path: root/msys2-configure.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'msys2-configure.sh')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/msys2-configure.sh b/msys2-configure.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7b7724e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msys2-configure.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# msys2-configure.sh: set up an MSYS2-based Meson build (x86-64 by default)
+# Dependencies: AWK, sed, coreutils, cURL, bsdtar (libarchive),
+# wine64, Meson, mingw-w64-binutils, mingw-w64-gcc, pkg-config
+# We support running directly from within MSYS2 on Windows,
+# albeit while still downloading a complete copy of runtime depencies.
+[ "$carch" = "i686" ] && carch=x86
+if [ -n "$MSYSTEM" ]
+ wine64() { "$@"; }
+ awk() { command awk -v RS='\r?\n' "$@"; }
+ pacman -S --needed libarchive $pkg-ca-certificates $pkg-gcc $pkg-icoutils \
+ $pkg-librsvg $pkg-meson $pkg-msitools $pkg-pkgconf
+status() {
+ echo "$(tput bold)-- $*$(tput sgr0)"
+dbsync() {
+ status Fetching repository DB
+ [ -f db.tsv ] || curl -# "$repo$prefix.db" | bsdtar -xOf- | awk '
+ function flush() { print f["%NAME%"] f["%FILENAME%"] f["%DEPENDS%"] }
+ NR > 1 && $0 == "%FILENAME%" { flush(); for (i in f) delete f[i] }
+ !/^[^%]/ { field = $0; next } { f[field] = f[field] $0 "\t" }
+ field == "%SHA256SUM%" { path = "*packages/" f["%FILENAME%"]
+ sub(/\t$/, "", path); print $0, path > "db.sums" } END { flush() }
+ ' > db.tsv
+fetch() {
+ status Resolving "$@"
+ mkdir -p packages
+ awk -F'\t' 'function get(name, i, a) {
+ if (visited[name]++ || !(name in filenames)) return
+ print filenames[name]; split(deps[name], a); for (i in a) get(a[i])
+ } BEGIN { while ((getline < "db.tsv") > 0) {
+ filenames[$1] = $2; deps[$1] = ""; for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++) {
+ gsub(/[<=>].*/, "", $i); deps[$1] = deps[$1] $i FS }
+ } for (i = 0; i < ARGC; i++) get(ARGV[i]) }' "$@" | tee db.want | \
+ while IFS= read -r name
+ do
+ status Fetching "$name"
+ [ -f "packages/$name" ] || curl -#o "packages/$name" "$repo/$name"
+ done
+ version=$(curl -# https://exiftool.org/ver.txt)
+ name=exiftool-$version.tar.gz remotename=Image-ExifTool-$version.tar.gz
+ status Fetching "$remotename"
+ [ -f "$name" ] || curl -#o "$name" "https://exiftool.org/$remotename"
+ ln -sf "$name" exiftool.tar.gz
+verify() {
+ status Verifying checksums
+ sha256sum --ignore-missing --quiet -c db.sums
+extract() {
+ status Extracting packages
+ for subdir in *
+ do [ -d "$subdir" -a "$subdir" != packages ] && rm -rf -- "$subdir"
+ done
+ while IFS= read -r name
+ do bsdtar -xf "packages/$name" --strip-components 1 \
+ --exclude '*/share/man' --exclude '*/share/doc'
+ done < db.want
+ # Don't require Perl, which may not exist anymore on i686:
+ # https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/pull/20085
+ if [ -d lib/perl5 ]
+ then
+ bsdtar -xf exiftool.tar.gz
+ mv Image-ExifTool-*/exiftool bin
+ mv Image-ExifTool-*/lib/* lib/perl5/site_perl
+ rm -rf Image-ExifTool-*
+ fi
+configure() {
+ # Don't let GLib programs inherit wrong paths from the environment.
+ export XDG_DATA_DIRS=$msys2_root/share
+ status Configuring packages
+ wine64 bin/update-mime-database.exe share/mime
+ wine64 bin/glib-compile-schemas.exe share/glib-2.0/schemas
+ wine64 bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders.exe \
+ > lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache
+setup() {
+ status Setting up Meson
+ wrap=true pclibdir=$msys2_root/share/pkgconfig:$msys2_root/lib/pkgconfig
+ [ -n "$MSYSTEM" ] && \
+ wrap=false pclibdir="$(pwd -W)/share/pkgconfig;$(pwd -W)/lib/pkgconfig"
+ cat >"$toolchain" <<-EOF
+ [binaries]
+ c = '$chost-gcc'
+ cpp = '$chost-g++'
+ ar = '$chost-gcc-ar'
+ ranlib = '$chost-gcc-ranlib'
+ strip = '$chost-strip'
+ windres = '$chost-windres'
+ pkgconfig = 'pkg-config'
+ [properties]
+ sys_root = '$builddir'
+ msys2_root = '$msys2_root'
+ pkg_config_libdir = '$pclibdir'
+ needs_exe_wrapper = $wrap
+ [host_machine]
+ system = 'windows'
+ cpu_family = '$carch'
+ cpu = '$carch'
+ endian = 'little'
+ meson setup --buildtype=debugoptimized --prefix=/ \
+ --bindir . --libdir . --cross-file="$toolchain" "$builddir" "$sourcedir"
+sourcedir=$(realpath "${2:-$(dirname "$0")}")
+builddir=$(realpath "${1:-builddir}")
+# This directory name matches the prefix in .pc files, so we don't need to
+# modify them (pkgconf has --prefix-variable, but Meson can't pass that option).
+mkdir -p "$msys2_root"
+cd "$msys2_root"
+fetch $pkg-gtk3 $pkg-lcms2 $pkg-libraw $pkg-libheif $pkg-libjxl $pkg-perl \
+ $pkg-perl-win32-api $pkg-libwinpthread-git # Because we don't do "provides"?