZE"}, {"version", 'V', G_OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAIN, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &show_version, "Output version information and exit", NULL}, {}, }; GError *error = NULL; gboolean initialized = gtk_init_with_args( &argc, &argv, " - Image browser and viewer", options, NULL, &error); if (show_version) { printf(PROJECT_NAME " " PROJECT_VERSION "\n"); return 0; } if (show_supported_media_types) { for (char **types = fiv_io_all_supported_media_types(); *types; ) g_print("%s\n", *types++); return 0; } if (!initialized) exit_fatal("%s", error->message); // NOTE: Firefox and Eye of GNOME both interpret multiple arguments // in a special way. This is problematic, because one-element lists // are unrepresentable. // TODO(p): Require a command line switch, load a virtual folder. // We may want or need to create a custom GVfs. // TODO(p): Complain to the user if there's more than one argument. // Best show the help message, if we can figure that out. const gchar *path_arg = path_args ? path_args[0] : NULL; if (thumbnail_size) { if (!path_arg) exit_fatal("no path given"); FivThumbnailSize size = 0; for (; size < FIV_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_COUNT; size++) if (!strcmp(fiv_thumbnail_sizes[size].thumbnail_spec_name, thumbnail_size)) break; if (size >= FIV_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_COUNT) exit_fatal("unknown thumbnail size: %s", thumbnail_size); GFile *target = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg(path_arg); if (!fiv_thumbnail_produce(target, size, &error)) exit_fatal("%s", error->message); g_object_unref(target); return 0; } g.model = g_object_new(FIV_TYPE_IO_MODEL, NULL); g_signal_connect(g.model, "files-changed", G_CALLBACK(on_model_files_changed), NULL); gtk_window_set_default_icon_name(PROJECT_NAME); gtk_icon_theme_add_resource_path( gtk_icon_theme_get_default(), "/org/gnome/design/IconLibrary/"); GtkCssProvider *provider = gtk_css_provider_new(); gtk_css_provider_load_from_data( provider, stylesheet, sizeof stylesheet - 1, NULL); gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen(gdk_screen_get_default(), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER(provider), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); g_object_unref(provider); GtkWidget *view_scroller = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); g.view = g_object_new(FIV_TYPE_VIEW, NULL); g_signal_connect(g.view, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(on_key_press_view), NULL); g_signal_connect(g.view, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(on_button_press_view), NULL); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(view_scroller), g.view); // We need to hide it together with the separator. g.view_toolbar = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(g.view_toolbar), make_view_toolbar(), FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(g.view_toolbar), gtk_separator_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), FALSE, FALSE, 0); // Need to put the toolbar at the top, because of the horizontal scrollbar. g.view_box = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(g.view_box), g.view_toolbar, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(g.view_box), view_scroller, TRUE, TRUE, 0); g.browser_scroller = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); g.browser = fiv_browser_new(g.model); gtk_widget_set_vexpand(g.browser, TRUE); gtk_widget_set_hexpand(g.browser, TRUE); g_signal_connect(g.browser, "item-activated", G_CALLBACK(on_item_activated), NULL); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(g.browser_scroller), g.browser); g.browser_sidebar = make_browser_sidebar(g.model); g.browser_paned = gtk_paned_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); gtk_paned_add1(GTK_PANED(g.browser_paned), g.browser_sidebar); gtk_paned_add2(GTK_PANED(g.browser_paned), g.browser_scroller); g_signal_connect(g.browser_paned, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(on_key_press_browser_paned), NULL); g_signal_connect(g.browser_paned, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(on_button_press_browser_paned), NULL); g.stack = gtk_stack_new(); gtk_stack_set_transition_type( GTK_STACK(g.stack), GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_NONE); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(g.stack), g.view_box); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(g.stack), g.browser_paned); gtk_widget_show_all(g.stack); g.window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); g_signal_connect(g.window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL); g_signal_connect(g.window, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(on_key_press), NULL); g_signal_connect(g.window, "window-state-event", G_CALLBACK(on_window_state_event), NULL); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(g.window), g.stack); // Try to get half of the screen vertically, in 4:3 aspect ratio. // // We need the GdkMonitor before the GtkWindow has a GdkWindow (i.e., // before it is realized). Take the smallest dimensions, out of desperation. GdkDisplay *display = gtk_widget_get_display(g.window); int unit = G_MAXINT; for (int i = gdk_display_get_n_monitors(display); i--; ) { GdkRectangle geometry = {}; gdk_monitor_get_geometry( gdk_display_get_monitor(display, i), &geometry); unit = MIN(unit, MIN(geometry.width, geometry.height) / 6); } // Ask for at least 800x600, to cover ridiculously heterogenous setups. unit = MAX(200, unit); gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(g.window), 4 * unit, 3 * unit); // XXX: The widget wants to read the display's profile. The realize is ugly. gtk_widget_realize(g.view); g.files = g_ptr_array_new_full(0, g_free); if (path_arg) { GFile *file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg(path_arg); open_any_file(file, browse); g_object_unref(file); } if (!g.directory) { GFile *file = g_file_new_for_path("."); open_any_file(file, FALSE); g_object_unref(file); } gtk_widget_show_all(g.window); gtk_main(); return 0; }