// // fiv-io-cmm.c: colour management // // Copyright (c) 2024, Přemysl Eric Janouch // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY // SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // #include "config.h" #include #include #include "fiv-io.h" // Colour management must be handled before RGB conversions. // TODO(p): Make it also possible to use Skia's skcms. #ifdef HAVE_LCMS2 #include #endif // HAVE_LCMS2 #ifdef HAVE_LCMS2_FAST_FLOAT #include #endif // HAVE_LCMS2_FAST_FLOAT // --- CMM-independent transforms ---------------------------------------------- // CAIRO_STRIDE_ALIGNMENT is 4 bytes, so there will be no padding with // ARGB/BGRA/XRGB/BGRX. static void trivial_cmyk_to_host_byte_order_argb(unsigned char *p, int len) { // This CMYK handling has been seen in gdk-pixbuf/JPEG, GIMP/JPEG, skcms. // It will typically produce horribly oversaturated results. // Assume that all YCCK/CMYK JPEG files use inverted CMYK, as Photoshop // does, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=618096 while (len--) { int c = p[0], m = p[1], y = p[2], k = p[3]; #if G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN p[0] = k * y / 255; p[1] = k * m / 255; p[2] = k * c / 255; p[3] = 255; #else p[3] = k * y / 255; p[2] = k * m / 255; p[1] = k * c / 255; p[0] = 255; #endif p += 4; } } // From libwebp, verified to exactly match [x * a / 255]. #define PREMULTIPLY8(a, x) (((uint32_t) (x) * (uint32_t) (a) * 32897U) >> 23) void fiv_io_premultiply_argb32(FivIoImage *image) { if (image->format != CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32) return; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < image->height; y++) { uint32_t *dstp = (uint32_t *) (image->data + image->stride * y); for (uint32_t x = 0; x < image->width; x++) { uint32_t argb = dstp[x], a = argb >> 24; dstp[x] = a << 24 | PREMULTIPLY8(a, 0xFF & (argb >> 16)) << 16 | PREMULTIPLY8(a, 0xFF & (argb >> 8)) << 8 | PREMULTIPLY8(a, 0xFF & argb); } } } // --- Profiles ---------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef HAVE_LCMS2 struct _FivIoProfile { FivIoCmm *cmm; cmsHPROFILE profile; }; GBytes * fiv_io_profile_to_bytes(FivIoProfile *profile) { cmsUInt32Number len = 0; (void) cmsSaveProfileToMem(profile, NULL, &len); gchar *data = g_malloc0(len); if (!cmsSaveProfileToMem(profile, data, &len)) { g_free(data); return NULL; } return g_bytes_new_take(data, len); } static FivIoProfile * fiv_io_profile_new(FivIoCmm *cmm, cmsHPROFILE profile) { FivIoProfile *self = g_new0(FivIoProfile, 1); self->cmm = g_object_ref(cmm); self->profile = profile; return self; } void fiv_io_profile_free(FivIoProfile *self) { cmsCloseProfile(self->profile); g_clear_object(&self->cmm); g_free(self); } #else // ! HAVE_LCMS2 GBytes *fiv_io_profile_to_bytes(FivIoProfile *) { return NULL; } void fiv_io_profile_free(FivIoProfile *) {} #endif // ! HAVE_LCMS2 // --- Contexts ---------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef HAVE_LCMS2 struct _FivIoCmm { GObject parent_instance; cmsContext context; // https://github.com/mm2/Little-CMS/issues/430 gboolean broken_premul; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE(FivIoCmm, fiv_io_cmm, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static void fiv_io_cmm_finalize(GObject *gobject) { FivIoCmm *self = FIV_IO_CMM(gobject); cmsDeleteContext(self->context); G_OBJECT_CLASS(fiv_io_cmm_parent_class)->finalize(gobject); } static void fiv_io_cmm_class_init(FivIoCmmClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); object_class->finalize = fiv_io_cmm_finalize; } static void fiv_io_cmm_init(FivIoCmm *self) { self->context = cmsCreateContext(NULL, self); #ifdef HAVE_LCMS2_FAST_FLOAT if (cmsPluginTHR(self->context, cmsFastFloatExtensions())) self->broken_premul = LCMS_VERSION <= 2160; #endif // HAVE_LCMS2_FAST_FLOAT } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FivIoCmm * fiv_io_cmm_get_default(void) { static gsize initialization_value = 0; static FivIoCmm *default_ = NULL; if (g_once_init_enter(&initialization_value)) { gsize setup_value = 1; default_ = g_object_new(FIV_TYPE_IO_CMM, NULL); g_once_init_leave(&initialization_value, setup_value); } return default_; } FivIoProfile * fiv_io_cmm_get_profile(FivIoCmm *self, const void *data, size_t len) { g_return_val_if_fail(self != NULL, NULL); return fiv_io_profile_new(self, cmsOpenProfileFromMemTHR(self->context, data, len)); } FivIoProfile * fiv_io_cmm_get_profile_sRGB(FivIoCmm *self) { g_return_val_if_fail(self != NULL, NULL); return fiv_io_profile_new(self, cmsCreate_sRGBProfileTHR(self->context)); } FivIoProfile * fiv_io_cmm_get_profile_parametric(FivIoCmm *self, double gamma, double whitepoint[2], double primaries[6]) { g_return_val_if_fail(self != NULL, NULL); const cmsCIExyY cmsWP = {whitepoint[0], whitepoint[1], 1.0}; const cmsCIExyYTRIPLE cmsP = { {primaries[0], primaries[1], 1.0}, {primaries[2], primaries[3], 1.0}, {primaries[4], primaries[5], 1.0}, }; cmsToneCurve *curve = cmsBuildGamma(self->context, gamma); if (!curve) return NULL; cmsHPROFILE profile = cmsCreateRGBProfileTHR(self->context, &cmsWP, &cmsP, (cmsToneCurve *[3]){curve, curve, curve}); cmsFreeToneCurve(curve); return fiv_io_profile_new(self, profile); } #else // ! HAVE_LCMS2 FivIoCmm * fiv_io_cmm_get_default() { return NULL; } FivIoProfile * fiv_io_cmm_get_profile(FivIoCmm *, const void *, size_t) { return NULL; } FivIoProfile * fiv_io_cmm_get_profile_sRGB(FivIoCmm *) { return NULL; } FivIoProfile * fiv_io_cmm_get_profile_parametric(FivIoCmm *, double, double[2], double[6]) { return NULL; } #endif // ! HAVE_LCMS2 // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FivIoProfile * fiv_io_cmm_get_profile_sRGB_gamma(FivIoCmm *self, double gamma) { return fiv_io_cmm_get_profile_parametric(self, gamma, (double[2]){0.3127, 0.3290}, (double[6]){0.6400, 0.3300, 0.3000, 0.6000, 0.1500, 0.0600}); } FivIoProfile * fiv_io_cmm_get_profile_from_bytes(FivIoCmm *self, GBytes *bytes) { gsize len = 0; gconstpointer p = g_bytes_get_data(bytes, &len); return fiv_io_cmm_get_profile(self, p, len); } // --- Image loading ----------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef HAVE_LCMS2 // TODO(p): In general, try to use CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB30 or CAIRO_FORMAT_RGBA128F. #define FIV_IO_PROFILE_ARGB32 \ (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN ? TYPE_BGRA_8 : TYPE_ARGB_8) #define FIV_IO_PROFILE_4X16LE \ (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN ? TYPE_BGRA_16 : TYPE_BGRA_16_SE) void fiv_io_cmm_cmyk(FivIoCmm *self, FivIoImage *image, FivIoProfile *source, FivIoProfile *target) { g_return_if_fail(target == NULL || self != NULL); cmsHTRANSFORM transform = NULL; if (source && target) { transform = cmsCreateTransformTHR(self->context, source->profile, TYPE_CMYK_8_REV, target->profile, FIV_IO_PROFILE_ARGB32, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); } if (transform) { cmsDoTransform( transform, image->data, image->data, image->width * image->height); cmsDeleteTransform(transform); return; } trivial_cmyk_to_host_byte_order_argb( image->data, image->width * image->height); } static bool fiv_io_cmm_rgb_direct(FivIoCmm *self, unsigned char *data, int w, int h, FivIoProfile *source, FivIoProfile *target, uint32_t source_format, uint32_t target_format) { g_return_val_if_fail(target == NULL || self != NULL, false); // TODO(p): We should make this optional. FivIoProfile *src_fallback = NULL; if (target && !source) source = src_fallback = fiv_io_cmm_get_profile_sRGB(self); cmsHTRANSFORM transform = NULL; if (source && target) { transform = cmsCreateTransformTHR(self->context, source->profile, source_format, target->profile, target_format, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); } if (transform) { cmsDoTransform(transform, data, data, w * h); cmsDeleteTransform(transform); } if (src_fallback) fiv_io_profile_free(src_fallback); return transform != NULL; } static void fiv_io_cmm_xrgb32(FivIoCmm *self, FivIoImage *image, FivIoProfile *source, FivIoProfile *target) { fiv_io_cmm_rgb_direct(self, image->data, image->width, image->height, source, target, FIV_IO_PROFILE_ARGB32, FIV_IO_PROFILE_ARGB32); } void