bbc-on-ice ========== 'bbc-on-ice' is a SHOUTcast (ICY protocol) bridge for BBC radio streams. It adds metadata to the stream so that media players can display it. Packages -------- Regular releases are sporadic. git master should be stable enough. You can get a package with the latest development version from Archlinux's AUR. Building and Running -------------------- Build dependencies: go $ git clone $ cd bbc-on-ice $ go build To run the local server: $ ./bbc-on-ice :8000 Streams have URLs in the following form: $ mpv http://localhost:8000/nonuk/sbr_low/bbc_radio_one $ mpv http://localhost:8000/uk/sbr_high/bbc_1xtra Socket activation ----------------- The provided bbc-on-ice.service and bbc-on-ice.socket should do, just change the `ExecStart` path as needed and place the files appropriately. Then: $ systemctl enable bbc-on-ice.socket $ systemctl start bbc-on-ice.socket Contributing and Support ------------------------ Use to report any bugs, request features, or submit pull requests. `git send-email` is tolerated. If you want to discuss the project, feel free to join me at ircs://, channel #dev. Bitcoin donations are accepted at: 12r5uEWEgcHC46xd64tt3hHt9EUvYYDHe9 License ------- This software is released under the terms of the 0BSD license, the text of which is included within the package along with the list of authors.