fiv_io_cmm_4x16le_direct(FivIoCmm *self, unsigned char *data, int w, int h, FivIoProfile *source, FivIoProfile *target) { fiv_io_cmm_rgb_direct(self, data, w, h, source, target, FIV_IO_PROFILE_4X16LE, FIV_IO_PROFILE_4X16LE); } #else // ! HAVE_LCMS2 void fiv_io_cmm_cmyk(FivIoCmm *, FivIoImage *image, FivIoProfile *, FivIoProfile *) { trivial_cmyk_to_host_byte_order_argb( image->data, image->width * image->height); } static void fiv_io_cmm_xrgb32(FivIoCmm *, FivIoImage *, FivIoProfile *, FivIoProfile *) { } void fiv_io_cmm_4x16le_direct( FivIoCmm *, unsigned char *, int, int, FivIoProfile *, FivIoProfile *) { } #endif // ! HAVE_LCMS2 // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #if defined HAVE_LCMS2 && LCMS_VERSION >= 2130 #define FIV_IO_PROFILE_ARGB32_PREMUL \ (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN ? TYPE_BGRA_8_PREMUL : TYPE_ARGB_8_PREMUL) static void fiv_io_cmm_argb32(FivIoCmm *self, FivIoImage *image, FivIoProfile *source, FivIoProfile *target) { g_return_if_fail(image->format == CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32); // TODO: With self->broken_premul, // this probably also needs to be wrapped in un-premultiplication. fiv_io_cmm_rgb_direct(self, image->data, image->width, image->height, source, target, FIV_IO_PROFILE_ARGB32_PREMUL, FIV_IO_PROFILE_ARGB32_PREMUL); } void fiv_io_cmm_argb32_premultiply(FivIoCmm *self, FivIoImage *image, FivIoProfile *source, FivIoProfile *target) { g_return_if_fail(target == NULL || self != NULL); if (image->format != CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32) { fiv_io_cmm_xrgb32(self, image, source, target); } else if (!target || self->broken_premul) { fiv_io_cmm_xrgb32(self, image, source, target); fiv_io_premultiply_argb32(image); } else if (!fiv_io_cmm_rgb_direct(self, image->data, image->width, image->height, source, target, FIV_IO_PROFILE_ARGB32, FIV_IO_PROFILE_ARGB32_PREMUL)) { g_debug("failed to create a premultiplying transform"); fiv_io_premultiply_argb32(image); } } #else // ! HAVE_LCMS2 || LCMS_VERSION < 2130 static void fiv_io_cmm_argb32(G_GNUC_UNUSED FivIoCmm *self, G_GNUC_UNUSED FivIoImage *image, G_GNUC_UNUSED FivIoProfile *source, G_GNUC_UNUSED FivIoProfile *target) { // TODO(p): Unpremultiply, transform, repremultiply. Or require lcms2>=2.13. } void fiv_io_cmm_argb32_premultiply(FivIoCmm *self, FivIoImage *image, FivIoProfile *source, FivIoProfile *target) { fiv_io_cmm_xrgb32(self, image, source, target); fiv_io_premultiply_argb32(image); } #endif // ! HAVE_LCMS2 || LCMS_VERSION < 2130 // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - void fiv_io_cmm_page(FivIoCmm *self, FivIoImage *page, FivIoProfile *target, void (*frame_cb) (FivIoCmm *, FivIoImage *, FivIoProfile *, FivIoProfile *)) { FivIoProfile *source = NULL; if (page->icc) source = fiv_io_cmm_get_profile_from_bytes(self, page->icc); // TODO(p): All animations need to be composited in a linear colour space. for (FivIoImage *frame = page; frame != NULL; frame = frame->frame_next) frame_cb(self, frame, source, target); if (source) fiv_io_profile_free(source); } void fiv_io_cmm_any(FivIoCmm *self, FivIoImage *image, FivIoProfile *source, FivIoProfile *target) { // TODO(p): Ensure we do colour management early enough, so that // no avoidable increase of quantization error occurs beforehands, // and also for correct alpha compositing. switch (image->format) { break; case CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24: fiv_io_cmm_xrgb32(self, image, source, target); break; case CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32: fiv_io_cmm_argb32(self, image, source, target); break; default: g_debug("CM attempted on an unsupported surface format"); } } // TODO(p): Offer better integration, upgrade the bit depth if appropriate. FivIoImage * fiv_io_cmm_finish(FivIoCmm *self, FivIoImage *image, FivIoProfile *target) { if (!target) return image; for (FivIoImage *page = image; page != NULL; page = page->page_next) fiv_io_cmm_page(self, page, target, fiv_io_cmm_any); return image; }